Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cover Love: German Covers - Hostage to Pleasure & Angels' Blood

First, a link - Berkley is giving away a massive 31 ARCs of different upcoming releases over at Dear Author, so make sure you enter!

And now some gorgeous covers!! The first is for Dorian's book, and th
e second is the first Guild Hunter book. Enjoy!!


orannia said...

Nalini - the cover designers/artists love you I'm guessing because those are both gorgeous! I particularly love the cover for Angels' Blood :)

Jane said...

I love the second one. The coloring is awesome.

Diane said...

I like the covers.

Tiona said...

Awesome! You have a kick @$$ art department, Nalini! Give a big thanks to them for me. And I love how different countries have such differing covers. Very cool!

Edna said...

Very veri nice! I like the background in both covers :D

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