Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Must Love Hellhounds & The Oddshots

First - MUST LOVE HELLHOUNDS is officially out!! Go forth and buy!! :-)

Now, onto to today's story:

Once upon a time, Nalini said she wasn't planning to join a group blog again. Then Meljean gave her an appletini, Ilona sidled up with a chocolate martini, Jill nudged over some chocolate mousse (to go with the martini), and Patrice whispered that there was more where that came from.

And the end result is: THE ODDSHOTS


Una said...

Woo Hoo!! Shall we celebrate with champagne? Ooo, and chocolate cake???

Diane said...

now that's great, when does it start?

Courtney said...

Ilona had me at "telekinetic sex." LOLOLOL Now that's gonna be running all though my head when I reread CbI for the fifth time this weekend. :)

e_booklover said...

I have my lovely copy of Must Love Hellhounds and have already bookmarked and RSS'd The Oddshots! Both should be a lot o fun to read.

Unknown said...

must love hellhounds arrived a hour ago! will start to read as soon as possible. stupid term papers!

Michelle said...

Hi Nalini,


Is 'Must love hellhounds' going to be an ebook, too? I would love to read it on my Sony.


pj schnyder said...

Picked it up last night as a little treat to cheer me up. I'm going to savor the stories through the day.

Love the cocktails. I love peach bellinis, myself.

Nalini Singh said...

Hope you all enjoy the anthology! :)

Michelle - Berkley usually releases the ebook at the same time as the print book. I know the Kindle version is out, so the other versions have probably just been slightly delayed.

Anonymous said...

I devoured all the stories and they all very cleverly included the hellhounds. After reading your story, I need to Read R&E's story again. I loved reading this background story.

Regards, Ruth

Nalini Singh said...

Ruth, that's so good to hear! :)

orannia said...

All the best for the release Nalini!

And The Oddshots sounds like it will be a riot :)

Only five times Courtney? *grin*

Twimom227 said...

Yea! My copy shipped from Amazon today!

Michelle said...

Thanks Nalini, I'll look for it! :-)


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