Tuesday, September 29, 2009

High-Tech Dispatch

This post comes to you courtesy of the wi-fi aboard the ferry currently traveling from Ireland to a port in Wales.

Ireland was gorgeous - I saw some amazing scenery, met some wonderful people, and had a
taste of Irish culture (including a visit up to Blarney Castle).

The photos from Ireland are still in the camera, but here's a shot from Scotland - the stunning Eileen Donan Castle.


Unknown said...

finally you are in my time zone and i can be the first one to write! i hope you have a lot of fun in wales. did you get sea-sick on the ferry? You should visit Bath, that is a really beautiful city!

Madhura said...

Thats a beautiful place Nalini. I wanna visit Ireland sometime too. Have fun!

emcnicho said...

I hope you had a real fun time in our green isle - did you have a pint on Arthur Guinness day??

Unknown said...

New reader of your blogs here Nalini, your Psy/Changeling books were recced to me by a friend a few months ago and I sped through them, I can't wait for the next one.

I had to drop a comment when I saw that you've managed to fit in a trip to my homeland of Wales. I hope you like it. I don't think we've got any rain forcast over the next few days... I look forward to reading where you visited and what you thought of it.

I hope the ferry ride was gentle, I've done that crossing many-a-time in less than calm waters.

Anonymous said...

Alas! (Now I`m lost in dreaming about Scotland again:-)...).

Thank you for the picture and lots of fun in GB!

Tiona said...

Wow, Nalini! That is awesome! I wanna go to Ireland now!

Una said...

Beautiful, what a wonderful trip! Hope you continue to enjoy a wonderful time on your trip!

Diane said...

beautiful picture, can't wait to see the others. Have fun!

orannia said...

Fingers crossed for a smooth trip Nalini! And obviously all the wet weather has been sent down here because last night we had heavy rain, thunder & lightning and HAIL! Yes, hail!

Have a wonderful time in Wales - I loved Wales. It's such a beautiful country and the people are just lovely!

ShellBell said...

I love this castle. Our tour guide took us to a point overlooking the castle when we were on our way to Skye, and then we called in on the way back to Edinburgh.

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