Friday, September 04, 2009

Friday Book Club!

It's book club time, all about sharing the books you've read and loved this week. So comment away!!


Arlia said...

I just finished Pleasure by Jacquelyn Frank. I think it was the best out of her shadowdweller series. So much happens and a large confilict gets resolved. I really liked it. :D
I also finished The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter. The climax was a little disappointing, but overall, it was a really good book. Since it's also part of a series, there were many things that still didn't get resolved.

orannia said...

I'm currently reading New Moon (Stephenie Meyer). I am enjoying this book far more than Twilight...mostly because there is a lot more Jacob time and next to no Edward time :) I know, I know, according to almost everyone that is the wrong way around, but I really like Jacob *grin*

After New Moon is Graceling (Kristen Cashore).

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Diane said...

I have just started Dark Slayer by Christine Feehan, but only read 7 pages so far so can't give a comment yet; I've enjoyed most of her books specifically Dark Curse last year and am hoping this is just as good.

Natascha said...

I just finished Night's Cold Kiss by Tracey O'Hara tonight (which was recommended by Nalini) and finished Sleepless in Scotland by Karen Hawkins yesterday.
Love reading a historical one night and a paranormal the next. I like to switch it up.

lisa scar said...

just finished reading darkest whisper by gena showalter... loved the book until the ending...seemed so unbelieveable, even for a book genre of fiction.

T said...

Must Love Hellhounds, no contest.
My two favorite stories in it were Angel's Judgement and Magic Mourns...Raphael...

Mariana said...

Hello ladies!

The Fire King by Marjorie M. Liu was finally released digitally. I really enjoyed the book, although there were some characters I couldn't remember too well... I may have to re-read the previous books in the series.

Re-read Crossing Borders by ZA Maxfield, I enjoy it more every time I read it.

Also re-read Mine to Possess.. LOVE Clay and Tally.

I'm currently reading Tabloid Star by TA Chase. Next is Dark Slayer by Christine Feehan and Must Love Hellhounds...

Eva / TXBookjunkie said...

I just read your contribution to Must Love Hellhounds (and then was compelled to re-read Angel's Blood). I recently finished Showalter's The Darkest Whisper, Castle's Obsidian Prey, and Palmer's Passion Untamed. I really like Castle's book, but it wasn't anything new. Showalter and Palmer's books were OK, but my lukewarm response might be due to the main male characters, which were not my favorites of the series.

I'm going to finish up Dodd's Storm of Shadow and Leigh's Heat Seeker this weekend. And if I have time, I'll start Feehan's Dark Slayer, which sounds better than her last few cookie cutter Dark books.

Happy Reading!

NiNi said...

I just finished the Sookie Stackhouse series latest book Dead and Gone...LOVE ERIC!!!!! he's my favorite in the HBO series and in the books!!! I really like this series I hope Sookie ends up with Eric....uurrgghh I hate this waiting!!!

Now I have no idea what I'm going to read....i need to get a library card this is getting i don't have anymore room in the book shelf :(

Cant wait to see all of your recommendations because i need a book and QUICK...I NEED MY FIX!!!LOL

Orannia---I'm a huge Twilight Fan and sorry but EDWARD ROCKS....TEAM EDWARD all the way :) LOL (my mom is Team Jacob)

Unknown said...

Must love hellhounds of course. Loved Angel´s Judgement but it was much to short! just finished the story by charlaine harris but it was not as good as a sookie story. I always wanted to ask: How does an anthology happen? Do you authors say "Hey lets make a book together" or your publisher? and who decides the theme?
although the theme is not really important because the hellhounds do play a really minor role in this two stories:-)

Nalini Singh said...

Sometimes, a group of authors will pitch an anthology idea to their editor, but in most cases, the editors come up with the theme and ask authors to contribute stories.

I find it really fun as a writer - it often makes me think outside the box - this time, the result was Lucy! :-)

Natasha said...

I picked up Hot in Here by Sophie Renwick. Liked it a lot! I can't wait for the next book by this author. I really want to know Trey's story!

Have you ever read a book where one of the secondary characters just steals the show? Trey is one of those characters. He demands attention in all of his scenes :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, Lucy was fun! Although I like my little westhighland terrier a lot more...he is not very terrifying!

Tiona said...

I'm currently reading Sherrilyn Kenyon's "Kiss of the Night" and it's good. Love the way she mixes vampires and Greek lore, hehe. It's great!

Chasing Inspriation said...

I've been on an Urban Fantasy/paranormal romance kick and over the last week I've read the first three Night Huntress novels by Jeaniene Frost and Skykeepers by Jessica Andersen.

All the books were very engaging but now I think I need a nice contemporary romance to clear my reading palate and ready me for some more hot reads over the weekend. *grin*

Jory Strong said...

@Natasha--I enjoyed Hot in Here as well.

Reading still taking a backseat to writing, though I did consume Hunting Ground (Patricia Briggs). Great read. Also enjoyed Waking Nightmare (Kylie Brant)

Three books just came from Amazon and I'm dying to get to them: Storm Witch (Violette Malan); Trick of Light (Rob Thurman) and Rosmary & Rue (Seanan McGuire).

Hilcia said...

Missed my post last week. :(

I've been reading the Rob Thurman Cal Leandros series -- finished Moonshine and Madhouse. I'm liking this UF series.

Read two Category Romances by Raeanne Thynne, Shelter from the Storm and Dancing in the Moonlight. Liked both and I'm looking at her new release.

M/M read Slave to Shadows by Gavin Atlas and Shy Hunger by Ginn Hale.

Currently reading Must Love Hellhounds -- loved Angel's Judgment! Still have two stories to go...

Pissenlit said...

This week, I'm recommending:
T.A. Pratt - Blood Engines
Josh Bazell - Beat the Reaper

Both really good books but I'd just like to mention that, though it may have been a thriller, Beat the Reaper was hilarious!

I'm also currently 1/3 of the way through Lisa McMann's Wake, which I'm really liking.

Shaymless Aymless said...

This week I'm finishing Storm Glass by Maria V Snyder and hope to start Sea Glass by the same.

Chelsea B. said...

I'm reading 'The madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie' by Jennifer Ashley and LOVING IT!! Great book!

I can't wait to get my hands on 'The Darkest Whisper' by Gena Showalter! I love that series!!

Bridget Locke said...

I just read Must Love Hellhounds! :) Loved it!

Also reading the Strange Brew Anthology.

Read Sharon Lathan's latest (doesn't come out until December...*shhhh)

Otherwise, not much. Sad. :(

Shannon said...

"Must Love Hellhounds"-Fantastic Anthology! Loved all the stories, especially "Angel's Judgement" with Sara and Deacon!

"The Man Within" by Lora Leigh was another book I finished this week, and all I can say is "Hot!" (Caution: Book is very Erotic!)

Christina said...

This week I read two great reads by 2 fantastic authors ;)

First was The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter. I was so ecstatic to be back with the Lords! And Sabin intriqued me from the beginning. It wasn't my favorite book of the series (Reyes is still my absolute fave so far), but it was so nice to be back in this world. And I kept waiting and waiting for Nix!

I also read "angel's Judgment" in Must Love Hellhounds (The only reason I bought the book was for Nalini's novella. I'll read the others in time...). It was fantastic Nalini! I loved Sara and Deacon in Angels Blood so I was so happy to hear they had a novella, and I wasn't disappointed! It makes me want to dive back into Angels Blood and I can't wait for the next installment.

Orannia-- my friend is a HUGE Jacob fan, and NM is her favorite of the series. Although, in all honesty, neither of us really care for SM's work. I haven't even read all of the books in the twilight arc, just couldn't stomach them.

Christina said...

@Lisa Scar -- what about the ending didn't you like in Darest Whisper?

@Mariana -- I'm always *so* happy to find other Clay/Tally fans! I can't wait to see them in Max and Dev's books *fingers crossed*

@Natasha -- Nix, in Kresley Cole's IAD series is a scene stealer. Have you read any of them?

Anonymous said...

Just finished Darkest Night by Gena Showalter and currently reading To Wed a Wicked Earl by Olivia Parker. On the TBR pile are Must Love Hellhounds, Darkest Kiss and Dark Slayer.

Happy reading everyone!


Mint said...

I finished Promises In Death by J.D.Robb. I liked it as always. I am starting Summer Of Two Wishes by Julia London.

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I've been happily reading lots of just-published books: Must Love Hellhounds, Pleasure by Jacquelyn Frank, The Fire King by Marjorie Liu, Christine Feehan's Dark Slayer (twice), Sharon Lee and Steve Miller's Fledgling, and started a YA book, Saundra Mitchell's Shadowed Summer. Looking forward to more reading over the holiday weekend!

Unknown said...

I just read A Mermaid's Kiss by Joey W. Hill. Truly excellent author! The story is well written, and has an interesting pairing (A mermaid + angel) It's actually the first in a trilogy and book two has come out with the third one coming out soon. Definitely worth checking out!

Incidentally, I also read both Pleasure by Jacquelyn Frank and The Darkest Whisper by Gena Showalter. I liked both books, but for Pleasure I would have preferred if there had been two books for the two different pairings instead of trying to put it all in one book. You definitely got the feeling "value for your money" but the end result was that the endings for both stories ended up feeling a bit abrupt and rushed.
The Darkest Whisper was a truly excellent book and set up the stage nicely for future books in the series with some intriguing hints. Am looking forward to reading more Lord of the Underworld books.

orannia said...

No worries NiNi. I know I'm in the minority (being Team Jacob), but that's just fine with me :)

Christina - the first book (Twilight) definitely dragged; I enjoyed the second far more, but that could have been because there was a lot more Jacob time. Plus, I'm just way more interested in the wolf pack than the vampires :)

Oh, and I'm a huge Clay & Tally fan. I love MTP!

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