Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cover Love!!

I love it!! Most especially I love that they're both on the cover since we know both Mercy and Riley from the rest of the series. Branded By Fire releases July 2009!!


Anonymous said...

WoW - love the colours! Really eye catching. It is my imagination or is your name getting bigger & bigger on the covers *wink*

Anonymous said...

Ooh, nice! I'm loving it.

Courtney said...

OMG, that's HOT! It's so perfect for Mercy and Riley. They look so into each other, so sexy and connected.

And I love how big your name is on it! It's cool how the more books you sell, the bigger your name gets on books. "New York Times Bestselling Author"--how cool is that? :D

Tracy said...

Oh I love it!!! Wow - the cover people are always so nice to you! :)

Jennifer K. said...

Very nice! I really like the cover. Can't wait to read what's inside. And the news about Dev's earlier release? Even better!

KT Grant said...

Nalini, this cover is a winner!! Love it :D

Anna said...

OMG, that is an amazing cover. I think it's one of the best in the series. Can't Wait. :D

Sayuri said...


Marnie said...

A truly amazing cover. EYE POPPING!!

limecello said...

wow- what a different cover! Love the swirls, and I want want want that book! eee.

Ana said...

I love that we get both hero and heroine this time! Can't wait to read it! Congrats Nalini!

meljean brook said...

Oh, they've changed up the look! I love that they are both there, too.

Anonymous said...

Very Sexy! But then we know it's a sexy kind of book :)

VampFanGirl said...

OMG Nalini! I love it! I think it's the best one yet.

Thanks for sharing it with us. Is it July yet???

Merry Christmas,

All’sReads said...

Love it! Now just have to make through 6 months more...

Anonymous said...

LOVE that cover!

Now how can we make publisher think it's July NOW?

Anonymous said...

I think I need to lie down :) WOW! That is such a pretty cover Nalini! Congrats!

Ohhhhh. I love that both Mercy & Riley are on the it July yet? Honestly, after seeing the cover I just really, really want to read BBF! I love how happy (and yet wistful :) these characters make me feel :)

Unknown said...

Love it!

dancechica said...

I think this cover may be my favorite of the series. Nice. Can't wait to read the book!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nalini! And may I say I love how huge your name is on the cover. Can't wait for July. :D

Anonymous said...

It's a stunning cover and, like others have stated, it's great that they're both on the covers. July is so far away!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Lovely cover Nalini - congrats.

Christine said...

Congratulations, Nalini!

Fantastic cover--it suits the couple AND the series really, really well! I can't wait to read it! :)

:Candice: said...

oh that is excellent :)

Bridget Locke said...

Whoot! :D

Pam P said...

Very nice, Nalini!! I agree, cool to see Mercy on the cover.

azteclady said...

Wow!!! *speechless*


Anonymous said...

This cover promises what it contains. - And that`s a true plus point. I love it Nalini!
(Although the StS cover is still my favorite. You know...the "cat eyes" of the model).


LesleyW said...

What a great time to pop back and see what's going on. :)

Love the cover.

Anonymous said...

I hate being the voice of dissent here but I was a bit disappointed. The cover is hot, no doubt about it, but I think Mercy and Riley look too young, almost like teenagers. I picture them older, considering that she´s a sentinel and he´s a lieutenant.

Anyway, that doesn´t bother me. I still want to read this book NOW! :)


Barbarita V said...

Great cover! Too bad that we have to wait until July.

Kristen - Seeing Night said...

Love love that cover, the colors really attracted me the most to it.

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

They do look young. Do changelings look younger than humans at the same ages? I thought Mercy was red-haired? And her arm looks stick thin, which rubs me up the wrong way since she's not anorexic and she's athletic so she should have more muscle. It's a lovely cover but I'm not seeing any hint of changeling skin??

Sorry to criticize... It probably will be just fine once I get it in my hot little hands!

Anonymous said...

I do love the colors and Nalini's name so prominent but i have to agree with Jenny in that it would have been nice to see something to show they are changeling and tough! But you know what, who cares, in my imagination they are perfect! CAN'T WAIT until the book comes out!! Rosemary

Anonymous said...

I LOVE it! July can't come soon enough!

ShellBell said...

love the cover!

AC said...

Holey kaneloni! Nalini, it rocks! So when are you going to chat again so we can try to pry more information out of you? ;)

Anonymous said...


I'm afraid the new cover style just doesn't 'do' it for me. Get rid of the chick and bring back the boys' buff bods of the previous covers! I admit it, I'm shallow that way.

Have no fear, cover preferences aside, I'll be buying a copy as soon as I can, but not the day it hits the shelves (bummer!). Since the release date is early July, and I return from this current tour of duty in Iraq a few weeks later, I can't order and have it shipped here (if the mail's delayed, I'll be gone before it gets here) but I'll be hitting the bookstore the minute I get on US soil!

Looking forward to it.


Tina said...


Such a sexy couple. Ohhh, but is it fire (Branded by Fire) I see around Riley and Mercy?

Retana said...


Can I just say 'hot'???

Rentana said...


Can I just say 'hot'???

Nessa said...

*stops what I am doing and nearly falls off chair*

HOOOTT! LOL, Tina, Willa! Wonder why's there smokin' fie around M & R...?

Sia Elle Randall said...

I can almost imagine the hot, soft, naked sex scenes in the book. Very, very hot added with tension of cat and 'damn' wolf. But they look like teens and Mercys hair looks fake due to fire and is ugly without her normal red which is preety.

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