Thursday, October 23, 2008


That's what I'm doing today. :) What about you?


Anonymous said...

Personally, I love it when you're writing :) Good luck!

I've been discovering a whole new romance sub-genre (BDSM) at DA and am looking forward to reading my first Joey W Hill book. I've also come to the conclusion that I need broadband....and an ebook reader :)

Tomorrow I have to wade through real estate agents who will be appraising my grandmother's house. Then I have to ensure that the cleaning, gardening and painting are all done in time....YIKES! I'm so glad it is a long weekend!

Oh, and I'm trying to work, although with all the family issues that hasn't been going very well :(

I hope everyone has a good day!

Monica Kaye said...

The same thing. Trying to finish my as of now 130,000 word monstrosity. (I smell major edits in my future. The red pen is itching.)

Mariana said...

Packing, I'll be moving soon and have to pack. I desperately need to downsize :(

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to enjoy reading now...I'm a librarian and have a program this afternoon to teach 15 teenage girls to make wire jewelry-fun but draining!

Anonymous said...

Writing eh? - like the sound of that! Writing what exactly? *grin*

FIFTEEN teenage girls *WoW* - good luck Tori!!

I am having some time off - and shall be doing my best impression of a sloth!

Heather said...

I am taking my son to the hospital for tests and grading papers and then chaperoning the high school carnival for Homecoming Week...

Anonymous said...

I was just sitting thinking, 'I wonder what the cover for Branded by Fire looks like?' I have tried to search, but I can't remember if it was already shown to us or not--- I'll be looking around the site though :)

Tonight is Supernatural, so that's what I'll be doing, although I have started to do a little cleaning and found a whole bunch of VHS movies. So I got side tracked from cleaning (always happens) and started to make a list of VHS movies that either need to be bought on DVD or to see if we already have it on DVD. This could take awhile... I don't like to clean so I'm thinking this could strech out till the weekend, or possibly next week LOL


Tracy said...

Trying to get over the stomach flu - but I AM at work which is a good thing - I think. :)

Cindy W said...

Heather how is your son? Did you start reading the Josie Litton books?

I went to the World Series last night, so I am dragging.... at work. I am not going to the game tonight, and can't wait to put on comfy clothes.

Jackie said...

I'm writing too, at least trying, but I made the mistake of allowing myself one chapter of Hostage to Pleasure. How do the rest of you stop yourself from reading them too fast?

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I had a short TV interview this afternoon for a local cable TV program, Chicago Works, about my exhibit, Artifacts of Childhood: 700 Years of Children's Books. It was fun.

Tonight I lead a gallery walk through the exhibit for a group of 23 people from the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. More fun!

It's all such a change from working quietly behind the scenes and never interacting with people!

Yvonne Lindsay said...

*sigh* I'm still tidying my office. Only two more stacks of paper to go (and this being day five) but it already looks beeyootiful. Will be just about ready to get all messed up again as I start the next book ;-)

Yvonne Lindsay said...

Oops, forgot most important enjoyable thing today. Had a facial.

Now I'm sorting stuff.

ShellBell said...

Trying to finish packing my Dad's house - boy was he a hoarder. Now I know where I get THAT gene from!

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