Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Release Day! & Website

Oct 7th is the official release day of THE MAGICAL CHRISTMAS CAT, so let's celebrate!

If you haven't checked out the excerpt for "Stroke of Enticement", follow the link above.

Both the anthology and Stroke of Enticement have been getting great reviews. Check out some of the review links below!

"I have loved every story in Nalini Singh’s PSY/CHANGELING series so far, but I do believe that Zach and Annie’s story is my new favorite! Everything about this tale totally worked for me."
~ Wild On Books

"And, can I say, OH MY about this hero. I wanted to lick him all over." ~ Gwen for TGTBU

"Honestly? It made me want a Leopard Changeling of my own." ~ Book Binge

"Zach is the kind of hero I love to read and dream about – devastatingly handsome, charming, intelligent, protective, and slightly mischievous...made me sigh and wonder where I could find a hero like him. ~ Shayna for Joyfully Reviewed

"Verdict: I love Nalini Singh’s love stories, and specially her male protagonists – the changelings that are so strong and yet so ready to die (and to kill) for their mates." ~ The Book Smugglers

"STROKE OF ENTICEMENT has sizzle, snap, and genuine joy." ~ Sarah W for Romance Junkies

"The Magical Christmas Cat is a fantastic holiday anthology...I absolutely adored getting to visit all these different worlds with all their different types of characters in one book." ~ ParaNormal Romance

Also the website has been updated with lots of great new info, especially on the Psy/Changeling Behind the Scenes page. The links for the BRANDED BY FIRE and ANGELS' BLOOD excerpts accidentally disappeared off the front page, but they'll be going back on. :)

Hope you're all having a great start to the week!


Christine said...

Happy Release Day, Nalini!!! =)

Anonymous said...

All the best for the release Nalini (and thank you for the website update). There are some VERY interesting Psy designations....I wonder what Sienna is :)

Heather said...

So I am going to have to hide out at the bookstore tomorrow so that I can read it, as I am not allowed to buy books between Labor Day and Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on release day!! YaY - more Nalini books!!

Good grief! Amazon U.K have Nov 7th listed as the release date - have winged off a correction to them but looks like there is little chance of getting my sticky paws on it yet. *bottom lip trembling*

Off to trawl the website for titbits!!

Barbarita V said...

I so love Zach's story. The guy is sexy and funny and a keeper. I haven't read the other stories of the anthology yet, but I love Stroke of Enticement" It was worth every penny.
I like to recomend it to anyone to run to the store and get this book, believe me you won't be dissapointed.
I re-read this story three times already and I got the book Sunday night. I guess that tells you something.

azteclady said...

Adding my joy and best wishes on release day, Nalini!

Anonymous said...

I can`t await to read it! (Sadly, that amazon seem`s to have a delivery problem. - But I hope, that I`ll get it to the weekend).

Your Thai cover`s of Slave to Sensation & Visions of Heat are nice Nalini.


Anonymous said...

Happy Release Day! I was wondering, wasn't there a contest on Book Binge about this book? Never did see the results of who won that. Was that ever announced? Anywhoooo, can't wait for more Changeling/Psy books and your new series!
Best Wishes,

Jennifer K. said...

Happy release day! I've got to wait on Amazon, so it'll probably be Thursday before I get it, but I'll be devouring it shortly thereafter. Yeah!

Jennifer K.

Anonymous said...

I have to wait until later today until I can actually read it, but I'm really looking forward to it. I'm sure it's going to be great!

Ana said...

Happy release date, Nalini! *flowers*

Courtney said...

Happy release day, Nalini! I read Zach's story already and it was so lovely. He's a delicious kitty and all I wanted to do was nuzzle him. Annie was a great mate for him and I think their coming together was just right.

I'm so used to reading novels, but it's nice, every once in a while, to have a story in a world I love that is just the lovestory of two people, not necessarily a big to-do that advances major story arcs and such. Kind of like snacking on a cooking between hearty meals. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for mine to come in the mail! I pre-ordered so hopefully it will be here in a day or so. I loved "beat to temptation" so I have high hopes for this novella, too (even if Zach wasn't my first choice, but I am sure I'll still love his story).

I love when you update your site. More goodies!

Kimberly said...

Happy release day Nalini :)

"SoE" was fantastic!!!!

Kat <--wants Zach Quinn

Anonymous said...

Kind of like snacking on a cooking between hearty meals.

Courtney, that is one of the best descriptions of a novella I have ever heard - I love it!

Nalini Singh said...

Lesleen, yep, the winner of the contest was posted and the book's gone out to her. :)

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks for all the great comments on "Stroke of Enticement"!! I adore Zach and Annie :) Hope those of you who haven't had a chance to read it yet enjoy it too!

CarolB1977 said...

Hi Nalini!

I ran out and bought the anthology last night and your story was the first one I read. It was terrific!

I loaned all your psy/changling books to my 60 y/o mom and she is loving them, too!

It was so wonderful to meet you at RAW.

:) Mermaid Carol

Tracy said...

I LOVED Stroke of Enticement, as I've told you before. It was just wonderful and I loved Zach and Annie. I just love your writing As I said on my blog you could publish your grocery list and I'd be enthralled! lol

Anonymous said...

I very much enjoyed "Stroke of Enticement" (And fortunately, I rather liked the other stories in the anthology as well, because I think it is such a waste of paper if there is only one good story in the bunch!). My only problem with the novella was: IT WAS TOO SHORT! Like always, I want more!!!

I am also wondering if we will meet the Psy who saved Annie´s life when she was a kid.


Nalini Singh said...

Mermaid Carol, hey!

Tracy - lol...maybe I'll try that ;)

Kristina, oh yes :)

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