Saturday, October 18, 2008

NYT!!,Transcript & Catchup

First, some news! The Magical Christmas Cat hit #21 on the New York Times Extended Bestseller List!! :)

Also, the transcript from yesterday's fabulous chat is now up.

So, what're you all up to this weekend? (I'm hoping to check out the Diwali Festival in my neck of the woods.)


little alys said...

Whoohooo! This is total chocolate brilliancy. Hehehe. ;)

Thank you for the wonderful fun Ms. Nalini!

Pam P said...

It was a great chat, thanks, Nalini!

bel_78 said...

Loved the chat, I was sorry to arrive so late!!! Reading the transcript left me eager to eat sthg sweet!!!

This weekend I´ll probably go to the gym, try to work on my thesis (agh!!), go out with friends, and watch at least some episodes of the second season of "Kyle xy". I´ll also want to get hold of Jace Everett´s song "Bad things", the opening theme of HBO´s "True Blood".

Have a lovely weekend, Nalini :=)

Zoe M said...

You got the chat transcript up fast! Now I can go back and find out if I missed anything. Today when I was supposed to be working, I was instead thinking of all the questions I forgot to ask last night. I have set myself a goal of re-reading as many of the books as I can this upcoming week to try and get my thoughts organized for your Q&A session. I know, total OCD!

Heather said...

Let's see...same as last week, grading papers, have choir practice in the morning tomorrow for our big veterans concert next month. Oh have a paper due. Other than that sleeping.

You have made my list of comfort reads when I am sick. Be proud as the only other author is Nora on my list.

Anonymous said...

I´m so sorry that I couldn`t take part! - But this week was a lot of stress at work. (I`m really "bad" (for my health) exhaust at this time).
- Thank goodnes I`ve one day off next week. (That`ll help a bit).


Anonymous said...

Many thanks for the transcript - really enjoyed reading it and kudos to Jia for organising things.

Chocolate seemed to feature as much as the books!! Lol!

Lots of interesting teasers as well . . . Great!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Nalini - and thank you so much for the chat transcript! I'm looking forward to picking up any snippets of information :)

I spent the weekend packing my grandmother's house with my brother. It is all but done now, so I just have to work out how to seel it!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and that you feel better soon Eva!

ShellBell said...

Glad the chat went well Nalini - hoping to read the transcript tonight (thanks to my saviour orannia!)

Anonymous said...

Oriannia - That`s nice of you. Thanks.

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