Friday, October 10, 2008

Mercury's War - Lora Leigh

I'm a huge fan of Lora Leigh's Breed books - I haven't managed to get my hands on the entire series yet, but I think Mercury's War might be my favorite Breed book to date.

I closed it with a sense of complete and utter satisfaction, and this gut-deep sense that Mercury and his heroine would make it, that they were absolutely meant to be together. Happy sigh :)

What've you been reading this week? Any books coming out soon that you're looking forward to?


Chasing Inspriation said...

I've only read the first mass market book in the series. I'm trying to be good and not buy more books. Um, cuz I have a freaking library in my house and the husband is freaking out, lol!

I've had a rough week. The fibromyalgia really caught me this week. The bad news - I had to take some vacation time in order to stay home from work. This means I can't take time off later in the month as I had hoped. The good news, I've read a few books. Notable reads have been:

Rises The Night by Colleen Gleason (book two in her Gardella Vampire Slayer series)

To Tempt a Scotsman by Victoria Dahl

Dangerous Cravings by Evangeline Anderson

Anonymous said...

I have heard good things about Lora Leigh's books, I actually just picked up Megan's mark.

Right now, though, I am rereading Julie Garwood's The Secret. It is my favorite historical (non paranormal) romance book. Something about it just makes me keep coming back countless times ^_^

Upcoming books... Untamed in the Casts' House of Night (I have yet to get it), Nora Robert's Pagan Stone, Kresely Cole's Kiss of a Demon King, and Robin D Owen's next Summoning Book (although I have no idea when that is coming out, so technically it isn't coming out soon ^_^)

Otherwise my life is ever increasing amount of school work and papers to grade.

Mariana said...

Hey! naomi, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I have arthritis so I have an idea what you're going through. It's so not fun :( I hope you're doing better.

Back on topic, I have all of Lora Leigh's books, they are fun. I was really wanting Mercury's story and I was very satisfied.

I'm almost done with Sea Fever by Virginia Kantra. I read these in the last week: Unexpected Interruptions by Trice Hickman; and some comfort books: Beat of Temptation (N.S.), Ransom by Julie Garwood and Pack Challenge by Shelly Laurenston.

Cindy W said...

Her books are on my tbr pile (Seals)! I am reading Dark Lover, JR Ward. I just finished Trial by Fire by Jo Davis, new author. 3.5 stars, promising.

Naomi, I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing better soon.

I just went out an bought Faefever, even though I was going to wait on the library. I don't need anymore books, but I think I have a problem. Is there such a thing as Book Lover Anons? I need to join. I did use a 30% off coupon!

Have a great weekend all,

Nalini Singh said...

((Naomi)) - I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. I hope you begin to feel better soon.

Christina & Mariana, I LOVE Julie Garwood's historicals, love, love, love!! In fact, I think I need to do a blog post on my endless love for her books (and the Scottish heroes in particular).

Cindy, we're all members. Come in in *G*

ShellBell said...

I LOVE Lora Leigh's Breed series. Mercury's War is definitely one of my favourites, along with Soul Deep, The Breed Next Door and Elizabeth's Wolf. I'm hanging out for The Magical Christmas Cat to be released as an eBook so I can have the novellas of my favourite authors - Nalini and Lora!

Jessica said...

I'm a huge fan of the Breed series too, but sadly have yet to be able to read Mercury's War. Its sitting on my coffee table waiting for me though.
Quick side note: I just lent the first two Psy/Changeling books to a woman I work with. I'm sure you have another fan in the making. :)

Jaded Bee said...

Right now I'm actually reading/devouring and loving Hostage to Pleasure. I'm getting a late start due to having to finish the fist two books of Karen Marie Moning's Fever series.

I'm waiting semi-patiently for Laurell K. Hamilton's new Merry Gentry to come out...less than 30 days now!

I also can't wait to get my hands on Kresley Cole's new title from her Immortal's after Dark series.

Gail Leinweber said...

I got my hands on CL Wilson's King of Sword and Sky. Now the wait for Queen of Song and Souls begins.
I also really liked Laura Lee Ghurke's Secret Desires of a Gentleman.
And my British Lit class is about to do Alice in Wonderland!

Tracy said...

I love the Breeds as well but have been trying to be good and not buy any books this week so I haven't purchased it yet. I think my resolve is going to hell in a handbasket though since I have to take my oldest to the bookstore tomorrow to get her a particular book for her book report. I can't be expected to not buy books when I'm IN the bookstore, now can I? lol

Casee said...

I loved Mercury's War, too. It was amazing.

Anonymous said...

I love, and have read, all the breed books and Mercury's War is outstanding.

I just read "Naughty or Nice" the sequal to Sherri Browning Erwin's "To Hell With Love." Its awesome.

Also, I loved Ann Aguirre's "Grimspace."

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you have been feeling poorly Naomi :( I hope both you and Mariana are feeling better soon!

I'm really loooking forward to reading Mercury's War, although my favourite in the Breed series has to be Elizabeth's Wolf.

I'm also looking forward to reading CL Wilson's King of Sword and Sky and Lee Child's latest book. However, I need to finish Michelle West's The Hidden City. I'm two-thirds of the way through.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Helen says....

I Loved Mercury's War!!!! I was totally thrown throughout the book, man it was awesome!!!

I am enjoying finally a cooling of the heat of summer! Yeah!! I love winter, all I need is a blanket of snow and some hot cocoa and I am ready and waiting for the holidays!!!

Have a good one everyone,

Helen G.

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