Friday, October 31, 2008

I Love Your Blog Award

Look, Bridget Locke gave me this cool I Love Your Blog award! :) I'm supposed to pass on the love, but that's a toughie - I have a seriously ridiculous number of blogs on my feed reader.

So after much umming and aaahing, here's what I have to say.

I love professional/writing blogs, but I have a special place in my heart for reader blogs - and in this category, I include writers and industry professionals who blog about books they enjoy. I love the energy that comes from reading a post written by someone who just loves books. It's thanks to reader blogs that I'm now addicted to Lisa Kleypas, and I've read or tried out countless other books after seeing a particularly passionate post on it by a reader.

So, to all of you who read and blog about books, I love your blog :)


Christine said...

Thanks, Nalini! I love your blog, too! It's definitely one of my favorite author blogs! :)

Tracy said...

Oh honey I love your blog too!!!

azteclady said...


Me likey!

And thanks ((((Nalini))))

little alys said...

You know, Ms. Nalini, if it wasn't for you and your blog (and wonderful glorious books), I wouldn't even be here. I wouldn't have me all the wonderful friends here and my life would have been much more lame than anything else.

Much love your blog~~~~

Shaymless Aymless said...

Love your blog too!

CarolB1977 said...

Hi Nalini! Your blog is my absolute favorite, the award was well deserved! I also want to wish you a Happy Halloween. I'm wearing my mermaid costume from RAW (with a tank top for modesty) to work tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

StS was my key to your blog. - This book was a unexpected gift for me:).
German authors`ve homepages; but no blogs. It`s a pity. - So your blog is a complete new perspective/possibility for me. I really love your blog Nalini. - Thank you for that!

Bridget Locke said...

And it's true! I do LOVE your blog. :)

Nalini Singh said...

You all are so sweet. Thank you. *SMILE*

Carol - that costume is seriously awesome!

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