Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bollywood Break

We haven't had any Bollywood on the blog for a while, so today, I give you Hrithik. This man can dance!

Here's the trailer for the movie itself (it's about the cat and mouse game between a master thief and the cop out to catch him.) It's a really great movie - action, romance & some very cool stunt-work.

Hope you're all having a good weekend!


little alys said...

I know this one! The actress is one of my favorite. :) Ah, hollywood may have great CGIs, but nothing beats Asian Cinema. *g*
Thanks for sharing :)

Barbarita V said...

I really enjoy Bollywood movies. I am going to give this one a shot.

azteclady said...

It looks really cool.

I'm a Bollywood novice, I confess, having watched only one so far, but I will keep my eye out for this one. Thanks, Nalini.

Unknown said...


he's pretty ;) Definitely want to see if I can find this one...

Is he in the first one?

Anonymous said...

This is going on my movies-to-see list for sure! I feel like such a newbie when it comes to Bollywood, but I do love Aishwarya Rai.

On a side note, I finally got Magical Christmas Cat, and I loved your novella, Nalini! I only wish it was about 10 pages longer, and I would have loved to have seen the mating ceremony (from MTP) from their POV, but it was still such an incredibly sweet story ^_^

Nalini Singh said...

Alice, isn't she great? I love her movies.

Barbara, it's really good. You might also try Dhoom, which is the first one. They both stand alone though, so you don't need to see 1 to enjoy 2.

Azteclady - let us know how your Bollywood journey goes! :)

Stacey - no, the first one features John Abraham. He's pretty cute, too, but I admit, I'm a Hrithik fan. *g* Both movies are great though.

Christina, I'm so glad you loved the novella!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, Bollywood :) I must get my A into G and join a video store so I can watch some of these (and get broadband at home so that I can watch Nalini's video clips!).

Ohhhh, I just checked my library account and The Magical Christmas Cat is waiting for me :) YAH!

limecello said...

I always love the huge Bollywood productions! And all the dancing/choreography - I'm always so jealous :P

Ana said...

I just bought the movie Nalini! woohoo!

Nalini Singh said...

Orannia - I think you'll enjoy them - they're just heaps of fun. I love the drama, the costumes!

Limecello - some of the dancing is really jaw-dropping, esp when they have a huge cast all moving to the same rhythm.

Ana - yay! You'll have to report back as to how you found it. If all else fails, you'll have Hrithik's gorgeousness to admire *g*

Simren said...

Yeah, I loved this movie...
Aishwarya can dance too!

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