Thursday, October 16, 2008

Angels' Blood Cover!!

I love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! That is amazingly gorgeous. You've been so lucky with your covers, all of them. Do you frame them and put them on the wall?

Nalini Singh said...

I plan to, Jan! (When I have my DREAM office!)

bel_78 said...

It rocks!!!! Congrats :=)


PS: BTW, I just saw the first episode of "True blood", an HBO series based on Charlene Harris´ books. It´s dark and over the top but pretty good (the director is the same from 6 feet under). Have you thought about having your books turned into a series???

Sayuri said...

It's just so damn gorgeous!

I love it.

Jackie said...

You have been lucky with your covers. What's the secret? Do you make suggestions?

Can't wait to read.

KT Grant said...

Finally!! WOOT :D

Heather said...

so when is the book coming out? it definitely looks good.

Mariana said...

OMG!!! I can't wait :) I just finished Stroke of Enticement. I love your writing.

Anonymous said...

Oohhh Shiny! I like.

Is the book still slated for a March 3rd release? Are you going to have ARCs up for a contest? Can't wait to read it.

Anna said...

Wow, what a great cover. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

I'm loving Zach from Stroke of Enticement, he's so cheeky. LOL!

Unknown said...

Ve-ry nice, Nalini!!! You must be bursting with pride!! And deservedly so. Yay :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! I can't wait to see it next March. :D

Unknown said...

Oh, wow!! Congratulations!!

Casee said...

Wow, that is amazing!

Now I have to ask, was there another cover floating around or am I imagining things?

Anonymous said...

That is a really good cover. I can't wait to read it in March!

Alyssa said...

Oh, nice! That's a fantastic cover.

Nalini Singh said...

I'm so glad you all love it too!! :)

Now the answers to the questions.

Bel - perhaps one day!!

Heather & Jackie - it's coming out March, and yes, I hope to have an ARC contest. Fingers crossed :)

Anna - isn't he? I love Zach.

Casee - there was an earlier version of this cover that we used on some booklets for RAW, but it was very close to this one.

Barbarita V said...


Christine said...

Congratulations, Nalini! It's a very beautiful cover! :)

Pam P said...

Very nice, Nalini, can't wait to read it.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Absolutely stunning Nalini!! Yay for the Cover Gods... :)

Joanne said...

You know me, not much of a para girl, but .... WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ana said...

Wow! I love it!!!!

Amanda Ashby said...

Hey Nalini you know you've made it when your name is as big as the title!!! But seriously that is one gorgeous cover - I just love the way the light is pouring all over her!!!

Christina Phillips said...

Oooh that is a seriously fabulous cover! Definitely frameable, lol!! (and I was just thinking that about your name but Amanda beat me to it!!!)

Leslie said...

It's gorgeous! It will definitely stand out on the shelves.

Mary M. said...

I love the cover!! And I read the excerpt, and I can't wait for the book. It sounds thrilling and really original :).

Yvonne Lindsay said...

Freaking AWESOME, Nalini!

But then, so are you :-)

Nalini Singh said...

Thank you everyone! I think Berkley just did such a fabulous job :) :)

Anonymous said...

orannia <-----dumbstruck

It is a gorgeous cover! You must be thrilled. I hope it's OK, but it is my new desktop :) Although I'll so completely take it down if it isn't OK!

Oh, and I'm part way through Stroke of Entitlement too and I'm with Anna...Zach is YUMMY! And it's a lovely story :) I just want to be able to finish it!

VampFanGirl said...

Ooooh I love it too! Congrats on a fantastic cover!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely *love* the cover!

And I agree with another post about your series being turned into movies/series. I think they would be perfect ^_^

Anonymous said...

if angels blood is like your other books i can't wait for angels blood to come out! the cover is so cool yeah!

Shaymless Aymless said...

The cover rocks!

ShellBell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ShellBell said...

I absolutely LOVE the cover - just makes me even more keen to get my hands on the book (thanks for the email orannia!)

Anonymous said...

The cover is nice!

- How about desktop backgrounds (wallpapers) of your covers Nalini?


limecello said...

Whoa - she's super pale and/but otherwise I LOVE it! The colors, font, background - wow :)

Tracy said...

Ok - I thought this wasn't the final one. Didn't you say that at RAW? Wait, I may have been drinking! lol

Nalini Singh said...

Tracy, there were some changes made in the background, plus *cough New York Times Bestselling Author cough* ;)

Tracy said...

Oh very cool so I get the best of both! I love that! lol

You tell em Nalini! :)

Laura said...

I am in awe!! This is too fabulous for words. I can't wait!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the cover. I just read the excerpt and I'm soooo mad at you. I've got to wait until next year to finish? That's just mean. :)

Anonymous said...

Tracy, there were some changes made in the background, plus *cough New York Times Bestselling Author cough* ;)


Sandra Hyatt said...

Such acool cover, Nalini. Love the halo effect around her, plus the font size of your name, plus the 'best selling author' bit. You must be so thrilled. Can't wait for it to come out.

Carol Burnside aka Annie Rayburn said...

I love it, every bit, but especially the NYT part. 8-)

Anonymous said...

I adore this cover!! Look closely and you'll see some surprises in the sky.
Nalini, I just posted a review of AB on our website. Please feel free to check it out:

Congrats! It's an awesome book!

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