Friday, April 04, 2008

Link Bonanza

Links, links, links! Some old, some new :)

Magic Burns is a national bestseller - swing by and congratulate Ilona Andrews! And on the topic of Magic Burns, the contest is over, but check out the LOL Cover Art.

Gena Showalter has a new website for her Lords of the Underword series

Jaci Burton just posted up the cover for The Darkest Touch. And if you missed it, Katiebabs posted up the covers for the next two C.L.Wilson books earlier. Meljean Brook has also posted up the cover for Demon Bound. All so pretty!

Michelle Styles talks about Harlequin's April Books & Contests over at TGTBU. And staying with Harlequin, my friend Bronwyn Jameson has a release this week - Tycoon's One-Night Revenge

Lora Leigh has posted up a hot new book trailer for Wicked Pleasure

Meredith Duran told a great First Sale Story over on Dear Author

I was interviewed twice last month, first at Chicklit Gurrl (focusing on Mine to Possess) and second by fellow writer Travis Heermann (focusing on writing).

If you think you know your countries, go see how many you can name in five minutes (link via Jill Myles)

Lorelie Brown is telling a story in installments over at Dionne Galace. The link will take you to part 1. (It's up to part 3.) Check out that gorgeous cover.

Diana Peterfreund is giving away a copy of Julie Leto's Phantom Pleasures. And she's also posted up the Russian cover of her own Secret Society Girl.

And to end with a smile - check out this list of words and descriptions on Linda's blog, and let her know if their usage is universal among women! :)


Anonymous said...

GULP! Well, I know what I'm doing this weekend (apart from taking my grandmother shopping for spring bulbs) - I'll be delving into the feast that is the Links Bonanza (and I can hear the music [from Bonanza] too :)

Thank you Nalini! Have a lovely weekend all!


PS Nalini - have you read Tangled Webs?

Anonymous said...

ok, so i'm a little behind the curve. i just got into your books thannks to amazon recommendation and CAN NOT put them down. just finished caressed by fire. i (LOVED)^3 it and finished it in just under a day. i am on to mine to possess this weekend.
you are totally one of my favorite authors.
ps. love your website. it's very engaging.

Anonymous said...

So? How many countries could you name, Nalini? (I got to 56, and there are over 200 left! *hanging head in shame*)

Linda said...

Thanks Nalini for recommending my blog about Words Women Use. I got one great comment from a gal in Germany who added a couple of good phrases.

Shaymless Aymless said...

I finally finished Tangled Webs. It was great, the only thing lacking way Greysfang.

Also got my copy of Dagger Star by Elizabeth Vaughan. It a bit different than the Warprize series, sense this one deals with magic and magic users. But it was a great read.

Off to trying to decrease the TBR pile and do more job hunting. I feel like I should stick a giant sign stating "engineer will work for food" or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Orannia - yep. It was great!

Anon - thank you! Hope you enjoy MtP! And thanks also for that comment on the website. It takes a bit of time, so it's always good hear it's working :)

Azteclady - I didn't do much better either LOL. I'm gonna give it another go!

Linda - no worries. It was a funny post :)

Amy - I haven't read Dagger Star yet, but I'm looking forward to getting it. Sending good thoughts your way re the job hunting!

Jennifer K. said...

Na-lini *whine with a Southern accent*,
Is it time for Dorian yet? I want him.

Jennifer *pining*

ShellBell said...

well I only managed 50 countries in the quiz - talk about my mind going completely blank!

Anonymous said...

me again. i finished MtP and it ROCKED! i stayed up to 3:30 am just to finish it. must get back to the real world and laundry (ugh!)

Anonymous said...

I have a link to a poll I created to see who everyone's favourite couple are!

Who is your Favourite Psy/Changeling Couple?

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