Monday, March 24, 2008

Long Weekend

How's the long weekend going for everyone? I've been working on Angels' Blood, but I did manage to watch a dvd - No Reservations. I thought it was a sweet, romantic movie. Anyone else seen it?

And another very important question - how many Easter eggs did you eat over the past few days?!


bel_78 said...

Very well, thanks :) Slept a lot, went out with friends, ate tons of white chocolate, and watched a few movies.

I saw the movie you mentioned, and I liked it quite a bit, I give it more or less 3.5 or 4 stars of 5. The ending is lovely :)

If you like movies that end well, give "August Rush" (not realistic but beautiful, 4/5) and "Across the universe" (weird but cool with outstanding score, 5/5) a try.

If you are in the mood for sthg serios but inspirational, try "The great debaters" (4/5). For a musical-slasher movie, try "Sweeney Todd", it�s bloody good (with emphasis on "bloody", 4/5).

This weekend I saw "Juno" (loved it, 4.5/5), "The other Boleyn girl" (4/5, not historically accurate but entertaining) and 10000 bc (entertaining but average, if that�s possible, 3/5).

I should have been writting a paper, but I�ll start tomorrow, I�m just nuts about cinema :)


PS: What is your favourite Tv series? Mine is "Bones" :)

Jackie (Literary Escapism) said...

The weekend went well; we spent it with family with our son. We only had about one easter egg, but there have been no ends to the chocolate that has been consumed. Easter is evil with all the chocolate. :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, Nalini, I so can't wait to read Angel's Blood! It sounds soooo good!!

As for Easter eggs - I've only had one this weekend...I'm still not feeling much like eating. I haven't really accomplished much at all, although I did help my friend re-arrange her library. I have taken the coming week as annual leave...all I want to do is sleep and read :)


PS I did get my hair cut on kind of looks like the cut of the woman on the front cover of Tangled Webs (although not nearly as good...that's the problem with having fine hair :)

PPS Bel, I can't think of a favourite TV series at the moment - sorry!

Gail Leinweber said...

I haven't seen No Reservations, but I have seen the movie it was adapted from Mostly Martha and that was a lovely movie. If anybody wants a fun fairytale and hasn't yet seen Enchanted it's worth it just for the seen with New York City's wildlife helping clean during the "Happy Working Song".

On the TV front my favorite is a toss up between The Closer & Burn Notice.

Kimberly said...

Hi Nalini :)

No Easter eggs for me.

I saw No Reservations, but when I did it was on a truly horrible day so the movie depressed me more than cheered me up.

If you're interested in movie recs, I highly recommend: Dan in Real Life (sweet and surprisingly funny with a toned-down Steve Carrell), Enchanted (a fairytale that references other fairytales, bubbly and charming without being sugary sweet, knows when to make fun of itself), The Jane Austen Book Club (fun for Austen fans), Atonement (heartbreaking and romantic, bring tissues), and Penelope (a delightful fractured fairytale of sorts).

Movies I'd really avoid: D-Wars (my friend and I were the only ones not smart enough to leave the theater), The Other Boleyn Girl (I love the incredibly innacurate show The Tudors, so historical inaccuracy is the least of its problems for me), August Rush (I still have not been forgiven for suggesting this movie), and Sleuth (a movie that thinks itself clever but in fact is painfully obvious - it could only be 2 men facing off against one another because no woman would ever be ridiculous enough to engage in such theatrics).

I've got Blackadder the Third coming my way. Hopefully I'll have time to watch all of that before I go back to school. I LOVE Hugh Laurie as the Prince Regent :)

I hope everyone has a good week!!!!


danetteb said...

I had a nice long weekend. My girls spent the weekend at my parents house, so me and the DH got some QT, went out to dinner,rented a couple movies and then spent Easter at my parents. THe girls had a blast,they spent the weekend at the beach and Easter egg hunting.

I ate some easter gum and tried cherry m&m's,Yum.

Hugs, Danette

LesleyW said...

Two Easter Eggs.

But can't eat them because I have the flu. :(

bel_78 said...

Hi, Kat :)

You suggested some movies I´ll look up. I also liked The Jane Austen Club, but I didn´t hate The Other Boleyn Girl, or August Rush :) I´ll avoid Atonement -my reason: I read the book, and didn´t like it, I don´t think the film can be much better-.


I still have to see Enchanted, but I heard it´s great :)


Another film I didn´t mention, and that your kids -or you, if uyou like fantasy books like me- are likely to love is "Stardust".

Anonymous said...

Ms. Nalini- I not too big on Catherine Zeta Jones, so I haven't watched it yet. As for Easter eggs, I had a lot of chocolate eggs, does that count? ^_^

Bel-"August Rush" had good music, but like you said, not too realistic. I'm not into the bloody stuff, but my friends enjoyed "Sweetney Todd." "Juno" sounds awesome and I really want to watch it. As much as I love Natalie Portman, "The Other Boleyn Girl" was just not that interesting for me. Historical inaccuracy, or general inaccuracy in stories really irritates me. Not sure if 10000BC is my kind of thing.
For TV series- I love "BONES" tv. Isn't it just wonderful? Another series I'm enjoying is "Life."
My friends loved "Stardust," and I heard the book was even better. I haven't watched it yet because the day I was supposed to, crap happened and I get pissed everytime I think about it. Irrational, aren't I.

Jackie-Haha, yes, Easter is rather bad in encouraging mass consumption of chocolates. Although Halloweens does similar. ^_^

Orannia-Library re-arrangement can be fun, but does get me sidetracked a lot. Hopefully that did not occur with you. ^_~ Nice haircut! Any highlights?

Gail- My friend bought Enchanted, sat me down, and made me watch it. I told them not too because I'll get to obsessed, but they didn't listen and now I have visions of animals dancing in the streets of NY. I want to see Burn Notice, but no cable!

Kat- Was "The Jane Austen Book Club" good? I read the book and only felt so-so. "Atonement" sounded way to depressing for me. I haven't had a chance to see "Penelope," but will soon. ^_^ And Hugh Laurie is an awesome actor.

Danette- They have cherry m&m's?

Lesleyw- I hope you feel better soon!

PS. Has anyone seen "The Piano"? I know it's a bit old, but I've been getting some recommendations on it.

bel_78 said...


The Piano is pretty good, and quite intense.

I don´t like bloody movies either, but S. Todd is very well made.

Regarding other tv recommnendation, have you watched at least one episode of "Dexter", about a serial killer that works for the police and preys on serial killers? Again, I don´t like blood and don´t watch horror movies, but this series is non-traditional, has a good plot, and ... well, it´s excellent, and different. All the same, "Bones" is still my favourite, Temperance makes me laugh, and he... well, what can I say? I also like "Angel" and "Buffy" :)

Kimberly said...

Bel - I love Natalie Portman but I just hated TOBG. August Rush I disliked, but didn't hate until later and mostly because it's been 4 months and the guy I went with STILL gives me s*** for picking it.

Stardust I loved. Excellent movie - if you liked The Princess Bride, you're gonna like Stardust.

Alice - I couldn't get into the book, but I adored the movie The Jane Austen Book Club. Overall it's excellent, but I could watch that movie for Hugh Dancy alone.

Atonement was truely sad but so, so beautiful that I loved it. Haven't read the book yet.

Shelley Munro said...

Hiya, Nalini. I restricted myself to one teny tiny egg but ate lots of chocolate Hot Cross Buns. :)
Gotta get my chocolate fix somewhere.

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks for the movie recs. Some of these sound amazing!

I ate way too much chocolate this weekend, just because it was there. How could I avoid it?! ;)

TV show - hmm, at the moment, I think it's "House".

Anonymous said...

We had searched easter eggs in the snow. (No, that`s a joke). - But here in Germany it`s currently so cold (-2 C).
... as a result.. I ate a lot of chocolate eggs, hm....

Anonymous said...

Bel- I haven't seen "Dexter" yet, but I've been curious. The storyline is very manga-ish. "Bones" is awesome. It is by far, my favorite. Tempy is great! I love how she reasons and explains things, driving Booth nuts. Cannot wait for the rest of the season to finish and on with the next season. ^_^
PS. The BBC series on Asian films was pretty good. A bit more introductory, but fun to watch. ^_~

Kat- Yeah, "The Jane Austen Book Club" novel didn't really suck me in. I'll keep an eye out for the movie though. ^_^ No "Atonement" for me, thank ya very much. It'll probably depress me for days. >_<

Ms. Nalini- I like "House" too, especially for Hugh Laurie. This season is great. I like "Thirteen."

Eva- Easter egg hunt in snow? Wow, you're very dedicated. Chocolate eggs are much better. ^_^

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