Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Cover - An Enchanted Season

Check it out! It's going to be matt and have pretty raised lettering. I think it's very elegant :) (Did I tell you guys I love Xmas anthologies? They just somehow seem to have an extra dollop of happiness. Don't you think?)


Yvonne Lindsay said...

Way, way cool (excuse the pun) cover, Nalini. Boy, you keep exalted company these days, don't you?

Nadia said...

That's a really pretty cover. Congrats!

Sara Hantz said...

Wow Nalini, how exciting. And what a cute cover!

Unknown said...

I love the cover!! I can't wait to read it :^)

Casee said...

Great cover!! Can't wait to read it. :)

Barbarita V said...

Nalini, You are so lucky with covers. Love this one!

nath said...

oh! is that the one with Tammy and Nate's story? Very nice cover!

Anonymous said...

Excellent. Congratulations.

Now. We need some new excerpts. Really. We do. Soon. Purty please? *Purty is Southern speak, by the way*

Nalini Singh said...

Thanks for the congrats! :)

Nath - yep, this is the one with Nate and Tamsyn's backstory.

psst - I'm working on the excerpts, promise!

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