Tuesday, April 03, 2007

OOTB Tour: Parallel Seduction - Deidre Knight

An Out of the Blogosphere tour book for you today from the wonderful Deidre Knight. This is the third book in her Parallel series. Details below!


Signet, April 3, 2007

The author of Parallel Attraction unleashes the next novel in a series about an alternate world, where treachery can destroy the strongest of allies, the most loyal of friendships, and the fiercest of passions...

Warrior Jake Tierny travels back in time to stop a traitor in his beloved king's camp. But when a twist of fate proves the mission unnecessary, Jake is trapped in a time not his own, with friends who cannot learn his true identity.

Scott Dillon may be the king's trusted lieutenant, but he is also a man at war with himself, a human hybrid who refuses to succumb to the Antousian nature he abhors-and that Jake Tierny embodies.

FBI linguist Hope Harper refuses to let near-blindness keep her from joining the Refarians in their war to defend mankind. Yet her sizzling attraction to both Scott and Jake, and the strange memories they share, force all three to question the core of their beliefs. As their enemies surround them, Hope knows she must choose one man for all time.



Deidre Knight is president of The Knight Agency, which she founded in 1996. Since that time, she has grown the agency to national prominence, landing authors on every major bestseller list. Deidre began her writing career at age nine, when her award-winning essay on Barbie was published in her hometown newspaper, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. She has been writing in one form or another ever since. After nearly a decade of working with Knight Agency clients, helping them discover their creative potential, her fiction debut with NAL in 2006 marks the fulfillment of her own lifelong writing dream. She is excited to embark on yet another new and fulfilling creative journey.


There’s never a dull moment in this terrific series! – Romantic Times (4 stars)

I was on the edge of my chair with each and every turn of the page with this one. I hate that it ended because now I want more of the story. Each book becomes more and more fascinating and raises more questions. It is my fervent hope that talented Deidre Knight has many more Parallel stories coming! – Kathy Boswell, The Best Reviews

Just when I thought this was the end, Ms. Knight threw a curve in the story resulting in the upcoming PARALLEL DESIRE (October 2007). This series is filled with heart-pounding action, plot twists, passion and great steamy romance. I was hooked from the first book in this series, and I can't wait until October. – Jory Reedy, Fresh Fiction

Website: http://www.deidreknight.com


LesleyW said...

I've heard good things about this series, but have never got round to reading it.

So many books, so little time.

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister.

That pesky little thing called work seriously interferes with my reading time. Total bummer cause my TBR pile keeps growing.

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