Monday, April 16, 2007

Cricket [Edited]

Going off in a slight tangent today - go New Zealand! We're into the semi-finals of the ICC World Cup! Yep, I like watching cricket, especially when the Black Caps are playing so well.

I remember moving to Japan and having these conversations with people where I would attempt to explain the appeal of cricket to no avail. But it was okay, because at the time, I didn't get baseball at all. Then I started watching the game - my city's team was heading to the finals that year and it was the only thing on tv I could understand. The next thing I know, I'm a basefall fan!

But now it's back to NZ and to cricket. I don't think I've ever seen a baseball game on free-to-air tv. It's interesting how different areas of the world focus on different games. So, do you guys like sport? Or would you rather watch grass grow? *grin*

[Edited to add: Party heads up - Tessa Radley is having a blog party to celebrate the release of her first book. I'll be appearing Wed, but the posts have already begun. Enjoy!]


LesleyW said...

Grass grow, I'm afraid. Well actually I'd rather read a book.

I like watching the Olympics, but stuff like cricket, rugby, football. I have been known to watch Wimbledon though, and get really involved. I think it's probably different if you're at the event (for me anyway).

kathy said...

I like watching sports. I went through phases of watching American football, baseball, basketball, and tennis. Right now, I like watching golf when Tiger is playing.

Kat said...

Rugby league is my preferred spectator sport. Watching cricket used to feel like watching grass grow until hubby explained the rules and tactics to me. Now I watch maybe the last half day of a test (or the last half hour of a one-day match) if the game is close.

Oh, and you know we're gonna win the World Cup, right? :-D

Marg said...

I am happy to watch most sports - soccer, Aussie rules, cricket. Don't understand the American sports though!!

As for the World Cup, I haven't actually managed to see any of it yet! But I think Kat is right! C'mon Aussies!

Anonymous said...

Lesley - I also agree it's the atmophere around you. Like right now, in my house - cricket fever LOL :)

Kathy - golf is one sport I just don't get in terms of spectating (is that word?). But I like those tense moments on the 18th hole when it's a playoff. Talk about building tension.

Kat / Marg - ah, Aussies with delusions, so cute *grin* Wouldn't it be awesome if NZ & Aus played each other in the finals though?!

ShellBell said...

Definitely a cricket fan here. I just hope the Black Caps avoid playing Australia in the semi's - gives us a better chance of getting through to the finals. Love Rugby League also, my mother and I have season tickets to the NZ Warriors - love it when they knock top-of-the-table teams from the top position!

Anonymous said...

ipods where invented for sporting seasons!
Seriously he puts the footie (soccer) on the telly and I up the ipod volume to drown out the shouts.

Sister's just (last w/e) emigrated to NZ though Go NZ! ;)

Anonymous said...

grass grows while I would rather read but do admit to read and watch the baseball games for the Colorado Rockies

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