Thursday, March 29, 2007

Windy Weather & A Lady of Rare Quality - Anne Ashley

We're experiencing stormy weather here today. It's gloomy and grey and basically, perfect for curling up with a good book. I find myself fighting the urge to do exactly that when what I really need to be doing is inputting editing changes into the computer.

But no, I must resist. Especially since I gave in to temptation last night and satisfied my craving for a regency-set historical. I have a weakness for regencies. Basically, I love them - as long as the heroines aren't the kind that make me insane (you know what I'm talking about).

I'm very pleased to say that A Lady of Rare Quality by Anne Ashley was a great read, just what I wanted. The heroine was smart and spoke her mind, leading to a very honest relationship between the two main characters. The hero was one of those distant males who melts only for the heroine...sigh.

Plus, these two behaved as two people of their class would have behaved at the time. For example, the first time Annis uses Deveral's first name, it means something. (Serendipity moment: Just last week, I changed a character's name to Dev in one of my stories). There is passion in this book but it's all below the surface, as it would have been in that time.

There is a slight mystery subplot, but the main story is the progression of Annis and Deveral's relationship and it's very well done. I really liked Deveral, too. He treats the heroine with respect and there's honor in him.

I picked up A Lady of Rare Quality quite randomly when it caught my eye at the library, because of the first line on the back cover blurb: They've never seen a lady make him smile... But now that I've read it, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for more of Anne Ashley's books the next time I need a Regency fix.

Any other regency fans out there? If not, what's your secret fix? (As an aside, I'm really liking these new Harlequin Historical covers. )


Bridget Locke said...

Some of the first regencies I read were when I first got into romance. I haven't read one in a long time, which is kind of stupid since a lot of the movies I love are based in that time period.

My secret love is a really good erotica. I'm not just talking hot love scenes, I mean really good stories too. I hate these stories where there's just sex with no real plot to define it.

Sure, sex is great, but not when it's just there as the entire story. :)

My other love is good paranormals. I just finished reading the latest Kim Harrison book. If you like awesome paranormals, I totally recommend her books dealing with the Hollows. Awesome! :)

I hope you've been able to snuggle up a little bit. It's been gorgeous here since around 3, but it'll be going dark by the time I get off work so I can't enjoy it too much. *sigh* Ta! :)

ShellBell said...

Hi Nalini

Just have to say that I absolutely loved Slave to Sensation and Visions of Heat.

I can't believe the dreadful weather we've had. I totally agree - would much prefer to be in bed with a good book, unfortunately the mortgage prevails. Having said that I do have tomorrow afternoon off and plan to take in a movie at the new cinema complex at Sylvia Park in Auckland - can't quite decide between Black Sheep, Hot Fuzz or Wild Hogs!

One of my favourite regency authors is Marion Chesney - just love her books and it is a shame that she no longer writes them!

Anonymous said...

I read way to many Barbara Cartland growing-up; she was a hidden pleasure of my mums but talk about heroines driving you insane! I tend to avoid historicals now unless we're talking Pride & Predjudice..swoon

I suppose my secret fix would have to be cosies. I've always loved cosies; Agatha Christie, Margery Allington, M.M Kaye, Patricia Wentworth, Mary Stewert. I've got plenty stored about the place.

LesleyW said...

I've never been interested in Regencies, it's just not an era that ever appealed to me.

And I don't think I have a secret fix? LOL - I think all my fixes are pretty much out in the open.

Tempest Knight said...

I'm reading Colleen Gleason's latest which is about a debutante turned vampire hunter in that era. Totally hilarious! Love it so far!

Anonymous said...

Kaitlin - totally agree. For a story to be truly hot, I need to connect with the characters and story.

Thanks, Shellbell! Hey, you'll have to know what Black Sheep is like if you see it. I heard it's very weird.

Clare - I like those mysteries, too. But I like to watch them on tv, like Poirot! Love it!

Lesleyw - I think to be in Regency times would drive me nuts, but I love reading about all the dances and the ladies and gentlemen lol

Tempest - I've heard good things about Colleen's books but haven't got to it yet. So many books, so little time!

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