Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I have a bit of cool news but I can't share it yet. Drats! I'm not very good at keeping my own secrets - anyone else's and I'm a lockbox, but my own - furgeddiaboutit, so this is testing my patience. I mean, I can't even keep surprise presents a surprise!

Talking about presents - if you've won something from me at any stage, it's on it's way. I posted out everything last week. For those of you who want to know what the "stuff" prize from NZ ended up being, here it is...oh wait, maybe I should let the winner find out for herself? You think I should tell? (Ask me in the comments and all will be revealed *g*)

How about you? How good are you at keeping secrets?


Cathy M said...

I am terrible at keeping secrets. I've got this whole twinkle in the eye thing that always gives me away.

Cathy M said...

Hey, forgot to ask what the stuff prize was anyway?

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...I can't wait to hear!

Tempest Knight said...

What?! Keep secrets from us? Tsk...tsk...tsk... *lol*

Nalini Singh said...

Cathy - I just can't keep a straight face lol

Kendra and Tempest - soon, soon!

As for the prize, it was:

*a box of miniature chocolate bars from NZ
*kiwifruit soap
*some lovely paua and abalone hand cream
*one of my books
*and a Xmas ornament with a kiwi (the bird not the fruit)

I think that was all. :)

Sasha White said...

I'm the same way!! I'm great with other peoples secrets, my own. Nu uh.

So....what's the news? *innocent*

Nalini Singh said...

Hey Sasha! I wanna tell! I wanna tell!

Cyn Bagley said...

Sorry I haven't been around much... I decided that I needed to actually finish my novels that I have had hanging around for years. Yahoo! I finished one in October and the second will be finished by the end of December. So with this push I just haven't had time to blog. :-)

Oh and it is only the first draft. There is much more work to do... but I have finally accomplished it.

Gina Black said...

I'm so good at keeping secrets I'm not telling...

Um...huh? I'm actually a bit ditsy today.

Nalini Singh said...

Congrats on finishing the book, Cynthia!

LOL Gina :)

Kate Allan said...

secrets are great for suspense though... have to come back in a few days now and see if you#ve spilled the beans!

Nalini Singh said...

Beans spilled, Kate :)

Sara Hantz said...

Yeah, I can do secrets!!! It might hurt... but I'm tough, lol

Sara Hantz said...

Yeah, I can do secrets!!! It might hurt... but I'm tough, lol

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