Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Party Post 9: Winners of Sasha's Giveaway

Wow, I loved the responses to my BAD GIRLS post. Thanks so much for inviting me to be part of the party, Nalini. And Thank You to all of you who responded. It's great to see the way readers look at things, and what they want/prefer.

, you are the winner of the Draw for a copy of THE COP, so please email me to collect your prize.

Well, in the christmas spirit, I picked another winner... LADYVAMPIRE2u also email me to collect a signed copy of THE COP!!

And for every one else, I hope you're having as much fun as I am here. Isn't Nalini great?!



Nalini Singh said...

I swear I didn't pay Sasha to say that *grin*

Jennifer Y. said...


LOL Nalini!

Sasha White said...

No payment needed!!

I had a blast, and I think you're a true sweetheart!

Pamk said...

congrats to the winners

Kris said...


Nalini Singh said...

Hope you enjoy it, Pam! :)

Joan said...


Estella said...


LadyVampire2u said...

Thank you Sasha!!! How cool to start the holidays with a signed copy of one of my all time favorite authors!
Congrats Jenna. And thanks to everyone for their support. I hope you all win some great prizes this Holiday Season!

Minna said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Jenna and Ladyvampire2u :)

Meljprincess said...

Congrats winners!

Anonymous said...


Carol M said...

Congrats Jenna and April!

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