Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Party Post 6: Winner of Annie's Giveaway

I've had such a wonderful time, being part of your blog party! Thank you so much for inviting me to participate.

There have been so many great posts from so many people, all with the Christmas theme, that it was impossible to choose one winner. In the end I decided to give two signed copies of 'A Mistress for the Taking'. One was chosen at random and the other because the post made me think so much of the joys of Christmas (as did many of the posts). The winners are:




If they'd like to email me at annie@annie-west.com with their postal addresses I'll ensure their books are sent this week (hopefully in time for Christmas).

And I'd like to say THANK YOU to the many contributors who passed on their congratulations on my first book, and who also got into the Christmas spirit so early. It was wonderful reading all the posts.



Minna said...

Congrats crystalg and robynl!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Crystal and Robin :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry that should be ROBYN {:)

Estella said...

Congrats Crystal and Robyn!

Meljprincess said...

Congrats winners!

robynl said...

Wow, thanks so much Annie and congrats to Crystal. Thanks everyone for the congrats.

Carol M said...

Congrats Robyn and Crystal!

Jennifer Y. said...


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