Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Party Post 11: Fiona Lowe

Always an avid reader, Fiona decided to combine her love of romance with her interest in all things medical, so writing medical romance was an obvious choice! She lives in a sea-side town in southern Australia with her own real-life hero and sees herself as the raiser of two potential heroes or at the very least, two domestic Gods.

Fiona's next release is HER MIRACLE BABY (Harlequin Mills and Boon Medical Romance Mid Dec 2006). You can visit Fiona and read an excerpt here.

I had an early Christmas Present this year…a fantastic horse ride in the Australian Alps! Last week the family and I spent a day on horseback riding through some of Australia’s most spectacular mountain scenery. And to fit in with the Christmas feel there was even some snow on the higher peaks after a crazy-out-of-season storm three days before.

Ever seen the Man From Snowy River when Jim and Jessica gallop across the top of a ridge surrounded by rippling, blue mountains? Well, I did that. Not actually gallop but I trotted :-) We had lu
nch at Craig’s Hut. The façade of this hut was built for the movie and was representative of the horsemen’s huts of the 1900s. A local four-wheel drive club have maintained it and made it into a real hut.

We rode through arches of snow gums, over tufts of emerald green grass..the only green grass in the state due to the drought.. and across rocky terrain above the tree line. And the sun shone from cloudless blue skies.

So why did I want to do a horse ride in the high country? Because this time last year I was researching for my December release, HER MIRACLE BABY. Set in the high country, Will and Meg take a horse ride in winter in the snow. By the time I had talked to the horsemen of the high country and written Will and Meg’s ride, I desperately wanted to go myself!

If you want to live vicariously and enjoy the flavour of the glorious Australian High Country with its towering mountain ash trees, its rugged winter snow-capped peaks and the Southern Cross constellation sparkling in clear starry night, skies then leave a comment to be in with a chance to win a copy of HER MIRACLE BABY.


Jennifer Y. said...

I love the Man From Snowy River....your book looks and sounds great!

Anna Campbell said...

Fiona, how lucky you were to get a chance to ride through that spectacular scenery. I did a driving holiday through there over 20 years ago (gosh, does that make me sound OLD or what?). And I remember how breathtakingly beautiful it was. On my list of things to do before I die is a holiday in the summer in the Aussie Alps so I can do the walks and see the flowers and smell that amazing air. Happy Christmas!

Ally Blake said...

Ooooh, Fiona that sounds just beautiful! I wonder if i could get my hubby along for the ride ;).

Actually I know a couple of friends who might. If you get the chance, email me the details!!!! (You are becoming my travel and fun guru ;))


Joan said...

I love anything to do with the outdoors. From horse back riding to 4 wheeling. I just don't like to work in veg. garden.

I love your story and web site. I have read the Man From Snowy River and like it better then the movie.

Estella said...

Sounds like a really beautiful place.

froggie said...

That little blurb about horseback riding just made me wish to take a trip to Australia. I'd love to be able to visit one day, but right now I'll settle for reading stories set in that wonderful country.

Fiona Lowe said...

Hi, Everyone,
It is so great to be here! Thanks Nalini for organising this.

Anna I was lucky to be able to do this trip and to share it with my family and friends.

Ally, I was really stunned that my DH agreed but when my sons said they wanted to go I think he thought he better come along or risk being left out :-)

Joan, I adore the poetry of Andrew Barton (Banjo) Patterson. Our second son is named after the poet!

Emmy, the book comes out in the US on December first. It is available from

Estella, the australian high country is truly one of my favourite places in all the world. For height we can't compete with the Canadian Rockies, the Swiss Alps or the Himalayas but there is something about the pearly white trunks of the snow gums that makes it uniquely special.

Anonymous said...

That horse ride sounds amazing! :)

Unknown said...

Your book sounds great! Books give you so many opportunites to find out about many different places.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a beautiful place to take a horseback ride :o)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like a great time. I was lucky enough to visit Australia this summer (well, it was winter in Australia), and I really enjoyed it. Beautiful, BIG place.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona. Your riding day in the high country even tempted me to get on a horse.
Love the Man From Snowy River.
Whatever happened to Tom Burlinson?

Fiona Lowe said...

Annie, As I was standing up in the saddle, leaning forward, gripping the horses mane as it valiently walked up a 35 degree gradient I was very thankful I wasn't walking!

But it is a beautiful place to hike and we passed four hiking huts. The wildflowers were just coming out too.

Joyce, I adore research. I am very close to finishing a book set in Vietnam. I LOVED researching that story in September this year.

Fiona :-)

Tessa Radley said...

Oh Fiona I'm green with envy! It sounds wonderful. If you have time I'd love details too.

How funny, less than a week ago I told both my sons that they need to learn to ride so we can go trekking. We went on a couple of hours ride last year near Brisbane but only walked because one of them was a little freaked out.

Ally, a couple of hours away from where I live there's a pub-crawl on horseback that my dh is keen to do. Maybe something like that might work for yours too?

Annie, I grew up reading the Silver Brumby books, loved them.

Maureen said...

I've never seen the Man From Snowy River but you have definitely peaked my interest. The trees in your picture are very interesting looking.

Minna said...

Seems like you had a great time!

Meljprincess said...

What a wonderful early Christmas present, Fiona! Oh, I love to ride horses. I used to ride when I lived in Texas and I had such a good time.
I'd love to lose myself in your book. It sounds fabulous.

CrystalGB said...

Hi Fiona. What a wonderful experience you had. The scenery sounds breathtaking.
I love the cover of your book. I would love to read it.

Carol M said...

That sounds like it was a wonderful trip! How lucky you are to have been able to do that!

Your book sounds great!

robynl said...

Beautiful scenery, great company what more could a gal ask for! What a wonderful experience.

I loved The Man From Snowy River.
I, personally, am afraid to be up high on a horse and I grew up on a farm, go figure.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to have this experience. It sounds and looks like paradise. Lucky you.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful setting!

Romance, Rumours and Rogues said...

I love doing first-hand research (especially for my books set in cakes/pastry shops in Acland Street!) and your ride sounds fantastic!
Even better when you can create a book out of it :)

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