Monday, November 27, 2006

Party Post 1: Let's Get This Party Started!

It's party time!! Before we start passing out the cocktails, I thought I'd lay out how the party will run.

First, it's going on all week.

Second, there are going to be at least two posts per day, though a couple of days have three. Each post will be by a different guest author and all of them have giveaways...which is why the theme is Xmas Come Early! Each giveaway will run for at least 24 hours, so even if you miss seeing a post go up, make sure to scroll down past the most recent post and enter. To make it easier for you to party-hop from post to post and keep track, I'm going to be numbering them.

I've got new and established category authors from Sweet to Medical, debut authors (yay!), erotica authors (ooh la la), historical authors and of course, paranormal. And that's not all! Some are friends and some are new to me. But one thing's for sure - they are all ready to party! :)

Okay, let's kick off this party in style. Would you like to win an advanced look at Visions of Heat? I'll print out, sign the manuscript and send it to you. Or if you haven't read Slave to Sensation, I'll send you a copy of StS instead.

All you have to do to enter is tell me which fictional character you'd bring to life if you had superhero powers?! (I'll pick a random winner sometime tomorrow). Hmm, I find myself torn between Mr. Darcy and the dragon Temeraire - how cool would it be to talk to a dragon?! Ok, your turn!


Maureen said...

My first pick would be Rhett Butler.

Unknown said...

Easy choice. Who would not want to meet and talk to J.D. Robb's Roarke?

Carol M said...

Joyce, you took the words right out of my mouth! lol I would so love to meet Roarke!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Roarke definately has to be bought to life. Gorgeous, mega-rich, dangerous, Irish accent, I could go on and on.

Or you could bring J.R Ward's Phury to life. A hot, tortured, celibate vampire. What more do you need?

Unknown said...

My pick is Wrath from Dark Lover.

Anonymous said...

Roarke is tempting, but I think I would go with Jamie from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander books!

Sasha White said...

WHoo Hoo< let's get the party started!!

Oh, and I want ASHm from the Dark hunter series. Uh hmm, yummy!

Estella said...

It would have to be Roarke!

Anna Campbell said...

Nalini, this is the sort of question that torments people! How could you? Like Annie, I'll be coming up with candidates all day. Mr Darcy definitely. Phury - oh, yes, please! I had a huge crush on Prince Andrei from War and Peace. Or Captain Wentworth from Persuasion. Mr Rochester? Yes, he had his problems but he was interesting. Rupert from Mr Impossible. Actually, yes, that's my choice - Rupert from Mr Impossible by Loretta Chase. Bring him on!

Anonymous said... many to choose from but I'll say Derek Craven from Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas.

Emma Petersen said...

LKH's Jean Claude. Can you imagine? Wow. :D

Emma Petersen said...

Love the Visions of Heat cover by the way! Hawt! :D

Anonymous said...

I would love to meet Atticus Finch. What an honour that would be.

Nalini Singh said...

Ooh, I thought of Roarke too but then I figured he might be a bit mad at being parted from Eve *g*

Anonymous said...

Mr. Darcy gets my vote for sure!

Anonymous said...

That's a really hard one. How can you pick just one? I have to agree with several of the others, though. I'd love to have a brother from J.R. Ward's series. It'd have to be one not matched up yet though, cause I hope he'd want ME! I'd say either Phury or John Matthew aka Tehrror. (sp?)

Cathy M said...

Hey, Roarke gets my vote,too. Would love to catch a glimpse of that man in action.

Liz said...

I'ld like to talk... with Leigh's August Brothers especially Cade or Mikhail from Dark Prince

Anonymous said...

Oh, Temeraire would be so cool.

I wanted to say Miles Vorkosigan, but I think his energy would kill me, so I'm going to pick his wife Ekaterin instead.

LadyVampire2u said...

So many great characters already mentioned but I think my pick would be LKH's Asher or Frost.

Anonymous said...

There have been lots of good characters mentioned, but I think I'll have to go with Rhett Butler. Who could turn down that wicked grin of his?

Nicole said...

So hard to choose! Funny how I can't think of any romance heroes. it's like reading them, I can see how well they'd do with their heroines, but not for me. But Temeraire would be awesome, love that series and he's such a wonderful dragon.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was also thinking of one of the brothers from J.Ward series. Rhage is all someone could ask for: a great warrior, a dragon and a vampire.
I also love Lucas from STS. I have a thing for Panthers I think that they are very smart, sexy and intriguing animals.

J said...

Without hesitation, Roarke from the Eve Dallas series!

Nalini Singh said...

Smooches Barbara! I have a thing for panthers, too (in case you couldn't tell lol):)

Wow, I think Roarke is trampling over the competition!

Ally Blake said...

I am right in the middle of a Roarke book right now, so I'm with you lot on that one. Though I fear I might simply pass out in the face of all that beauty!!!

I'll add Mayor Phineas Tucker from 'Welcome to Temptation' to the mix, if I may.

This is too much fun Nalini!!!


Jeanette J said...

I would love to bring Aragorn to life

froggie said...

I'd like to meet any one of the Coulter brothers from Catherine Anderson's series. Sexy men on paper, but would they be in real life?

Anonymous said...

Just thought of 3 more men I'd like to bring to life. The 3 special forces dudes in Fiona Brands books - Marrying McCabe, Cullens Bride and Heart of Midnight.
And I agree Ally - Phin for me too.

Romance, Rumours and Rogues said...

I'd like Jamie Fraser from Diana Gabaldon's 'Cross Stitch' series to step off the pages.

Not sure about the looks department but boy, does that hero have page presence!!

Tessa Radley said...

Ally, I'm with you on Phineas. Of Fiona Brand's guys Blade Lombard wins hands down!!And then there's the oh so enigmatic Jacob Catlin in Elizabeth Lowell's Tell Me No Lies.


wandergurl said...

have i missed the 24 hours? I hope not! I would like to speak with Dream of the Endless from the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman and anyone from the Black Dagger Brotherhood!

Anonymous said...

Nah Tessa, I like Cullen the best.
Although they are all gorgeous men.

Anonymous said...

Legolas comes immediately to mind!

Anonymous said...

Catherine Asaro's Sauscony. Now there's a woman!

CrystalGB said...

I would choose Wolverine from X-men.

Rashmi said...

Ash and Semi of the Dark-Hunter fame, Ranger and Morelli from the Plum series, and Brad Pitt as Achilles from the movie Troy.

Unknown said...

What fun! Mr. Knightley from Emma, if you please!!

Meljprincess said...

RULAGH, the exo-biologist and veterinary surgeon at the Interstellar Humane Society in the book THE HUNTRESS by Barbara Karmazin.

Minna said...

Roarke, of course.

Jennifer Y. said...

Colin Bridgerton from Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

Anne McAllister said...

Joe Morelli, I think. Captain Wentworth. Mr Darcy. Wolverine. Too many fictional men -- not enough time!
Great party, Nalini. And thanks to Annie for extending the invitation.

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