Friday, July 21, 2006

Random Thoughts About Facial Hair

So the Smart Bitches snarked these covers and it got me thinking - facial hair. Does it work in romance heroes? And if not, why? I don't think it works personally and a quick scan of recent releases which have herocentric covers shows that most authors agree with me. But why? We all know men who have beards etc. From the covers posted at SBTB, it appears that they did work in the past, but no longer do. Why? Thoughts?


I'm not going to Atlanta. Who else isn't going? Things tend to die in the blogsphere over the RWA conference, so in the efforts of keeping this blog going, I reckon we should throw a party. A big, giant party that'll make everyone else jealous. I've got a pink sombrero and a pina colada. What've you got?


If you're looking to develop your writing muscles, check out Scrambled Sage on Toast, which has just been launched and offers writing tips and exercises.


Okay, back to the all-important question of facial hair. Do you want it on your heroes or not?


not12complain said...

Nah... i prefer the clean shaven guys...even chest/body hair is not really my thing... pity... Pierce is such a hunk.

Nalini Singh said...

He's getting kind of old though *g* Just kidding. I still love Remington Steele.

Nalini Singh said...

Gee, are you sure Milady?

Nalini Singh said...

Hey, a vote for facial hair! Alison - is he on the cover?

Sara Hantz said...

I'm up for facial hair - as long as it's not too long. And hairy chest - as long as it doesn't creep over the shoulders and down the back.......

And a party works for me. I'll be about as far from Atlanta as you can get!

katie g. said...

I like some stubble. Not a beard, certainly no mustache or soul patch, but some rugged hair. The only problem that I see is that in real life it is not the most fun thing to kiss.

Cyn Bagley said...

I like hairy men. When I rub my hands down the chest, I feel a prickle go through my body. Yum ;-)

And, yes, my significant other has a beard. He calls himself the Anti-Claus.

Guys with no body hair remind me of adolescents. Give me a man everytime.

Sarah Palmero said...

I'm not a fan of facial hair. Or chest hair, really, though I can handle stubble and a dusting on the chest. But my heroes aren't hairy, usually. Even my shapeshifters only have fur when they're in animal form.

Nalini Singh said...

Hmm, stubble and chest hair is fine with me. But I don't think chest hair can be done well on a cover - it always looks odd.

Cyn Bagley said...

:-) Well, my preferences were always off the norm. LOL

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