Friday, July 07, 2006

The Friday Linkerator & Keeping In Touch

Has Lots of Intimate Relations

His masculine demands reduced her to give the whole of her being to him until the wee hours of the morning.
She surrendered again and again, withholding nothing from him.
They blazed together in love's fiery furnace until dawn.
If you haven't already read this post at PBW about eupemisms used in love scenes, check it out. I am in awe of her genius. I think I have blog jealousy.

Diana Peterfreund is running the funnest contest - the twist is that you won't know what the prizes will be. As Diana says, "It may be a free copy of my book. It may be a lollipop." My blog jealousy is increasing (psst, my own blog giveaway, while not as cool as Diana's, is still open).

And if you need a laugh, have a read of this story on Jill Shalvis's blog. Makes me grin every time I think over it.

Kendra has a new blog template and it's so pretty!

If you're feeling chatting, drop by the The Knight Agency chat featuring the authors of Mysteria (MaryJanice Davidson, Susan Grant, P.C. Cast, Gena Showalter). Personal plug - these chats are always fun. Unfortunately I won't be able to make this one because I'm heading off to a goodbye party.

Talking of parties, you should see how my diary is filling up over the next few weeks. It's quite a shock for the hermit in me. Kind of sad too, to know that these events might be the last time I see some of my friends in Japan. I'm hoping to stay in contact with people but from having moved around since childhood, I know life happens, addresses change, people put off travel and before you know it, you've lost contact. The internet makes things so much easier these days but still, it's hard to maintain friendships over distance.

Have you moved away from friends? What did you do to keep the bond alive?


Anonymous said...

ah...shucks! Thanks Nalini. I have pirates and jake ryan on there too ;)

Nalini Singh said...

That's such a positive way of looking at it Emma. Thank you for pointing that out to me. I do have so many friends I'm looking forward to getting to know again after such a long time away.

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