Wednesday, July 24, 2024

SPOILER ZONE: Primal Mirror


This is the dedicated *spoiler* thread for Primal Mirror and earlier books in the series. Spoilers abound, so be warned!!

Usual rules: be kind to your fellow commenters and have fun. This spoiler thread will remain active as long as the blog does, so you can join in at any time. :-)

We don't monitor the thread for questions, so if you have a question, you can email me (nalini.assistant AT gmail DOT com).

If you're at an earlier point in the series and would like to discuss that book, click on the Spoiler Zone tag and it should bring up all the previous spoiler threads.  



library addict said...

I squeed out loud when it was revealed Rina is now one of Remi's sentinels. I am sad she had to leave DarkRiver, but was so excited to see her. I am sure she is still in close contact with her friends in DR.

Also happy we have a name for Jojo's bother.

Faith & Tanique wrote their joint paper. Happy dance!

Glad for the quick (and rare) Lenik cameo. But are we ever going to find out who Silver's replacement is (as Kaleb's senior aide)? Inquiring minds need to know!

So many dates in the chapter epigraphs. Love the continuity in this series so much.

I guessed the baby would be a heart like Ivan rather than a spider like Shoshanna and would save the day (even if only temporarily) the first time Auden thought about the blue strands/web.

So glad that Kaleb and the Ruling Coalition made good on the idea to help the humans find a way to prevent psy manipulation. (I choose to believe there was a solution the research they handed over. Time will tell...)

I liked the contrast between the slow burn romance and mystery of Auden's past vs everyone else trying to save the PsyNet. Such a roller coaster of a book!

Loved the fact Kaleb has been hanging out in Sophia's area of the PsyNet and that the NetMind and DarkMind have remerged. Made me think of the part in Heart of Obsidian when Kaleb thought how for a while they had been Kaleb's only friends. A nice full circle moment.

With the honeycomb then the Anchors contracting the PsyNet and everything else so far being bandaids I am wonderfing what it will take to truly save the PsyNet. But I am happy they (apparently) won't need to split it into islands. Also will Ivan's island ever get to reintergrate?

Finn, Rina, and Tanique were already on my long Want-Stories-For list. Will have to add Mliss/Theo.

Robin U said...

Did anyone else tear up at the communications about the packs all trying to protect Psy children?
And Nikita saying she will take more people in San Francisco?

I am so glad that the Architect is finally completely dealt with but does anyone else think that poor Pax is being set up as a Big Bad?

AnneM said...

Flew through the book and was so glad to reconnect with characters we’ve come to love. Might even have read a bit instead of working as I just had to finish it. Just sad I’ll have to wait a year for the next one. I am thinking that with all the connections to packs and humans that were made in a bid to save some of the psy population, especially young ones, this will bring momentum to rebalancing the psy net and increase connections between the races. Pax needs to find his person as does Finn. Would also love to get a peak at Father Xavier’s new life and need to get an update on the story of Alexandro to see what the relationship, if any, is with the violinist who’s a low grade F psy (forgot her name). Maybe some stories don’t need to be full books. Would love to see novellas of some of the characters we’ve met and grown attached to.

library addict said...

@ Robin U

I wanted Pax to be a Big Bad in Allegiance of Honor because he came across as a Kaleb wannabe (and hey someone was responsible for the plan to abduct Naya.) But even then I figured it was a real long shot.

Now that we have had Theodora's POV I don't see it happening. Pax has had POV scenes in too many books at this point.

Of course Nalini could still surprise us, but I think he will eventually have his own book.

The Trinity books seemed to be about the Consortium at the start, but I think the real question the season 2 arc is asking is "How do they fix the PsyNet?" which we now know requires energy and cooperation from the Psy, Humans, and Changelings.

I do hope we eventually learn who the traitors are in the Human Alliance, BlackSea, the Forgotten, etc. Some were revealed in Ocean Light but not many. And what happened to the top-tier members of the Consortium when The Architect abandoned the endeavor to focus on being the Scarab Queen?

Then we still have Ming to deal with as well.

I see Pax playing a big part in whatever needs to happen with the scarabs as the PsyNet will remain at risk unless there's a way to deal with them. I don't see killing them all be the final answer since that's what the old Council did. It may not be for a few more books, but eventually we will get his story. That's my 2¢.

Ooh, I thought of a good theory. What if Pax ends up with a descendant of the Catherine and Arif Adelaja? Since we've already had the Honeycomb, Memory as e-Sigma, Ethan's seeing the scarabs in the Net, Canto and the anchors shrinking the Net, Ivan and now Liberty's actions, etc. Then Pax and this descendant figure out the last clue needed to heal the PsyNet or at least turn the corner even if the healing itself takes decades?

library addict said...

To be clear the Catherine and Arif Adelaja descendant part of my theory isn't new as I have had that thought for a while. But the romantic interest for Pax part is my new theory.

Patricia Schlorke said...

Pax walked away from Libby's (Liberty) blue tendril after seeing the Scarabs being tangled up in the blue webs. If his sister, Theo, says it's safe for Pax to be part of the new web, I wonder if he would accept it?

Jojo as Remi's "assistant" was so cute! I am glad the friendship between Jojo and Zaira continues on. Maybe Jojo will have purple overalls as an adult since she likes them so much. Who knows?

Kit and Rina! My jaw dropped when I read that Rina is now part of RainFire. Lucas knew he would probably lose her to another pack since she is meant to be a sentinel. At least she can give Remi and others advice of what a thriving, loving, and tight knit pack is like from her experience growing up in DarkRiver.

Interesting background about Henry and Shoshanna Scott in that Henry took the Scott last name because it held more prestige than Jackson. The bout between Shoshanna's mind and Auden's mind was a nail biter. What Shoshanna wanted to do with Libby was crazy. All in the name of power. I am glad Shoshanna is finally dead. I wonder if Ivan was told his aunt died? I also wonder if Ivan will meet his cousin Auden?

Like Theodora's story, this book shows what really went on behind the closed doors of the Psy Council's families. Now, I think it's Ming's turn. That will be something to read,

caraz said...

Finally a book with a Ps-Psy! I love the forum excerpts.

So many good little cameos in this book. Kit, obviously (I'm so happy to see Rina again!), and Lenik (who has grown in confidence!), Tanique, the Arrows!!

I really loved the further exploration of RainFire's friendship with the Arrows. The maternal who has probably introduced several Arrows to skin privileges, the 19-year-old former Arrow who wanted to go into private contracting and is dating a RainFire juvenile! Perfect little details. Because a lot of the RainFire pack were packless for so long because they had problems with their packs of origin, I think they "fit" as friends for the Arrows in a way that some of the stabler packs wouldn't.

And Remi and Auden! The immediate protective instincts from him, gotta love it. Even with the slow burn, the romance felt pretty cozy most of the way through. I was NOT expecting them to go straight to D/s jewellery the second they got to skin privileges but I'm not mad!

Re: Pax, I have been wondering if he's going to end up with Alice Eldridge.

Anonymous said...

I loved the cameos and was surprised that we didn’t encounter Ivan but if I remember, he is no longer in the PsyNet. I hope he and Auden get together to compare abilities.

Where were the anchors as everyone was trying to save the Psy children with the blood bonds to changing packs? Did we hear from Payal and I missed it?

I knew Shoshana was going to body switch when her links to the island were cut. What an evil, selfish thing to do.
I also wonder if we will be learning more details from Shoshana’s private journal. What was shared was very interesting.

Loved Zaira’s comment about the net mind being chatty. I wonder if Sophia has noticed the difference?

What are the loose ends that still need to be tied up?
Ming has been remarkably silent.
Pax seems to be leaving away from the mainstream of things.
Alice still needs to get her memory back and find her place in the world.
Who else am I missing?

I can’t wait to see what the next two books bring.

library addict said...


Payal was in the conversation in chapter 21 with Kaleb, Nikita, and Ivy.

In addition to what you mentioned and the stuff I posted earlier we still need official confirmation that Mikhail was a victim of Psy experimentation if only for Galina and their now grown children's sake.

Also the name of Attie and Dex's baby. (I'm sure we will hear more about Sophia & Max's baby in future books).

And more about Nikita's long-suspected empathic abilities. Oh and results of Sophia's research into the inciting incident that led to the seclusion of the Anchors.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Anonymous said...

I loved the whole Story and all the Charakters we got to see again.

Can't wait for the next book. Who do you think it will be about? I really hope it's Angel or Pax!
And maybe a Novella inbetween about Finn and one of the new teachers?

Anonymous said...

I thought the ending wrapped up very quicky but it was a lovely read.

I guess I thought so because I was expecting something from the architect's files.

Remember all those people kidnapped from Blacksea ? Even if it will take time to sort the files, I guess I was expecting a hint of this somewhere near the end.

Auden would not need to go through it alone. I guess she does not know it yet but hopefully once she finds out, others can go through the files and help out.

I mean it will mean closure for those people and BlackSea and many others.

And what about the other relevations of the architect and people involved ?

Mixed feeling about Rina in RainFire. Nalini does make it work out.

Thought Sascha may be mentioned for the shielding. I mean remember Ethan was amazed at how she helping build his shields and she could teach the arrows ?

I am not getting why the Psynet is still not okay. Like every book mentions what was missing - empaths, anchors, human energy etc. So for this book, did the Scarab queen corrupt the fundamental fabric so badly that it is fraying ?

So what else is remaining ?
Technically now the only thing they lack was human energy.

Looking forward to Finn and Angel's story.

Loved visiting netmind now and that it is one person.

Pax rejecting the thread, not sure what to make of it. Loved Kaleb's glimpses.

Waiting for Ming to be anhilated and yes not by Hawke.

library addict said...


Can't believe I forgot about all of the missing, particularly BlackSea. Even if the files don't reveal the actual locations (as Shoshanna may not have known or they may have been moved while she was off doing Scarab Queen stuff) they should at least reveal the names of the other members so the Arrows would have a place to start looking.

There are so many characters I want stories for. I have a Big List.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed the book.The psynet may be able to recover more as time passes and the psy recover from silence and connect more with humans and changelings. At least there seems to be more time for that to happen now that it is more stable. Hope Pax hasn't been killed off, but time will tell. Will be interesting to see what happens next.

Anonymous said...

@ library addict - They have been on my mind I guess. Because it is heartbreaking really. And knowing all the players will definitely help to get closure - one way or another.

Anonymous said...

I quite enjoyed this book. I'm glad the Shossanna arc has finally ended. Did we know before PM with 100% certainty who the Architect was?
I hope Pax will someday get his HEA and he won't be our next villain.
I loved the Ps forum. Especially User TNS. Tanique NightStar?
Only thing I could have done without are the "50 shades of grey" scenes. But since those scenes were easy to skip and I'm not someone to begrudge others their kink, it wasn't a huge problem either.

Anonymous said...

I wish more was written about the Ps-psy being primal mirrors of the empaths. Was it only a realization to Auden? The rest of the empaths have they realised the significance of the Ps-psy? Because it basically means they are a sub designation. I wish that could be explored more.

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