Tuesday, February 27, 2018

There Are Two Kinds Of People

We're going to be a little controversial today. To dog ear or not to dog ear? (The last person who dog-eared a favorite book of mine has been forever banned from borrowing anything. Ever.) Your turn! Crime or not? (Image via Loryn Brantz/Buzzfeed)


Becky said...

If it’s my book, I will dog-ear my little heart out 😃. If I borrowed the book, I will use a bookmark!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If it's my own book, I will dog-ear it if I want. If I borrow someone else's, bookmark it is. If someone ELSE borrows a book from me, they can't dog-ear it or I will throw a fit.

library addict said...

Definitely a crime.

Lesa said...

Crime!!! People should use a bookmaker or buy their own book. 😬

Anonymous said...

Since I read on my Nook more than in paper format, I can't dog ear my pages. When I read in paper format, I usually used a bookmark. Sometimes when I would come back to reading a book right away I would turn the book over (sometimes causing lines down the spine), and then get back to reading.

The dog ears, over time, will cause the paper to rip. So.....I would consider it a crime. :)

Patricia S

Anonymous said...

capital punishment. Banned from all libraries, especially mine!

Anonymous said...

Used to be, for my paperback books, yes if I couldn't find a bookmark. I was ALOT younger then. Now, no way. Bookmark with whatever I can find that works (piece of paper, tissue, envelope, cloth, Bobby pin, or even a bookmark, etc) or... Close the book and have to find where I left off!

Dreamseeker said...

Capital crime. I have some rare(er) volumes and signed books. It doesn't matter though, they all look gently used or mint mostly. Avoid the marking / bending /dog ears, etc.!

Anonymous said...

My dad used to fuss at me when I was young about dog-earring his books. And mine (that he bought for me).

When I started buying my own books, I started using bookmarks. I was his Little Monster who learned the value of keeping a pristine book to re-read over and over, and to cherish all my books.

Vickie ~ Mademoiselle*Rose said...

I have been reading on an ereader for 10 years now, so don't have to worry about that, but in the old days if it was my book, which they usually were, I used to buy secondhand books almost exclusively, I'd dog ear them. I never needed to borrow books, but if it was someone else's I'd not do it, though. I think it's funny that people have a fit over that, it's just part of the wear and tear of books, like old houses, it's character. It means it's been well-loved and read. I mean, gosh, when I bought secondhand, dog ears was the least of your worries, there were always weird marks on books that could have been anything!

ming-ki said...

Crime indeed!

Claire said...

I don't like ebooks but I read a lot of secondhand books ... quite a few are dog-eared.
I truly prefer to use bookmarks, generally postcards I received for Christmas / birthday or even invitation to Art galleries shows / private sales.
I never dog-ear a book... that would be a disrespectful act.

Mrs.Sachiko said...


I admit, sometimes I will leave a mini post-it note in a great section of a book, BUT NEVER A DOG EAR!

Anonymous said...

It is totally a crime!!!

Anonymous said...

Always used a book mark or something to use in the same way (a piece of paper, a bus ticket). Sometimes I would write with the pencil the pages I "preferred" in a section of the book but a dog ear? Never.

Anonymous said...

I use bookmarks, although like some others I have dog-eared my own occasionally when much younger. Usually when I wanted a more permanent mark to come back to later, not just to mark my place. Nowadays I use strips of post-it note type markers for recipes, whatever.

I sort donated books for a library book sale and occasionally we get something with a couple dozen dog-eared pages and I mutter/grumble not nice words and straighten the pages.

Eva said...


Megan said...

I work at a library and for me it depends on what people use for bookmarks, little bits of clean paper are best but dirty or large or disgusting items are worse than dog ears.

ST said...

I also won't open the book too wide as I don't want lines on the spine!!!

Thankfully I have switched to the kindle now. Less stress for me.

Erica said...

Definitely a crime!

I agree with Sarah. I hate cracking the spine of my books so needless to say I don't lend out books.

Unknown said...

Books are my friends so would never never hurt a book by bending g it's ear.

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