Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Magical Christmas Cat

Contest Now Closed

The random numbers have spoken and the winner of the copy of The Magical Christmas Cat is:


Congratulations! An email is on the way to you! 

Time for a contest! I have a trade paperback edition of The Magical Christmas Cat to give away. 

If you'd like to go into the draw to win it, just leave a comment on this post with your answer to any one of these questions: 

Which authors would you love to see in an anthology together - i.e. your ultimate lineup?

Cats or dogs?  

If you could have Hawke to yourself for ten minutes, and he agreed not to snarl at you, what would you ask him?

Make sure you leave some way for us to contact you, or check back on Friday to see if you've won. Since I'm leaving on tour soon, if you get back to me asap, I can sign the book before I go.   

Rules: Contest closes Thursday 26 May 2011, 5pm New Zealand time. Open internationally. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Winner will be chosen randomly using and his or her name(s) posted on this blog on Friday 27th May 2011. Void where prohibited.

Contest Now Closed


Ruby_Ness said...

If I could have Hawke for 10 minutes....just 10 minutes? Poo...Okay well...I'd ask what side of the bed he sleeps, what's his favorite color, what's his favorite movie, actor/actress, and if he's ever had...forget it. I'm not brave enough to ask that question. (blush) Ahhh Hawke...if Sienna wasn't yours...I would sooo be willing to be sexy beast, you.

Jessica A said... favorite author line up would be you, Nalini!, Sherrilyn Kenyon and Katie MacAlister. Can't wait for Kiss of Snow!

Misty said...

I would ask him to be adopted into the pack, then I would ask him for a kiss.........sigh........

lindsey hutchison @ United By Books said...

ill answer the author one since i cant choose between cat and dog. my line up in a book would be Lora Leigh, you (Nalini), Jacquelyn Frank, and Lara Adrian. that would be four awesome stories packed into one book. if we went for the mother load and a huge book i would also add Christine Feehan, Christine warren in there as well. oh hells now im making a dream book with some of my top authors

Anonymous said...

I think if you teamed up with Gerald Brom, and Terry Brooks it would be magical. Brom is a fabulous illustrator turned writer and Brooks is has a great mind for fantasy. Throw your marvelous worlds and characters into the mix and you have a winning combo! I like cats for their sassy attitude and dogs for their devotion to their master so I chose both! If I could ask Hawk a question I would ask him how it feels to be Purrrr-fect!

Cay said...

My dream line up would be you, J.R Ward, Ilona Andrews and Richelle Mead.

I'd love to spend 10 minutes with Hawke, but I honestly can't come up with something PG-13 to write here :P

My mail is cayaob(at) gmail (dot) com

Sarah said...

My dream line up would be you, Laurell K. Hamilton, Chloe Neil, and Lara Adrian.

And most definitely dogs!

rebecca j said...

American Pit Bull Terriors!!! I have two and I love them :)

Also, I would ask Hawke if he wanted any kids, and if so what he thinks the most important thing he could teach them would be!

rebecca j
rjs4444us (at)

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Ten minutes with Hawke? Man I don't know if I could make sense. Mm, wonder if he would mind taking pictures so I could attempt to sketch him. LOL.

Though I like both doggies and kitties so it would be a tie for me.

Keisha Talley said...

My perfect lineup of authors would be Nalini, Lara Adrain, Larissa Ione, Jacqueline Frank

Xiaonangua said...

Only 10 minutes? *sad face. Probably spend those ten minutes trying to find out what single men he knows and how to get access to the pack as a puny human. And what his and Sienna's favorite desserts are to suck up with :)

smoore432 said...

Perfect Line Up would be for me:

Nalini Singh
J.R. Ward
Lora Leigh
Shelly Laurenston

myrandaroyann said...

I would have to say that I'm more of a dog person, even though I also love cats. Right now I have a min pin and a miniature daschund.

Sabrina said...

My ultimate anthology would be Nalini Singh, Lora Leigh, Angela Knight and Christine Feehan.

Andrea said...

Line-up would be:
Lora Leigh
Nalini Sigh
Shelly Laurenston

I'm a cat person.

Question for Hawke: If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be and why?

Cybele said...

3 authors...Nalini, Sherrilyn Kenyon and JR Ward. Cats! As for mins is just not enough. I really it would take that long for me to just stop drooling!

kirstynrenee said...

My favorite anthology line up would be you, Kresley Cole, Gena Showalter, and Victoria Dahl!

Kirstyn Walters

kpokey2003 (at) gmail (dot) com

neia said...


And the ultimate anthology for me would be you, sherrilyn kenyon, christine feehan, and suzanne brockmann. yes, no cohesiveness there, but love you guys!!

Sharon Stogner said...

My anthology would be too long to write here . So I will go with DOGS! I am allergic to cats :(

I love the cover of this anthology.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see an anthology of you, Caris Raone, J.R. Ward, Christine Feehan.

I love both Dogs and Cats.

I wouldnt know what to ask Hawke. I think it would be cool just to talk to him and Lucas both. OOOHH wait i got it... Hawke would you be willing to have a sparing match with Lucas or hold an inter-pack sparring contest to boost morale and friendship?

WorderfulReno said...

Hmm, hmm. Lineup: You, Larissa Ione, Teresa Medeiros and Sabrina Jeffries; a half paranormal, half historical bonanza.

No questions for Hawke, I'm afraid all of my ten minutes would be spent gawking and trying to catch glimpses of all the other changelings.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see an anthology of you, Caris Raone, J.R. Ward, Christine Feehan.

I love both Dogs and Cats.

I wouldnt know what to ask Hawke. I think it would be cool just to talk to him and Lucas both. OOOHH wait i got it... Hawke would you be willing to have a sparing match with Lucas or hold an inter-pack sparring contest to boost morale and friendship?

Sorry double post forgot to put or

Christina said...

My line up for a book would be you (no question :) ), J.R.Ward, Gena Showalter, Lara Adrian and Lora Leigh. A combination of the hottest alpha males! Sigh...

Hawke...what can I say... 10 minutes would never be enough, of course! So, first: You are such an eye candy, you know that, right?! Then I would ask him what kind of woman does he like? ... Could I be the one, please? Would you show me your wolf and can I touch? Pretty please with a cherry on top? At least I would try to steal a kiss...Naaah, I probably would be hyperventilating at first sight. LOL
A girl can dream...
My mail is christinadudinski(at)web(dot)de

Michelle Santiago said...

favorite author line up in an anthology: julie james, nalini singh and jennifer ashley (the book would have a contemporary story, a PNR and a historical).

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Ultimate line-up for Antho's

JR Ward, Lora Leigh, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Yasmine Galenorn


:Candice: said...

I would loveto see Nalini Singh, Gena Showalter, Kresley Cole, and Alyssa Day in a novella... Throw in some Shelly Laurenston, Dana Marie Bell, for good measure, and I am set!

Oh, Dogs fo'sho. I love my Malamute, his name is Mercury ;)


Jen Dempsey said...

I'm definitely a dog person. =) I have an enormous german shepherd who scares the bejeezus out of most people, though *he* believes he is a lapdog.

Cats, on the other hand, generally make me nervous. When I was a kid, my younger sister found and attempted to pick up a newborn kitten, and its untamed mother leapt unto my sister's face, sinking her claws in. I watched as my sister ran around the yard, screaming, a cat dangling from her cheeks. Umm, that kinda scarred *me* for life. ;) (Of course, it was also a valuable lesson about a mother's protective instincts and how *never* to disturb newborn, wild kittens. I shake my head at the memory, even now.)


Nothing_wrong_with_being_short said...

My favorite author line up would have to be You, Nalini, Lora Leigh, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Angela Knight, Gena Showalter, Jennifer Ashley, and Christine Feehan.

Julieann Thomas said...

Hi Nalini,

I'm definitely a cat person, but I do like wolves :D

Taylor said...

I don't know which question to answer, so I guess I'll do them all... Kick ass authors- well, you, Nalani, probably Richelle Mead, Kelley Armstrong, and Gena Showalter. For the Dogs or Cats question, I'm really more of a dog person, and, while Lucas is undeniably delicious, Hawke wins the really hot alpha sweepstakes. The last question... If I had Hawke alone for ten minutes and I could ask him whatever I wanted, well, the first thing that I would try to ask him was why he seems to be so determined to be unhappy. It's like he fights any opportunity for happiness that comes his way. Yeah, it sounds like his childhood was riddled with horrible tragedies, but he could take what's offered to him, you know?

j3nny said...

Definitely dogs. Cats scare me.

As for an anthology...with the list of authors I have in mind, it might turn out to be one of those mammoth books :D

Lani said... fav line up would be - Nalini (of course), Suzanne Brockmann, JR Ward and Lara Adrian

Alaina Armbruster said...

Which authors would you love to see in an anthology together - i.e. your ultimate lineup?
Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh and Shelly Laurenston would be my DREAM lineup!!

PS, i also have to answer CATS!!

Regina Shiderly said...

Nalini Singh
Patricia Briggs
Ilona Andrews
Jacqueline Frank
Shelley Laurenston

(Its my perfect world, so I choose five, lol)

I am a cat person, but I also have an ADORABLE german shephard/akita mix who is an absolute joy to be around.

I would ask Hawke.... "What's your favorite girly thing about Sienna?"

Amber L. said...

If I had Hawke to myself for 10 minutes we wouldn't be talking and nothing against the Dark River boys (and girls), but I'm a dog person through and through.

Pam M. said...

A great line up for me would be you, Gena Showalter, Kresley Cole, and Yasmine Galenorn.
Email is kydirtgirl68 AT hotmail DOT com

Tyraa said...

That's a tough one, but my Line up would probably be: Nalini, Gena Showalter, Jeaniene Frost, and Larissa Ione.

queen_tui AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

For the author line up I would like to Nalini, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, sherilynn kenyon and lora leigh. As for cats and Dogs I would have go for Dogs.

Tina N. Littleton Colorado

Nicole said...

My magical line up:
Shelly Laurenston
Gena Showalter

Mrsnicole_jackson at yahoo dot com

Nifty said...

Dogs, of course! And Siberian Huskies in my handsome old man, Bandit:

(He has Hawke's eyes.)

deanna said...

My lineup would be:

Nalini Singh
Lara Adrian
Kressley Cole

Willow said...

Dogs!!!! Especially black labs.

Jill B said...

I would love to see Nalini! J.R. Ward, Kresley Cole and Karen Marie Moning in an anthology.

Can. Not. WAIT for Kiss of Snow!

Tania D said...

author line up would be
Nalini singh
keri arthur
jaye wells
lilith saintcrow
karen marie moning
richelle mead

definetely cats - have 4 of the little darlings

Book Chatter Cath said...

My author line up would be
Nalini Singh (of course)
Pamela Palmer
Maya Banks

10mins alone with Hawke would be the best, naughtiest, most decedent, drool-worthy 10mins of my life!!!!!
(and he might enjoy it to!!!)


Book Chatter Cath said...

Ohhh and Cats for sure:)


Anonymous said...

Helen G. says...

Thanks Nalini!!

Hope you have a great tour!! And.. I would love to enter your contest!! lets see... If I could have 10 minutes alone with Hawke...

I would ask him if he had a brother he could send my way and also how well he thinks that Sienna will be able to cope with the demands of his people, what his favorite ice cream is, If its boxers or other, many more ?'s and if we could extend the time for another 30 minutes... well never mind that.. I don't think Sienna would appreciate me taking more time...

HAHA!! Thanks again!!

Helen. G.

Erika said...

Perfect Anthology:
You (of course)
Christina Dodd
Nora Roberts
Roxanne St. Claire

ElenaA said...

Ohh the pefect colaboration would be You and Christine Feehan <3 or maybe just you doing a the ultimate book with all the changelings, Christine had one like that and it took my breath away so i was thinking why not beg uhhhh I mean ask Nalini to think about it ;)

And omg i think my comment will be deleted for too much "hotness content" if I had Hawke for 10 minutes *drools*

and ahhh I am both cats and dogs person. I love how feline and sure cats are of their self. I find that fascinating yet at the same time dogs are my true best friends...most of the time ;)

+ you may reach me by contacting me on my email which is berticka at yahoo dot ca

Rebecca said...

I must say you of course, Nalini Singh, Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter. You're my favortite author and I'm so excited for KoS. I'm also a cat person! My email is neptune1223(at)hotmail(dot)com

Steph said...

The authors I want to see in an anthology together are you, J.R. Ward, Illona Andrews and Elizabeth Vaughn

I would have answered the Hawke question, but knowing me I would probably just stand there speechless :P

Rachel498 said...

Hmm, my line up would be:
Nalini Singh
Larissa Ione
JR Ward

LOL, I feel like if I were in Hawke's presence I'd be a drooling, stuttering idiot. But if I were able to form a coherent sentence, I would ask him to shift, because I would love to see that! Oh, and also if he would be so kind as to point me in the direction of one of the unmated male Snowdancers.

LorettaLynn said...

i Love both cats and dogs..I got one cat,shes a big fluff ball..I just want to add i love your books the one's i have had the chance to read :)

Diane said...

I'm a cat person and would love to have 2 or 3 of them. They are great pets, love to cuddle and have such funny quirks!

Diane said...

I'm a cat person and would love to have 2 or 3 of them. They are great pets, love to cuddle and have such funny quirks!

Tamara said...

Kia ora Nalini,

If I could have Hawke alone for ten minutes I'd ask him about the future of the pack, where he sees the escalation of the Pys/ Changeling war heading. I'd also ask him how he would like his life and the life of the pack to be if there were no threat of war. I think the measure of a true leader is how the negotiate the 'peaceful' periods, not only during the adrenaline fuelled 'war' times. My email is tama_ra_x (at)

Anonymous said...

I would like to hear Hawke speak about 'Skin Privileges' - for a very enthralling 10 minutes. ;)

Edna said...

Oh gosh, the Hawke question is tough. I think I'd be at such a lost for words and just stare at (and probably drool over) him.

So the real answer for one of those questions. My dream line up would be you, Ilona Andrews, Stacia Kane, and Patricia Briggs. You guys are my favorite authors in the urban fantasy and paranormal romance genres. :)

Gina G said...

I would like to hear Hawke speak about 'Skin Privileges' - for a very enthralling 10 minutes. ;) (oops! forgot to leave my name before)

Beka said...

ten minutes with Hawke...that's easy. I would ask him to marry me!

Emma Claw said...

Nalini Singh
Kresley Cole
Gena Showalter


I'd ask Hawke, why he has to act like such a crab to Sienna, just because he's attracted to her.

emmad said...

Dogs definately.

Hmm list of authors
Jennifer Estep
Patricia Briggs
Nalini Singh
Faith Hunter
Moria Rogers
Rachel Vincent

Opps better stop somewhere lol. Now that would be a must by collection.

Miss Delirious said...

Anthology - Nalini, Charlaine Harris, Diana Rowland, Keri Arthur and Rachel Caine.

gem dot wood at gmail dot com

jenn said...

My anthology would have you, Ilona Andrews, Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Vincent, and Vicki Pettersson!

Thanks for running this giveaway.

Just_Me37 said...

The best author line-up would be:
Richelle Mead
J R Ward
Meljean Brook
Ann Aguirre
Kelley Armstrong
Deb Caletti
Meg Cabot

Lupe said...

The best line-up would be Lora Leigh, Shannon McKenna, Nalini Singh, and Shelly Laurenston. That would be absolutely perfect.


Savannah said...

im more of a cat person and id ask Hawke just some random questions (cause im weird like that)

my email is savannahsullivan40 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Lets see... my "purfect"anthology would have you, Miss Nalini, Kresley Cole, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Katie McAlister and maybe Lyndsay Sands thrown in for fun.
As for cats vs dogs; i'll have to go with those smarmy little cats, or mine will get mad at me.
And ten minutes alone with Hawke? Only ten? well since he's Sienna's I wont cause too much trouble and just ask for a nice big hug *grin* but if he wasn't....

lots of love (and impatience for KoS!!)

Anonymous said...

Cat or dog?

I actually love 'em both but I've got cats currently. They've got such personalities. Give 'em an inch, and they'll take the whole mile, but they're such great snugglers.

And my perfect line up?

Nalini Singh
Patricia Briggs
Patricia McKillop
C.E. Murphy

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danni T said...

Well its to easy to choose what animal between cat or dog...definitely a dog lover. And I can't choose to ask Hawke a question, considering I would be to busy staring and drooling to use actual words. So I guess I'll answer the question of my ultimate lineup of authors for an anthology. I would definitely pick you, considering I have loved your short stories. Then I would also have J.R Ward, I loved her short story "The Story of Son". Then the last two authors I would choose would be Gena Showalter and Jacquelyn Frank.

danni0113 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Which authors would you love to see in an anthology together - i.e. your ultimate lineup? Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost, Chloe Neill, & Kresley Cole

Erika said...

My author line up would be, Nalini Singh, Jeaniene Frost, Molly Harper, Thea Harrison, Gena Showalter and Christine Warren!

Nazia H. said...

If I could talk to Hawke for 10 minutes I would ask only two questions...
What happened in your childhood from the death of your mate, and the events leading to the seclusion of the Snowdancer pack for 10 years?
What is your work-out routine? Because goodness you look amazing!

Suse said...

If I could get Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Eileen Wilks Laurell K. Hamilton and perhaps Sherrilyn Kenyon in the same book as you, Nalini, I would be in heaven. It might even make me more exited than your KoS release.... no, I don't think thats possible =)

Love said...

Which authors would you love to see in an anthology together - i.e. your ultimate lineup?
Nalini Singh
S. Kenyon
Gena Showalter
JR Ward

Cats or dogs?

If you could have Hawke to yourself for ten minutes, and he agreed not to snarl at you, what would you ask him?
Kiss me and make me feel like I'm the most precious girl in this world...

Taylor said...

I don't know which question to answer, so I guess I'll do them all... Kick ass authors- well, you, Nalani, probably Richelle Mead, Kelley Armstrong, and Gena Showalter. For the Dogs or Cats question, I'm really more of a dog person, and, while Lucas is undeniably delicious, Hawke wins the really hot alpha sweepstakes. The last question... If I had Hawke alone for ten minutes and I could ask him whatever I wanted, well, the first thing that I would try to ask him was why he seems to be so determined to be unhappy. It's like he fights any opportunity for happiness that comes his way. Yeah, it sounds like his childhood was riddled with horrible tragedies, but he could take what's offered to him, you know?

This is the comment that I posted already up there, but I thought I'd add my email address... I did the comment again to recognize it.

Alicia L. said...

Cats are my all time favorite!! Although I do enjoy wolf shifters ;-)

I'd like to see Nalini, Ilona Andrews, Keri Arthur, and Patricia Briggs...I have a lot of favorites so I'm not opposed to anything really!

Alicia L

Shay said...

For the authors, it would be you of course :), 2ND Lora Leigh for sure. 3rd Jacquelyn Frank and Lara Adrian. How cool would that be.

Choose between cat and a dog, definitely a dog! For me anyways :)

The one thing I would ask Hawke is why it took sooooooooooooooo long to get Sienna, i understand things happened in his life that we dont know yet until we read Kiss of Snow(Which i am counting down the days and hours on that one) but still, dont fight it, no reason too, we know she wants him as much as he wants her. Just take her.

If i one, please email me at

Amy Hahn said...

My ultimate dream lineup: Nalini Singh (of course!!), Nora Roberts, Maya Banks and Julie James. All those romance heroes *sigh*

Leesa said...

Definitely dog!
As for the anthology: Nalini, Christine Feehan, Angela Knight, Nora Roberts.

My email is writing!

Irena B said...

I'd like JR Ward, Lora Leigh and Sherrilyn Kenyon with you. Love both dogs and cats. Hawke... well I'd probably just be speechless!

Sonia said...

Having Hawke for 10 minutes? I would prefer not to speak at all! LOL

I am definitely a cat person, so cats for me :-)

And if I could choose the authors, I would definitely go for my top favorites - you, Nalini (of course), Jeaniene Frost and Sherrilyn Kenyon..


elizabeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
elizabeth said...

If I'm making the ultimate anthology for me it would include the following:
Nalini Singh
Alexis Morgan
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Kresley Cole
JR Ward
Adrian Phoenix
Christina Dodd
Lynsay Sands
Kerrelyn Sparks
Shayla Black

I also LOVE cats. Have four now, but had six a few years back.

And as for Hawke, I don't think I would ask a question as so much listen to what he had to say about his past if he wanted to "let it all out."

Amyra said...

My ultimate lineup? You of course, JR Ward, Kresley Cole, Gena Showalter and Karen Moning. Then I can die happy, lol.

Amy said...

My ultimate anthology lineup would be these authors:

Nalini Singh, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Ilona Andrews, Larissa Ione, and J.R. Ward

@sweety_whit3 said...

I will choose dog than cat, and if its up to me than i choose you, Gena Showalter, Pamela Clair, and Sherrilyn Kenyon.
If i can have hawke for 10 minutes, i want a long and hard kiss.....

sweety.white at ymail dot com

pk said...

My ultimate anthology would have you, of course, Lora Leigh, Ilona
Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Lauren Dane, Maya Banks.
I like both cats and dogs--can't choose here.
I would ask Hawk if he could change anything in his life or his pack,what would it be and why?

lacrima said...

cats, without doubt.
And my dream line up would either be Tad Williams, Brandon Sanderson, Michelle Sagara or Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Meljean Brook, Chloe Neill.

Sahara J said...

Ummm, my dream author line up would be You (Nalini), J.R.Ward, Susan Krinard, Lynsay Sands, Lora Leigh and Gena Showalter it would be an awesome combo XD in a 2 part book series, cause it would be a pretty huge book lol but to the point i totally luv yours and their book series they are unreal =]

Angepants said...

My favorite authors together would be Nalini Singh (of course!) Meljean Brook, Gena Showalter and J R Ward.

Aurian said...

A great anthology for me would be stories by Christine Feehan, Laurel K. Hamilton, Patricia Briggs, Nalini Singh, Lara Adrian and Alyssa Day. To name only a few of my favourite paranormal authors.

auriansbooks at gmail dot com.

Jules said...

Some fav. authors are:

You, of course, Nalini Sigh
Lora Leigh (breeds)
Shelly Laurenston
Alyssa Day
Jayne Ann Krentz
Larissa Ione

Dog or cat - it doesn't matter, as long as the story is delicious!

And as for Hawke... I'd ask... "Ooo , how can I get me one like you? Show me the way..."

julesstuff at

Blue Amalthea said...

My ultimate lineup would be you Nalini, Jacquelyn Frank, Kresley Cole, Cassandra Clare and Gena Showalter.

I love cats and dogs, but I prefer cats.

And if I could have Hawke to myself for 10 minutes I guess I would not waste the time with talking *blush*

Cherie said...

Hhhhmmm I would choose for my anthology of course Nalini, Jeaniene Frost, Ilona Andrews, Chloe Neil and Patricia Briggs yay that would be wicked

PATRICIA said...

My favorites Nalini Singh , Jeanine Frost, JRWard, Charmaine Harries !
Cats :-)
I would ask him to accept me into the pack !!!

Anonymous said...

I would like an anthology with you, Ilona Andrews, Meljean Brook and Patricia Briggs. That would make my day! Oh, and dogs all the way.

Kelly Mucalo said...

My favourite anthology line up would be you, Erin McCarthy, MaryJanice Davidson and Katie McAlister - lots of lovin' mixed in with plenty of laughs as well :)

nat2am said...

list of authors:
Jeaniene Frost
Charlaine Harris
L.A. Banks
P.N. Elrod
Toni L.P. Kelner
just to name a few

Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

Off the top of my head I'd say my perfect anthology would have:

You :D
Richelle Mead
Patricia Briggs
Larissa Ione
& Charlaine Harris

that would be the most awesome thing ever!

Anonymous said...

10 minutes with Hawke... well i can't say what i would ask him, proberly if i could be adopted into the pack and if he said no (sad face) i would ask him the quickest way to Kit's place :)


Ang from Oz said...

Perfect Line Up...

(U) Nalini
PC Cast
Gena Showalter
Robin D Owens
Yasmine Galenorn

Cat or Dog? CAT!

What would I say to Hawke? You really promised he wouldn't snarl?? Yeah sure!! LOL!

Thanks 4 the contest Nalini! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hm, I´m actually more into cats because I really love the fact that cats don´t take any orders and don´t submit to anyone, but I also do have to say that ever since I started reading the Psy/Changeling series I have a whole new picture of "dogs" =D.....well, and my dream anthology would include Nalini,Lara Adrian, and Nalini (one for the Psy/Changeling and one for the Guild Hunter series =D)and since there would only be three storie they´d just have to be a little longer than usual =D!

Well and to the question for Hawke.....although I really don´t think that he´d be able to not snarl for so long^^, it would probably be whether he´s ever going to admit that he doesn´t hate/dislike Lucas as much as he tends to say....but I guess the answer to that is already rather then I´d probably ask why it took him so long to openly acknowledge his feelings for Sienna because then we wouldn´t have had to wait for his story for so damn long =D

Anyway, I can´t wait much longer....
Hope you all have a great day and good luck to you Nalini for your don´t happen to come to Germany, do you? =D


Erika said...

If I could have 10min of Hawke without him snarling, I'd ask him to let me pet him!

Sabina said...

Authors? You, Ilona Andrews, Jeaniene Frost.... Jennifer Estep... Oh god I can continue for a LONG, LONG time!!!

Nana said...

Cats! Because I have 5 of em'. :D
But I love doggies too, especially, huskies because they sometimes resemble wolves.


WEll, I would ask him;
"Can I join the pack?"
"How long do changeling live?"
"What do you look for in a woman?"
"Can I see your transformation into a wolf?"


Lysander D said...

Cats or dogs...I would have to go with Hawke and the dogs.

Anonymous said...

I know it's been said but 10 minutes with Hawke is not long enough really.. I could spend that whole time just staring at him.. would he be wearing clothes?? lol

I have a cat but I like dogs too.

My perfect line up would be you (Nalini) Patricia Briggs and Christine Feehan.

tammyhart (at) live (dot) com

Elenariel said...

• Which authors would you love to see in an anthology together - i.e. your ultimate lineup?
You, of course!
With Ilona Andrews (it would be nice to read a crossover between the packs!),
Karen Marie Moning
JR Ward
and, even if she writes a different genre, I'd love Anne Bishop in too!

•Cats or dogs?
I was thinking just yesterday how a contradictory person I am 'cause I'm an air sign but I love water and I adore every feline species but i have a soft spot for wolfes too!
Total black and silver wolfes in particular...!

•I'm rather shy so if I could have Hawke to myself for ten minutes, I think I would blush a lot but in the end I'd manage asking him to shift and go to his favorite place. There, I'd like to ask him to spend the rest of our life together, but since I know he loves someone else, I'll keep that question for me while quietly admiring the landscape and petting him. Then, when it's time to say goodbye, I'll make him promise to work to be happy with Sin, and if he meets a wolf or a cat in which he sees himself, then he has to send him my way!

Have a nice tour, Nalini, and thank you very much for creating so many fascinating characters!

Anonymous said...

I would say cats =D

my mail is isabel.froese(at)

T said...

I'd ask for a kiss.

Angela said...

Well 3 really difficult questions, but it has to be

Ultimate lineup for a book...
Nalini Singh (any of your series),
JR Ward (Black Dagger Brotherhood),
Jacqueline Frank (Nightwalkers),
Christine Feehan (Leopard People)

Love all your books, can't wait for your new ones, just wish they were coming sooner.

Regina said...

I`d love to see a book by you, Nalini, J.R.Ward, Larissa Ione and Lara Adrian.

I`m a dog kind of person, although I also love cats.

FD said...

Cats, definitely. What I would ask Hawke is far too complex a question to parse for a Wednesday lunch-break, as is the question of ultimate authorial line up!
Just for PNR only, I guess: you, Andrews, Meljean Brook, Kelley Armstrong, Rachel Caine, Sharon Shinn, Doranna Durgin, Patricia Briggs, Tanya Huff, Tammy Pierce... Jeannie Frost, Melissa Marr, Kim Harrison, Lilith Saintcrow, Sarah Rees Brennan, Suzanne McLeod, Emma Bull, Charles deLint, Holly Black, Seanan McGuire... you see my problem? I could keep going half the day.

kayla r said...

dogs all the way :).

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. my dream author line up would have to be...
1. You, Nalini
2. Thea Harrison
3. Julie James
4. JR Ward


My mail is

Anonymous said... dream author line up would have to be..
1. You, Nalini
2. Thea Harrison
3. Julie James
4. JR Ward


vossjs said...

Well, I can't answer the author question because there are so many it would be difficult for me to pick 3 or 4 for one book.

I love both dogs and cats but have cats because they are easier to take care of.

If I had 10 minutes with Hawke, my questions for him would be, "If you have a moment to take for yourself, just be yourself, what would you do for fun/recreation? Also, if someone had to romance you, what would your idea be of a perfect date?"

My contact info:

Anonymous said...

Hi, here the perfect author line up :)

You, of course
Ilona Andrews
Jeaniene Frost
Kelly Armstrong

Mmmhhh... Hawke alone for ten minutes? Not so much talking, I think ... ;)

(No need to enter me in the contest - I have and love the book. Just wanted to answer the line up question - good question!)

Lessie said...

I would love a book with Jacquelyn Frank, Lara Adrian, Kresley Cole and of course, you! I love the world you have created... it's wild, passionate, somewhat mysterious and full of amazing characters and story lines... it just makes my imagination soar.....!!!



Liesbeth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liesbeth said...

If you could have Hawke to yourself for ten minutes, and he agreed not to snarl at you, what would you ask him?

Well, the first 5 to 8 minutes I would probably be freaking out, before finally gasping out an inane question such as: "How was the flight?" since, you know, the first thought I had when reading the name was Hawke = hawk and it would probably come back to bite me in the ass at exactly the wrong moment.


Gabrielle said...

Hmmm. Anthology? Well I'd love an anthology including you, JR Ward, Lara Adrian, Larissa Ione, Laura Wright, and Laurell K. Hamilton and I'd want the anthology to have fiction in it, but I'd really want it to focus on the craft of writing in the genre and getting published!

And I'm totally a cat person. Too busy for a dog.

GWOMAN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GWOMAN said...

Oh boy! for an anthology i would love:Nalini Singh, J.R. Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Larissa Ione, Gena Showalter, Laura Wright, Kresley Cole, Lora Leigh, G.A. Aiken, Jeaniene Frost and Alexandra Ivy! now THIS would be a GREAT book! lol
johnglo23 AT verizon DOT net

Dana said...

My nest line-up:
Nalini Singh
Meljean Brook
Ilona Andrews
Patricia Briggs

Have fun in NY!

rani said...

my favorite author line up would be
Nalini Singh, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan

WildAboutBones said...

I loved this anthology!!! Would love to have my own copy. Dream anthology would have: Nalini Singh, J.R. Ward, Lora Leigh, Emma Holly, Laurell K Hamilton, Keri Arthur, Jeaniene Frost, Chloe Neill, Katie MacAlister and Kerrelyn Sparks. OK it would have to be like one of those "Mammoth Books of..." But still, who could resist this line up?
Cats or Dogs? Wolves and panthers. Ok, Dogs.
If I had 10 min with Hawke, I'd ask him what seriously turns him on and then would ask him to demonstrate it,:).

Ginny Miles said...

Anthology: You, Kresley Cole & Gena Showalter

Cats! I like dogs too, but cats win in my book. Most men love dogs, but there is something special about one who loves a cat!

Hawke alone for 10 min... if I could stop drooling long enough to speak it would probably be an inappropriate request that would have Sienna coming after me...

Wrayth Lethe said...

Ha! cats will always win for me, but i can appreciate some dogs or canine family (e.g. german shepards, huskies, wolves, foxes...) But seriously, cats are way more awesome! :)

Hmmmm a line up would have to include yourself Nalini Singh, naturally, Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Jeaniene Frost and Lisa Shearin! :)

As to 10mins with Hawke? well I'd have to copy someone else in their suggestion of taking photos of him for drawing. (Life drawing would be way more fun if our model was like Hawke!) Also I would like to see him shift into a wolf, and then pet him (as a wolf ;) of course) until the ten minutes were up!


K said...

I would love to see You, Sherrilyn Kenyon and JR Ward in one book

K. Edwards said...

I would love to see You, Sherrilyn Kenyon and J.R. Ward together in one book.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My ultimate author line-up would be:
Nalini Singh
Ilona Andrews
Jeaniene Frost
Meljean Brook
J. R. Ward

My five faves!
Thanks so much for all that you do!
Becky Springstead

Wendy R. McMillan said...

Rainne McMillan said:

O.K. so I either misunderstood or am an overachiever (ha). I chose to answer all the questions:
Line-up: Nalini Singh, Gena Showalter, Kresley Cole, Larissa Ione, and J.R. Ward.
A BIG, long anthology!!!

I am MOST DEFINATELY a DOG person. Japanese Akita Males to be very specific. I had cats as pets growing up and love them....just not the litter box. Favorite Breed of cat is Bermese medium hair.

Hawke, well I suppose first off I would ask why in the world he would agree not to snap facing an unknown person (human) and no ideas into what inquires would be made of him. Next I just want to hang out with his wolf and it's be even better if I could just brush and pet him.

Melissa w. said...

Nalini Singh
Lynsay Sands
Meljean brook

Glory said...

Which authors would you love to see in an anthology together - i.e. your ultimate lineup?

Uhmm...You with sherrilyn kenyon, ilona andrews,patricia briggs, jacqueline carey... should i go on? :)

Cats or dogs? cats.

If you could have Hawke to yourself for ten minutes, and he agreed not to snarl at you, what would you ask him?

Are you kidding me? If i say what I ask him i should kill you, LOL
well.. beside sex question, i'll ask me how is to be a shapeshifter, how is run in the forest...the freedom!

Una said...

I just wanted to answer the questions, please do not enter me in the contest...I already own it! =) (and LOVE it)

I would love to have an anthology with YOU, Ilona Andrews, J.R. Ward, and Patricia Briggs.

I love both cats and dogs...I'm a friend of the furry!

If I could ask Hawke anything without being snarled at...for him to adopt me into the pack.

Anonymous said...

anthology question
ooooo I would love to see you (Nalini Singh, Lynsay Sands, Kerrelyn Sparks, and Pamela Palmer. Just the thought is amazing!

e-mail -

Anneela said...

Dogs :)


Rebecca Fosnight said...

My line up would be Nalini, Christine Feehan, Lora Leigh, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Charlaine Harris, and Kim Harrison.

Chasing Inspriation said...

Dogs, unless we're talking changling, then it would be cats. All the way. Definitely cats. :)

Elaine said...

For my anthology it would have to be:

Nalini Singh, Lora Leigh (Breeds), Sherrilyn Kenyon (Were Hunter) and Larissa Ione.

However, if it were a supersized anthology I would add:

Gena Showalter, Angela Knight, Kresley Cole and Christina Henry

I would just take photos of Hawke until I was chased out of the building :)

Morgiana said...

hmm...favourite line up authors:
Sherrylin Kenyon, Larissa Ione and Nalini Sing:)

I am a dog. Definitely.

Asking from Hawke...well..."would you show me how to live?"

Anonymous said...

Hey! Dream Line up:
1) Nalini Singh
2) Illona Andrews
3) JR Ward
4) Richelle Mead
5) Larissa Ione

And as for Hawke, yummy! i would definitely be eating him up ;)

felinewyvern said...

It would need to be a fairly large anthology ;)
1) Nalini Singh
2) Larissa Ione
3) Mercedes Lackey
4) Anne McCaffrey
5) Sherrilyn Kenyon
6) Laurell K Hamilton
7) Patricia Briggs
8) Sandra Hill
9) Christine Feehan


Can you stay longer than 10 minutes please?

Vicki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vicki said...

My ideal line up would be you, JR Ward, Jeaniene Frost, Kresley Cole, Patricia Briggs and Gena Showalter. That would be awesome!


Anonymous said...


Nalini Singh
Ilona Andrews
Shelly Laurenston
Cameron Dane
Joey Hill

sophie said...

hmm I think it would be:
Nalini Singh
Patricia Briggs
Ilona Andrews


and maybe i would ask Hawke if he really loves Sienna, and ask him about his past mate (well i think i wouldn't need to do that if i coulld read KoS >.< ... i really want it to be out today... *-* *waiting*)

T said...

If I had Hawke for ten minutes - mmmhmm...I'd have to ask what his last name was and would he mind terribly to leave Sienna and come live with me!


G. Shah said...

My ultimate line up for an anthology would be: of course, you Nalini, J.D.Robb/Nora Robert, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, and Stephanie Laurens.

Between the four of you I think every genre is covered and with a great plot or theme, it would be a great book!

Christina said...

a dualogy with you, Nalini, and Kresley Cole. That would be HEAVEN!!!

If you wanted to add a third or fourth... Meljean Brook (steampunk please!) and Erin McCarthy...

Wendy Matos said...

The Ultimate Line-up for me would be:
Nalini Singh
Christine Feehan
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Lora Leigh

Anonymous said...

My ultimate line-up

Nalini - Psy-Changeling
Nalini - Guild Hunter
JR Ward - BDB
Lara Adrian - Midnight Breeds

I wouldn't sleep the night I get such a book.

lissa6147 at yahoo

vlover said...

My ultimate authors in the same anthology? No need to ponder.
You.. JR WARD.. Christine Feehan.. & throw in JD ROBB .. cuz you love her In Death series. I need to tell you that on JR WARD'S BDB Message Board, I spent countless hours discussing the Psy-Changeling Series. We have that thread to talk about your series. I don't think you've ever visited the BDB Boards, but if you ever have a couple of minutes in June.. please stop by and see for yourself how much we've been so crazy in love with the Psy-Changeling series. And I'm with everyone else .. dying to get my hands on HAWKE.. LOL.. AND ON SIENNA TOO. You're such an UBER AWESOME AUTHOR..
I hope I'm lucky.. :)
So I'll leave my contact addy here..
*fingers crossed*

Julie said...

I can't choose between cats or dogs, but I do know that my ultimate line up would have you(Nalini), Jeaniene Frost, Ilona Andrews and Jill Myles!

Anonymous said...

My perfect author line up for an anthology would be

Nalini Singh
Larissa Ione
Lora Leigh

I both Like cats and dogs, but not much of a pet person

I would ask Hawke, what would he like to name his first child and who will be the godparents.


Apollo8 said...

Hmm, three tough questions, but I'll go with the anthology one....

Nalini Singh (of course *g*)
JR Ward
Rachel Vincent
Shelly Laurenston
Sherrilyn Kenyon
Anne Bishop

Yes, I know - strange mix, but hey, one book with my most favourite authors - would pay good money for that!

Dino Rubio said...

I would ask Hawke, why did you think the girl who died when you were young was your mate? I can't wait til next Tuesday!!!