Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Book Club

Kiss of Snow Countdown Quote #4

"Wow, talk about alpha. Makes me want to say 'yes please, and again.'"

What are you reading and enjoying at the moment? I have a whole bunch of books I'm looking forward to reading during my upcoming trip!


lindsey hutchison @ United By Books said...

im reading dragon bound by Thea Harris it hooks you right in the beginning for me any ways

Anonymous said...

I finally got myself organised to read "Play of Passion" so that I'm all ready for "Kiss of Snow" when it comes out. Thank you, Nalini, for another lovely story.

I've just discovered the delight that is Megan Whalen Turner's "Queen's Thief" series and have read the first two. I'll be getting to the next two very soon.

I also reread (and loved all over again) Eva Ibbotson's "Magic Flutes". Yay for older books coming out as ebooks.

Right now, I've just started "Hounded" by Kevin Hearne, which looks very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I read "Dragon Bound" in the last couple of weeks too. Thanks for the reminder, Lindsey. It was a lot of fun and I've gone and pre-ordered the next one.

lindsey hutchison @ United By Books said...

play of passion is a good one Kerry i cant wait for kiss of snow either i have the rake and the recluse on my list and that one im actually doing a review on for my blog and good reads so i need to get to it but i couldnt resist dragon bound after hearing so much bout it. lucky for me i read fast

Annonymous... said...

yes, i read dragon bound.Its really a yummy book.Highly recommended,Cant wait for book 2 .Happy weekend to all.peace.

Tinuke said...

Okay read Julia Quinn's duology title of the first one Duke of Wyndham ??? which didn't grab me hence can't remember title and Mr Cavendish I Presume which I really liked. Waiting on Dragon Bound re-read Hope's Folly and Rebels and Lovers by Linnea Sinclair and tried a Sherlock/Savich FBI thriller by Catherine Coulter which was okay.

Tinuke said...

Ooops, sorry for the punctuation and the half written post.Pressed the wrong key LOL. I also finished and am up to date with latest in IAD series by Kresley Cole which I love. Hope my pre-ordered Kiss of Snow gets here with no problems as basically reading to fill in time at the moment. Dipping into my fave bits from all the Psy/Changeling books but it's hard to settle to a book when you are really thinking about another one...... Intensely!!!LOL

Cony said...

Just finished My Kind of Town by Shelly Laurenston. Its the first book of the Long Island Coven and settled in the context of her Pride Stories. Basically an other Smith Wolfes Town called Smithville. It is part of the Sun, Sand, Sex Anthologie and quite funny.


Anonymous said...

Reread Coyote`s Mate by Lora Leigh. Love this story!

Naomi said...

i'm reading and loving the third time 'Töchter des Feuers' by Nora Roberts :))

WildAboutBones said...

Just finished reading Chloe Neill's Hard Bitten, bk 4 in her Chicagoland Vampire series. What a stunning ending. This week I hope to finish Keri Arthur's Riley Gentry Guardian series. Then I'll be moving on to Katie MacAlister's Silver Dragons series. So much to read ... so little time.

Danni T said...

I'm currently reading The Countess by Lynsay Sands. Then I've got Healer's Choice by Jory Strong, The Battle Sylph by L.J McDonald, Rush of Darkness by Rhyannon Byrd, Savage Nature by Christine Feehan, Vampire Mine by Kerrelyn Sparks are all waiting to be read. I'm also rereading all the psy/changeling series. I really, really love them, especially Caressed by Ice, but I thinks it's going to become my second favorite soon after I read Kiss of Snow.

Anna said...

Thanks for the KoS fix!

I'm reading and enjoying Unlawful Conduct by Pamela Clare.

Have a safe trip!

Crystal Posey said...

I just barked with such loud laughter that everyone in the house, including the dogs, looked me.


Aurian said...

I am rereading Alyssa Day - Warriors of Poseidon series, and then I am going to start with Jennifer Lyon. And I am in the middle of one of Cherry Adair her TFLAC-books. Lots of yummie men and strong women to read about for me.

Maria said...

I'm currently reading "A Courtesan's Guide to Getting Your Man" by Celeste Bradley and Susan Donovan

Vorpaks said...

Just finished Changes by Jim Butcher (finally read that series -- excellent!).

After seeing a ripped version of The Cater Street Hangman on YouTube (it is no longer for sale anywhere -- I checked), I have been trying to get into Anne Perry's Thomas Pitt Mysteries... but so far its not grabbing me. I am determined to read at least three before I give up though. I think I am just not used to the tone of Victorian society. Much different from paranormals. :)

Unknown said...

I'm reading Sorceress by Celia Rees and Lord of the Mist by Ann Lawrence. The former is the sequel to a book I read in middle school and Lord of the Mist was a used bookstore find. :)

ladyaccct said...

Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison - great

Zombies Sold Seperately by Cheyenne McCray - really good

Inner Demons by Jamie Denton - surprisingly good

Away from me by Sophie Oak - really good

And about 4 baby books (ie Silhouettes and Harlequins)

Currently reading the Confession by Grisham and Beg for Mercy by Jami Alden

Anonymous said...

i just reread play of passion in preparation for kiss of snow and am rereading the iron duke(meljean brook) and am listening to dead reckoning i just love johanna parker as sookie and i just read something called on the prowl by crystal jordan that i am still uncertain about.

Jen said...

I WANT to be reading KoS, and these little teases don't help a bit...keep 'em coming! :D

Jayne Castle's Guild Hunters series.

shetiggerr said...

I am reading Ascension by Caris Roane.

I also read Dragon Bound and loved, loved, loved it.


Diane said...

I've tried a new author: Virna DePaul, her book: Chosen by Blood, not bad at all.

joeyjhg2 said...

I read Dragon Bound and it was fantastic.

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