Monday, September 13, 2010

Play of Passion ARC Contest

This contest is now closed.

*Learning wolf secrets...*

If you'd like to go in the random draw to win the ARC of Play of Passion, just leave your name in the comments before 6pm, Sunday September 19th 2010, New Zealand time.

If you have a problem commenting, email your entry to naliniDOTassistantATgmailDOTcom
with "Play of Passion ARC Contest" in the subject line, and you'll be added to the draw.

Since this is an Advanced Review Copy, if you win, I'd ask that you please post a review somewhere before the release date (November 2nd) - on a blog, on Amazon, B&N,'s up to you, but it would be much appreciated if you'd post your thoughts somewhere. The contents of the review are, of course, totally up to you.

A note about the ARC - it's substantially the same as the final book, but since
ARCs are printed prior to the final round of edits, there are some errors in the text that aren't in the final book.

Also, make sure you leave some way for me to contact you, or check to see if you've won. I usually make an effort to track down winners, but because this is an ARC, if the winner does not contact me with their mailing address within 48 hours of their name being posted, I'll pick another name.

The fine print:
Contest is open internationally. One entry per household. No purchase necessary to enter. Winner will be chosen randomly using and his or her name posted on this blog on September 20th 2010.
Void where prohibited.


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Anonymous said...

Wow, 400 posts and counting! Well, count me in as well!
getcomposted [at] yahoo [dot] co [dot] uk

Stormmoth said...

Please enter me, If I win, it will be my preciousssss........

Aileen Kavanagh

felinewyvern said...

Would love to win this to add to all my other books by you.

Sue said...

Hi, I would love to join this contest! I'm Sue.


SheaLuna said...

I luuuuuurves your books. That is all.

FD said...

Eeeee. Very keen on this one! Particularly seeing as I thought it was an October release.

Unknown said...

a lovely arc will make me feel better as i am home sick...

reviews will be posted :)

stacey agdern

kerrilouise said...

Please enter me too!

Kerri in London

Anonymous said...

Jen Shockley

Megan said...

Oh Boy!! Yes, yes, yes!

Megan McFadden

(pick me, pick me!)

Maria said...

would love to get an advance copy...

Maria said...

I would lOVE to get an advance copy

Kate S said...

Would LOVE to get this. Can't wait to read Indigo's story!

Maria said...

I would love to read and brag about your book. I made my library purchase your entire series and have hooked several people when they ask for recommendations at the Reference Desk.

Maria Cutler

susanna said...

I am so excited for the book to come out. Here's to throwing my name in the hat. :)

Michelle said...

Please enter me ~ michelle tsao


Anonymous said...

C an hardly wait for the newest Psy-Changling.

Anonymous said...

I love your stories. Please include me in the contest...My name is Angie at;))

Anonymous said...

Wow, so very exciting! I had been holding off on reading Ria's story until last week so that it was a bit closer to the "Play of Passion" release. I can't wait to read it.

I would post a review at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!

I am Sarah
Email is girlosun99(at)yahoo(dot)com

Hyma said...

vowww!!! Hope i win this one...
I luv ur books...Thanks for the opportunity Nalini!!

- Hyma

My email:

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the ARC

My name is Lisa
Here is my contact info:

Nifty said...

Hope you pick my name out of the hat!


niftybergin [at] yahoo [dot] com

(My spamword is "aricul." Had to laugh. I worked with someone who had an "airy" cul today. Fart-fart-fart.)

Anonymous said...

I am game; enter me.

Allie S. said...

Fingers crossed.

Piyush said...

Pick me please :D

Nikki said...

I would LOVE to read the ARC and blog about it! Anything to get my hands on the next I mean the book! ;-)
Nikki OverKamp

DeeCee said...

Please enter me! :))

Haylo said...

Here goes nothing!


Joan said...

I would love that book.

shortyal2008 said...

Alicia Lovelace


Anonymous said...

Oh thank you! I'd like to read this one. :)

Unknown said...

Me please, me please, this will so shorten the wait to read Andrew's book. Even a few hrs. matter.


Anonymous said...

Me please, Me please.


simiaus72 (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au

P said...

Count me in. My email address is

Camille said...

Camille M

midnite [dot] fantasy [at] gmail [dot] com


Camille said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I've not entered one of these before...hope I win!

Farida Hoosen
Please use my yahoo email address:

OneDayAtATime said...

I pre-ordered it months ago, and would love to have it in my hands even a day earlier! Guess all of us here would!

So add me in...Judith Hayauchi

and you can reach me at the address below or on Facebook :)

Anonymous said...

I don't usually try for ARCs, but in this case I'll make an exception.

Rachel Anderson

Rima said...

I would love to win an ARC! My name is Reema Vora. And, my email is

me said...

Yes, enter me


Anonymous said...

Pick me please! I usually read the last few pages first as I'm so excited to find out the ending (and a little bit impatient) I promise not to do this if I win the contest!!!

Enjaykay said...

Count me in!

Hyma said...

voww!!! would luv to get my hands on the book... cant wait till november!!

my email -

Amelie Markik said...

Please, please, please enter me!

Amelie Markik

Unknown said...

Please enter me in the contest--I would love to get the opportunity to read another of your wonderful books without having to wait for the actual publication date!

My name is Rita, and I can be reached at

You are a fantastic writer! :)

Jill B said...

Can't wait to read this one!

SL said...

Thanks for having this contest. I look forward to the book.

snowgurl said...

I would love to win, I love the angles books.

Oh my name is Winter, yes thats my real name.

Sunscented said...

Count me in please!

Sunscented @ gmail dot com

Kris said...

Please enter me, I cannot wait to read this one!

froggykm at gmail com

Elodie said...

Count me in too :)

Elodie P

Georgeanne said...

Georgeanne Carter

georgeanneadele (at) yahoo (dot) com


Anonymous said...

hello pick me pick me!
My name is Michelle
contact info:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the great contest.


Anonymous said...

I love your books, and its tortue to wait for each new book! Heres hoping I wont have to wait too long for this book!


Jolene and Family said...

Please enter me in this amazing contest :)

Wait for it....Jolene Allcock
yes, that's really my last name LOL

Sofy said...

hope November 2 arrives sooner...

thanx for the chance with the contest

Ali said...

Oooh, how fabulous. Fingers are crossed!

Alana Garrett

Unknown said...

Sana Rizvi

I can't wait to read this book!

Anonymous said...

I really hope I am not late for the contest.

Please count me in. I am Miss F.K, from France;

I woulod be thrilled and honoured to post a review if I could. I absolutely adore your voice and the way you make english sound ^_^. It is always a true treat for me to read you.

Mademoiselle K said...

awwww... my post was eaten.

I would love to write a review about play of passion if I could. I am Miss F.K from France, and I absolutely adore the way you make english sound in my head, you are a terrific storyteller.

Please let me know at

FD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
julia laura said...

Would love to win this! Would be a great pick-me-up after a sucky week :)


Anonymous said...

How fun!

Issa S.


Katie said...


Pollysilver said...

Hi i was almost to late!
Rhiannon L

Anonymous said...

I would love to win your contest. pleeeease pick me.

Thank you

Karen Henry

Elle said...

Great,great, GREAT CONTEST!
well anyways here is my email:

laura redwine said...

OHH just made it by the skin of my teeth!! Thanks for giving us this contest! I love your books and would love to write a review!!

Here goes the email...

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