Saturday, October 13, 2007

What's up next week?

Here's the lowdown for next week - I am in the process of lining up an awesome week of guest bloggers for you. There will be fun, perhaps some mayhem and there might even be a giveaway or three. *grin* Who are the guests? Fabulous, fabulous people...but you'll have to come back next week to see them!

Now that I've finished teasing you, I must admit that alas, there are no links this week. I've been busy working away on a number of things. I've also been thinking about names. To really sing for me, characters have to have the right names and one particular person is driving me up the wall right now - here's all I hear as I bring out names for her selection: no, no, no and no!

Join me in my insanity - what are your favorite character names, names that just seem to "fit" the person they are?


Pam P said...

How about you tell us a bit about her personality so we can suggest a name, Nalini.

Anonymous said...

I think Eve Dallas' name works well for her. That's the first name that popped in my head. :)

Kimberly said...

Guy names of characters I love are easy (Acheron from Kenyon, Tristan from Knight, Jonas from Leigh).

Girls it depends on personality I suppose. Bella Swann suits the heroine of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight. Penelope from Julia Quinn's Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (in ways she reminds me of Odysseus's wife Penelope). Katra (meaning pure), or Kat as most call her, from Kenyon's Devil May Cry. Charity suited the heroine of Leigh's Aiden's Charity. Jane, an ageless, strong, to the point name with no nickname suited the heroine of Lover Unbound. Daisy, a sweet and beautiful name suited the heroine of Kleypas's Scandal in Spring. While Xhex, a tough, bada$$ name suits the character in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Grace suits the elegant widow in Hern's Lady Be Bad.

I'm sorry, I suppose I'm not being much help. If you can give any any insight into her character, background, etc. I could probably be more helpful :)


Keira Soleore said...

Nalini, hello from And I see Kat's here, too (hiya sib).

Nalini, what happens if ask the character herself? Or the characters that are closest to her? Do they give a clue?

I just finished reading Susan Crandall's On Blue Falls Pond, and the feisty grandmother's name "Tula" suits who she is so well, I simply cannot imagine her having any other name.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offers of help guys, but I think I've found a name for her yay! - usually the name is clear, but sometimes, I have to try and try until one fits. :)

Anonymous said...

I have agree with Kat. I just love the names of the vamp charaters in the Black Dagger Brotherhood (although I'm not sure I'd go for a guy named Zsadist).

Kati said...

My favorite hero name is "Bowen Goodnight" from Nora Robert's Blue Smoke. It's not my favorite Nora, but it is my favorite hero name.

Cyn Bagley said...

Hey Nalini...

Good to be back. I will probably spend a little more time visiting. Yes, my technical manual is complete... yes, there were a few problems. No, I will not do it again. Cyn

Sara Hantz said...

The best character name ever, in my opinion, is Scarlet O'Hara!!!

Yay, on finding your name.

LesleyW said...

I'm terrible at things like this. It's the sort of question that as soon as it's asked my mind just goes blank.

So I look over at my bookshelves and I come up with - Miles Vorkosigan (Lois McMaster Bujold), Falco (Lindsey Davis), and Daemon Sadi (Anne Bishop). I can't imagine those three characters being called anything else.

Jaded Bee said...

I know I'm a little late on this but I figured I'd throw my 2 cents in too. For male characters I always loved: Nicholai, Daimon, Gabriel and Dayan. For girls I like: Kris (Kristine), Lizbeth (like elisabeth...but not-lol), and Trish. Hope I've helped.

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