Friday, June 23, 2017

Good News & Friday Book Club

This beary happy guy is delighted to share the news that SILVER SILENCE hit the New York Times Bestseller List!! Thank you to all of you who have supported the series!! I couldn't have done this without you!!

And now, it's time for the Friday Book Club. What are you reading and loving this week?


JeauxAnn said...


library addict said...

Yay! Congratulations, Nalini (and Mr. Bear).

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Congratulations, Nalini and Mr. Medvezhonok.

As to the book club: I've been listening to rock music while working, so I decided to re-read Rock Addiction. Now, I am re-reading Rock Courtship. Next will be Charlie and T-Rex, and then Noah and Kit, and Abe and Sarah. Can't wait for Sailor's and Isa's book. :)

Patricia S

Birgit said...

I've just finished Silver Silence this week, which was fabulous btw, and am now reading an anthology called Hot Silver Nights: A Silver Fox Romance Collection.

kelticat said...

Congrats. Damia, Damia's Children, Lyons Pride, and Tower and the Hive all by Anne McCaffrey. Currently rereading Alien Education by Gini Koch.

ladyreadsalot66 said...

I was in the mood for comfort reading this week so I have filled out my collection of Celta Hearts series by Robin D. Owens and I am starting at the beginning. Love the FamAnimals!
Congratulations on making the list. Well Deserved!!

Anonymous said...

I've read Jenny Schwartz's "Her Robot Wolf" and "Fire Fall", and Ruby Dixon's "Barbarian' s Rescue". NOT a lot of reading this week.

Sherri L. said...

Yea! Congratulations Nalini! Terrific book enjoyed it a lot.

LynnL said...

Well deserved!

Brigitte HF said...

Congrats. Well deserved. Bearly Fabulous :)

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