Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ten Year Anniversary Celebration Giveaway #2

Awesome comments guys. The random winners are: kali, Kim Z., Madita W., Emily C., linda (no last name given)., evening-green.
 Congratulations! Please contact me at naliniDOTassistantATgmail DOTcom within 72 hours to claim your book : ) 

Hi guys. Here is the next giveaway to celebrate 10 years since Nalini sold her first book to a publisher.
The books on the left and right feature a novella each by Nalini  (both from the Psy/Changeling series) plus three novellas from other authors. And the book in the centre consists of novellas from the Guild Hunter series.

Click here to view contest rules.

To enter the giveaway for one of the above books, just leave a comment on this post with the answer to today's question: How did you first hear about Nalini's books?


mk said...

Ooo, it's hard to remember that long ago. I don't think I was trolling book blogs then, so I think I must have discovered her book in the new releases section in my old library (which was awesome)

Snowhoney said...

I think I just stumbled across one of the books from the Psy-Changeling Series in a book shop.
It must have been the first book and it sounded really good. So I bought it, read it, loved it and recommended it a lot :D
By now, Nalini is one of my favourite authors and I can't wait to meet her again at the Bookfair in Frankfurt/Germany on saturday!

Unknown said...

Someone on Lora Leigh's forum a few years ago mentioned the Psy/Changeling series, and after that , I was hooked.

Melinda said...

A friend told me about her books and suggested I read them. I'm so happy she did since I'm finished with all the Psy books so far and almost done with the Guild Hunter books and have loved them all!!

TA Grey said...

I found Nalini's Psy-Changeling series in a book store years ago. I fell in love with the premise in Slave to Sensation and even to this day the Psy-Changeling series is one of my all time favorites. Whenever I need to return to a great feel-good book, I choose one in the Psy-Changeling series. (Hello, Judd! <3)

Kathrin said...

I`ve found a german translation 2 years ago in a store, but it was the 4th part of the Psy/Changeling series so I had to buy the 3 other books :)
I liked the books so much in german, so I had to buy them in english, too :)
I´m so excited for the next books.

F. Lawless said...

I saw the first 3 of the psy changeling books in my local book store, bought them at once and have never looked back. I had to order the rest from the states as I couldn't get them in the beginning in the north of Scotland but after pestering the book shop now get them when released!

Unknown said...

I started reading Nalini's books thanks to an suggested reading alert. That was last year. I can't remember which book I'd just browsed that resulted in that suggestion, but I do remember I clicked through a few suggestions before deciding on getting the Guild Hunter series. I am SO glad I did!

DhesiX said...

I honestly don't remember. Angels' blood was one of the first books I've read (yes, i didn't like reading while i was a kid)Probably I was just surfing on the net. But I'm SOOOOOOOO happy that I did find her books. She's one of my favorite authors.

Thanks for the giveaway! :))

linda said...

i found 1 of her books in a charity shop read the back and thought it would be good to read been hooked ever since

Toot's Book Reviews said...

I first heard of Nalini on a yahoo group with other readers. I was looking for another author's series to read and everyone suggested Nalini.

Michelle Santiago said...

i first heard of nalini's books on amazon. i was browsing when i came across the psy/changeling series. but i didn't pick up slave to sensation until i read a review about it on a book blog (i don't remember which book blog it was but thanks for convincing me to read StS. i've been hooked to nalini's series (both psy/changeling and guild hunter) since.

sydney said...

I searched for paranormal books and found the psy series and the live affair started

Danni T said...

I first heard about Nalini Singh from a different website and I thought I'd give her book a try. It was for the book Slave To Sensation. I loved it. Since then I've read every single book she's wrote.

ariane van den hof said...

my aunt gave me one of her books (a german edition of Archangel's Blood).

Unknown said...

Read a Barnes and Noble recommendation on books similar to Lora Leigh. I had been looking forever for something to read and finally picked up the first Psy/Changeling and Guild Hunter books at the same time! I couldn't decide which sounded better! I pre-order all the books as soon as they are available now. Both are in my top ten favorite series!

Rachel498 said...

I'm pretty sure I found Nalini's book while browsing on Amazon. The site recommended them, so I clicked on Slave to Sensation and, read the blurb, and I'm a huge fan!

Jennifer Ahlhorn said...

I heard about Nalini's books from Paranormal Reads Blog/Facebook page!!

Unknown said...

I found out about her books when I was in Waterstones in England and saw the title (Slave to Sensation) and read the first page and was hooked, so I bought the first three then went online to buy the rest.


Teresa said...

Maya Banks was talking about how she enjoyed reading Nalini's books.
So,i started Guild Hunter series and got hooked.Love her books.
Thank you! :)

Gail Leinweber said...

I honestly can't remember; I'd bet that it was from an All About Romance review. I started with the first Psy/Changling book and then started going after her category back list while waiting for the next one...

Dena Kabbaz said...

i heard of u from someone in a B&N store. I was looking at books to read and this lady told me to try u. I'm glad i did. I'd like to read burning up. thank u

Jillian said...

I read a list mania on amazon with the best paranormal book series. She was number 1 and I agree!!! Love her books...especially guild hunter series!

secretparcel said...

must have been an anthology, cant really remember which one. only if you badly insist :)

Amelia said...

I went on a weekend trip with some girlfriends and one them was reading Slave to Sensation. I had to try it too!

Anonymous said...

I was at Barnes & Noble and looking for something new to read. As I was browsing the new books sections I your book KISS OF SNOW. The first thing that caught my attention was your name ( I thought, that your name sounded like a song, lol). Then behind your name was a pic of a mans pecs that took up most all of the cover and a wolf in the lower left corner. The title also sounded interesting. So I picked it up and read the back cover. I brought it home and loved it. Now I am trying to collect the rest.

melchavez at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I was reading The Magical Christmas Cat for one of Lora Leigh's stories when I came across Nalini Singh's Stroke of Enticement and I ended up re-reading it about 3 times before I realized it was part of a series and quickly ran off to the book store for more!

Unknown said...

Gena Showalter's website, she has a section of favorite authors, and you were one of them, i started to read and never looked back!!Amazing!!! That was around 4 years ago!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amiee Snow said...

I found Nalini Singh Archangel's Kiss in a second hand book shop in Dublin, I bought it, went home to read it and realised it was the second book so I went online and found Angels Blood bought and read the two over a weekend The Guild Hunter series is now my favorite series of all time only Psy/Changling as its competition :) Unfortunately over last year or so my eye sight began to deteriorate and I couldn't read as much without aid any more but it was brilliant finding all of Nalini's books on audio Justine Eyre and Angela Dawe are brilliant narrators for both series they really bring the characters to life! They only novellas I haven't read are An Enchanted Season and Burning Up don't know which one is Tamsyns is but she is one of my favorite characters! Thanks for the giveaway and for all the brilliant books!! I just finished listening to Jasons and loved it :)

Unknown said...

I discovered her in an ad at the back of a book. You know the ones. :) I can't remember which book it was, but the ad was for her upcoming Guild Hunter series. I was hooked from book 1!

Unknown said...

I first heard about Nalini's books from my best friend who had the read the books a lot. I started and finished Sasha and Lucas' story on the train back from an amazing Halloween weekend. I have been hooked ever since. I have read every single book.

miarina said...

a friend of mine said that the psy/changeling series is really good. but she could not lend it to me so i bought the books by myself.
the last ones i bought on the first time they were available in german.

(i would prefer book number 2)

Jen said...

Amazon recommended Faith and Vaughn's story to me. Once I read it I was TOTALY hooked! :)

Unknown said...

it had to with Ilona Andrews

Anonymous said...

From my best friend! Can't beat it :)

Michelle said...

One of my goodreads friends recommended Slave to Sensation to me after I told her of my love for cat shifters. I have recommended them to so many people now. I adore Hawke, even though he's a wolf. :)

Raonaid Luckwell said...

Friend sent me four to five boxes packed full of books. Nalini Singh was in it. (Caressed by Ice and hardback)

Diane said...

I found the third Psy-Changeling book in a bookstore while browsing, then got hooked and had to buy the first two; now as soon as Nalini gives a title, I put the book on my wish list.

LenaGracey said...

I was reading an anthology with one of Nalini's short Stories from the Psy-Changling world . I thought that was a great so I searched her name online and found lots of books :) I also found out later I had two of her Angel books that my sis in law had tossed into our "book" exchange bag. Double yea!

Bookish Fangirl said...

I first heard about your books after I started my book blog called All Things Books.

Anonymous said...

Amazon recommended Angels' Blood to me and I've loved Nalini's books ever sense! :)

lovehina154 said...

goodreads recommandations. But I didn't really get into her at first cause at the time the only book I could get my hands on was hostage to pleasure and I was so confused that I didn't start back up on reading the series from the beginning for a few months. I loved it when I did.

Shana S. said...

My friend Limei said I had to read Nalini and she went on and on about how amazing her book was. I was like a book can't be that amazing...I was wrong! I read the 1st Psy/Changeling book and was hooked. Now Nalini is one of my favorite 2. : )

Kim Zielke said...

I believe I found you when Ilona Andrews was promoting one of your new releases. I haven't regretted it once and read both series' over and over.

Scarly said...

I was in one of the local charity shops, I say one of because there are many!!!!I was browsing the pitiful selection of books, I saw a face of grim determination and eyes of bright green. Prominent cuts scarred his face. The book cover to 'Slave to Sensation' really grabbed me. I was so intrigued. then next to it was a face with red eyes. 'Visions of Heat@ I thought to myself... Ummmmm, I wonder which one comes first.... well, they both look good and I guess I could buy them both. Ummm OK I SHALL BUY THEM BOTH!!! It was just before I went on holiday. That was a mistake, buying such intriguing and amazing books on holiday with no means to buy the next one!!!
After that I was hooked. Buying every novel Nalini has written in the last TEN YEARS!!! Excluding novella's and Anthologies.
Thank you sooooo much Nalini. And I hope I win.
I also got my friend hooked on the books. She's as obsessed as I am. We make references to all the books most days.

Julia said...

I found the first book of the Guild Hunter series in a bookstore here in Germany and fell in love with it!

Unknown said...

I entered a comment, but maybe it was deleted, I don't know why.
Anyway, my mom bought the Italian copy of "Angel's blood" for me, thinking from the title that I might like it, and so it was! Love at first reading! ^_^


Sita said...

Saw the bright red cover of 'Angel's Blood' in Whitcoulls at the Auckland Airport. Read the back, bought it, never looked back.

nicola said...

My cousin pointed me towards the Psy-Changeling series a couple of years ago, and I haven't been able to put them down since!

Dianna Haught said...

Amazon recommended Slave to Sensation based on other books that I had ordered. I read it and fell in love. And then had to order all the Archangel books as well as the other Psy/Changling novels!

myrandaroyann said...

I don't remember where I heard about Nalini. I do remember that as soon as I heard about her and checked out the Psy/Changeling series that I downloaded all of the books that had been published at that point and read them all in a couple of days! I've read every book by Nalini since then!

Wrayth Lethe said...

Hmmm I think I saw the (US) cover of the angel series somewhere on the net. It sounded interesting, but since it wasn't out yet, I read her psy-changeling series...and loved it! ;)

also maybe I found her though Ilona Andrews, maybe?

(If I have a choice book I want is Angel's Flight - Love that cover!)

Katie W said...

I was browsing the library for a good read and came across the anthology, Burning Up. Got hooked on the novella and began the series.

sheryl said...

I know that I found the Guild Hunter series on Amazon. It was one of those recommedations they said that I might like. They we right! I was hooked!

Unknown said...

My college roomie told me about Nalini's books and I've been hooked ever since. I've read all these books except Angel's Flight.

Jennifer L Lowe said...

I bought a anthology for another author I like to read and one of the other authors was Nalini Singh. That's how I got hooked on the psy-changeling series.

Katrina Kelly said...

Angel's Blood was the first book I read. I went in to Border's (RIP) and asked the manager there what was a good read that would take my mind off of awful chemistry homework. She went right to the romance section and handed me the first 3 Guild Hunter series book. Since then, I've been hooked!

VRValicento said...

I found the Psy/Changeling series in a Lora Leigh anthology. I love them all now, but I had to start at the beginning.

Gabbie said...

I think I found Nalini's books by looking for recommendations on books that I'd like depending on what I'd already read.. if you get that. Like looking through listopia lists on Goodreads. :)

Sarah Fraser said...

Randomly picked up one of Nalini's books at the library one day and fell in love. Been hooked on her books ever since!

Unknown said...

I hear about your fabulous books from the librarian SHE LOVES YOU AND NOW I DO TOO!!

Deirdre Duggan said...

It was quite by fortunate accident I came across Nalini. I was waiting to catch a flight to Australia at Auckland airport. My dad was unwell and I wanted to visit. I was browsing the book shelves for flight entrainment and her book archangel's kiss was on the sale stand. Bought it, read it and I'm hooked. Have purchased more of her books since on hardback and kindle.

The Fiction Empress said...

I noticed a note by Nalini Singh on another book I was reading so picked up the first Guild Hunter book. I was hooked!!

Sarah said...

I actually heard about Nalini from Ilona Andrews on Ilona's blog. The first books I read were the Psy/Changeling series and I was hooked!

Emily C said...

I was actually introduced through the Odd Shots website I was following for Ilona was also how I began to read Meljean Brooks and Jill Myles! I haven't looked back since :)

Naziah said...

I picked up Slave to Sensation because I was interested in the psychic race. After reading it, I became hooked on her writing style especially the psy-changeling series. Nalini Singh is now one of my favorite authors and I recommend her to many friends!

Unknown said...

Discovered Nalini's books in my local bookstore & now have everyone she's ever written. Love the Psy/Changeling Series they are my favorite

aikka88 said...

I am a very huge fans of angel stories and I stumbled upon a review blog that featured Nalini's Guild Hunter series. I got totally hooked from then on, and I started reading Psy Changeling series. I thought at first, it was a ridiculous idea, but when I started Slave to Sensation, I took the words back and instantly fell in love.

Love you Nalini, more power!

xoxo aikka88

qki said...

I knew about you because of a review by Sherrilyn Kenyon about one of your books, if she thought you were awesome then you where, thus i bought the first book and haven´t stopped many books later!!!

Jen Dempsey said...

I have no idea where or when I first was introduced to Nalini's work-- but I'm certainly glad I was! =) I do starting with the Guild Hunter books, then jumping into the Psy/Changeling series soon after. I love all of them!

JoAnna said...

My girlfriend had bought them and told me I had to read them.

beckerjo at verizon dot net

Unknown said...

Hey Nalini,

Well to be honest I discovered her on my own... I have just finished the twilight series which was my first paranormal series and was dying for an even better romance series. So I want through the book store and fist saw Angels Blood. Reading the back of the book got me very interested. Once I had to read the whole series which at the time ended at Archangels Consort.

Seeing that she had another series out and loving her first one so much I started Slave to sensation and read straight through till kiss of snow because at the time those where out. I love Nalini's writing style and how she creates the stories by dropping hints through out the all the books.

Thank you for letting us read you work!!

PATRICIA said...

From the library, I was talking to my friend who works there and she told me about Slave To Sensation , and here I am a very addictive fun of yours. Love your work Nalini !

Osmary said...

I was searching on Goodreads for romance books with angels as main characters, and Angels' Blood was one of the two choices that caught my eye... Today I can't even remember what the other book was.

Stacey Krug said...

I read a story that she had in The Magical Christmas Cat anthology and was hooked. I had to find her other stories and I've read everything I could get my hands on!

ebware said...

my mum works in the library, she thought i'd love them and she was right!!! plus living in NZ they also want to promote kiwi authors.

KSM said...

I learned aabout Nalaini's books from and have bought and read every book.

May said...

I found the info from Berkley monthly catalog.

bn100 said...

I heard about her from a friend.

DeeCee said...

I was looking through the romance section of Borders and spotted Slave to Sensation. The cover caught my attention, and then I couldn't put the book down!

Anonymous said...

I didn't! I was looking through a book shop and then when I went to turn away I accidentaly knocked a book of the shelf. That book just happened to be "Angels Blood". The cover looked intriging to I read the back and liked what I read. They've been my favourite books ever since!

Anonymous said...

Helen G. Says...

I remember exactly the first time I came across Nalini's book. I was working for Waldenbooks part time and going to school. I came in to close after being out a week, and I was shelving Romance, and I was making room for new books when... I reached the bottom row and came across 5 books that I could 'face out' to make room. Lo and behold it was Slave to Sensation. Awesome cover, awesome plot bio. Ok I bought it... read it in a day. Next time I went to work I sold the heck out of it and had to order more for the store! I would love to win a foreign Nalini book.... ahh sigh ten years already?! Thank you Nalini!! I have loved them so!! Thank you, Thank you for this amazing ride and I can't wait for 10 more!

Unknown said...

online list of recommendation by a library.

Sam said...

I was searching for some Kresley Cole-like writers and you were recommended! :)

Anonymous said...

I heard about her books from my friend Sara. It was when Bonds of Justice was in the new books section, I think. I love the Guild series.

Anonymous said...

I was working as a boookseller at Barnes & Noble. A customer came through cash wrap with "Visions of Heat." I was (still am) always looking for new authors. She recommended Nalini's books. I picked up "Visions of Heat" andthe rest, as they say, is history.

Unknown said...

How did you first hear about Nalini's books?
I went to holiday in August 2010 and in the Gate Area of the Airport in Stuttgart was a book shop. I went inside to waste some time. I had no intension to buy a book as I already had two in my luggage. I just looked through the shelfs and noticed the Name "Nalini Singh". I am married to an Indian and her name is also an Indian I got curious and read the cover index. It was book No. 5 from the Psy/Changeling series named Hostage to Pleasure. Before I was not knowing about the books or the great Author and I wasn`t aware that this is the book 5 of a series. I purchased the book and ignored all other books in my lugggage and finished the book within one week. I loved it that I started looked for more Nalini Singh books on the internet and got to know about the series. Every month I purchased another book that I have all others and now I mark the date in my calender when the next part will be realeased in Germany *smile*

I would love to win any book!!

shortyal2008 said...

Amazon's "customers also purchased"...It took me awhile to try them because I wasn't so sure about Psy and their role in the books, but it was one of the best decisions I've made to pick up the first one and read it. After reading all of the ones that were out, I picked up the Guild Hunter series which I also love. Write faster is all I can ask!!

C. Ihara said...

I first stumbled into her wonderful world while reading "The Magical Christmas Cat" anthology. After that, I hunted down everything she has written. I've enjoyed everything I have read from Nalini Singh.

Sharna said...

My husband bought me the first three Guild Hunter books as I was reading another author (about angels) and he thought it would be similar. Ba ha ha they were nothing alike! I went on to google this Nalini to see what else she had written well it's my little book obsession. Now if my husband want anything whilst I'm reading Nalini he will get my Venom eye's as retribution will be delt for any interuptions!
Bet my husband regrets the day he gave me those books!

Unknown said...

I first find out about Nalini on a forum on Amazon when they were discussing about the Psy/Changeling series but bought the first book to the series when I came across it in a bookshop. The new cover for Slave to Sensation just pulled me straight away.
I'd love the win Angels Flight. :)

Patricia said...

Huh! I had to think for a while.. Hmmm. I was maybe 16 or so when I stumbled across your books, and at first back then I didn't pay too much attention, because romance, but I ended up reading it anyways, because the (German) title sounded somewhat nice to me, and yeah.. And it was the first time that the point of view in a book changed. I was *so* confused. Like, "Huh, I thought Sascha was a girl! Now, Sascha is a man? No, she's Lucas? Wait, this is Lucas' point of view? What is happening?" Your books were also some of the first I bought for my Kindle.. And you WERE the first author I *ever* emailed.. o.o

Huh.. Good ol' times. :D

Angi said...

A friend told me about her books.

Unknown said...

I did a Google search for fiction romance books with angels - voila! Angels' Blood. Read it and thought I was in 7th Heaven and then (!) I decided to check her other series. Well, with the psy-changeling series I KNEW I was in 7th heaven!

Unknown said...

I first saw a book from the Psy/Changeing series in a store. I really was fascinated by the cover and the story catched me as well at the first sentence.
So I bought the first book and after some time I bought the next and then the next again. Since then I couldn't stop reading those books.

J.L.L said...

I first saw the psy/channeling series while browsing the lists amazon users have made of books they like. Once I bought and read Slave to Sensation I was hooked!!!!! I've read ever book that's followed and am anxiously awaiting the next one.

julieann37 said...

I was in Waterstones looking for one of christine feehan's dark series when i saw the cover of one of nalini's books.i read the blurb and bought the book and was hooked!

Nat Bacz said...

I first saw the Guild Hunter series in my local bookstore and picked it up cause i just loved the cover. Best decision i made as i love the series and I cannot wait for the next one!

Lee Todd said...

My 16 yo daughter told me about your Guild Hunter series at about the same time I found my first Psy/Changeling book while searching the local bookstore

Lucile said...

Well...It was in my library. I saw the cover of the french edition of the first book of the Guild Hunter series and then, I read the book and I fall in love with. So I buy the second and the third (I'm waiting for the fourth) and I read the Psi-Changeling series too. And now, Nalini is my favourite autor.
ps : sorry for my english.

Maidenveil said...

I met a fellow book lover online thru a forum (of a book we both loved), and she recommended Nalini's Angel's Blood. :) Nalini's books became another series we both get to talk about now. :)

jazzy.jaz said...

My first 2 or 3 books I bought with German publisher LYX. I already read several other books the published in the urban romance category and liked them. So I bought one of the Psy/Changling books.
Besides, I loved the cover ;)

Jules said...

Oh that´s been ages ago =D but I remember a friend of mine lending me Slave of Sensation, just saying "You´ll love it". Obviously I did and I´ve been a HUGE fan ever since =)

Binichen90 said...

I have to admit first I heard about her books was at the beginning of last year before I attended the first LoveLetterConvention. I know it is not that long, but since then I'm totally in love with her series and you can see me as kind of a freshman.

Silvia St. said...

I found Slave to Sensation in Amazon when it first came out. From then on I was hooked.^^

Unknown said...

Totally by chance while having a look on Amazon.
I bought the first 2 books of the Guild Hunter serie, thinking they looked and sounded really nice. Few days after, I had to buy Archangel´s Consort as an ebook to have it before I left for Australia, couldn´t wait!! Since then, I buy them all this all to have them with me all the time :)

Thanks for writting such a great serie!!

Anonymous said...

I picked up STS at the library and was instantly hooked. I now buy all of her books.

mmkarns said...

I was looking for a new paranormal romance writer, and Slave to Sensation came up as a recommendation after I ordered a book Lora Leigh. I was intrigued because of the endorsement from Christine Feehan on the cover. I became an immediate fan and have every one of her Psy-Changling and Guild Hunter books. Please keep writing. I can't get enough.

Deborah said...

I read Angel's Wolf after getting it in a short story book. Had to read the rest of the's now one of my top 3.

Danielle R said...

When you first walk into the public library they have a table of recommended books and Slave to sensation was on that table. I am so glad I picked it up this series lets me escape my life just for a little while.

CourtneyLee said...

On JR Ward's message board shortly after Slave to Sensation came out there was a thread in the Library (the forum where we discussed non-JR Ward books) called "Found a new author--Nalini Singh." I ignored it for a few weeks but it kept growing and growing. Eventually it was six pages long and this was only about ONE book. So I went to Borders and bought it with a coupon. Been hooked ever since.

That does mean I've had to wait for each and every book, but it's worth it. I'd read a grocery list if Nalini wrote it.

GLORIA said...

We have an unofficial book club at work and a friend couldn't stop raving about the Psy/Changling series. I have been hooked since and went on to the Guild Hunters. I just keep spreading the word :)

Alina P said...

Herd of the Guild Hunter series on Amazon,

Stephanie.P said...

I first heard of Nalini's books about 18 months ago in an email ad from an online bookstore I sometimes buy from. I was looking for something new to read and the blurb for Angels Blood caught my eye. I liked the originality of the idea of Angels making Vampires instead of the standard 'creature of the night' thing, so I looked it up on Ibooks and downloaded the sample, read it, wanted more and bought the book. The next day I bought Archangels Kiss, the day after that I bought Consort, then I went back to the start and read them through again, then again.... Then I started on Psy/Changeling and gave them the same treatment.

The good thing about ebooks is that they never get dogeared or fall apart!

Anonymous said...

I was reading a Christine Feehan book almost ten years ago and she had a recommendation in the back of her book promoting Nalini Singh. I think CF is awesome and thought if she was recommending Nalini, then she must be a really good author. And she was absolutely correct. I have Nalini at top of my buy list when she was a new one coming out and have never, ever regretted it. She has incredible talent and just pulls you right into the story!

Lois H.

Misty said...

Amazon recommended one of the Angel books for me about three years ago. I was hooked once I read the description and after I finished the available Angel books I quickly went through the rest. I've been following Nalini ever since!

Congratulations on 10 years of great books!! Please don't stop what your doing!

Deanna said...

Read one of your Psy/changling novellas while reading another author. I've been hooked ever since.

Anastasia S. said...

I think I heard about Nalini's books first on Goodreads, the Psy/Changeling series was featured a lot in some of the lists for best romance and paranormal books so I had a look at it. So glad I discovered it!

Krystyn said...

I was randomly searching through Amazon's "recommended" section for paranormal romance books when I came across "Slave to Sensation." I read the excerpt and immediately bought the ebook. From that day both Psy/Changeling and Guild Hunter have become some of my most cherished book series. :)

Sarah said...

The Guild Hunter series was recommended to me by several of my favourite bloggers & I fell in love with Nalini's writing style which of course made me start the Psy/Changeling books too :o)

KarinKat said...

I first learned of the books from a friend who told me about the Psy/Changeling series and lent me the first book: Slave to Sensation. I was totally sold and bought the all the books in the series the next day - and 'patiently' awaiting the next!! Have already read the entire series twice!!!

Sara said...

One of the psy/changling short stories was in a collection I bought. After that I was hooked and bought the whole series.

Fadumo Tarmum said...

I think it was through a recommendation by J R Ward in a british website. She won me from the first book.

Anne Kühne said...

I think I found one of the books from the Psy-Changeling Series in a book shop.
It must have been the second book and it sounded really good. So I bought it, read it, loved it and buy the first after I knew my book was not the first and I loved it a lot :D
By now, Nalini is one of my favourite authors and I can't wait to read her new books (I read her english books cause I can not wait for the german).

Anne Bock said...

i found the first book of the psy/changeling series in a bookstore as it was published in germany a few days after my little sister died on got me in an other world so i could rest a short time. i've never heard of nalini singh before but it helped me a lot and it caught my attention everytime when the series went on and a new book was there...i love these books and everytime it's itching on my nails to get the next story!!! go on nalini, you're awesome

Unknown said...

A friend of mine told about Nalini and her books. She sent me The Guild Hunter Series to read and I read them in 3 days. After I finished those, she sent me Psy-Changeling Series to read and I read those within 2 weeks..

Ad Al said...

A few years ago, I was browsing online for book snippets at I saw some snippets of "Mine to Possess" which I read from the google website. I was intruiged by the book and bought it. I fell in love with the series after reading it and quickly rushed to buy every book in the series and having been reading each new book ever since!

Miss Boxy Frown said...

I heard about the Psy/Changeling series after reading some Black Dagger Brotherhood and Shelly Laurenston. I was instantly hooked and am a loyal fan ever since!

Unknown said...

I first saw the books in my local book store but my first time reading was through the Vaginal Fantasy group on Goodreads.

Kristy H said...

I found Nalini's books within the past two years. I was reading the Jane True series by Nicole Peeler and Jane works at a book store. She referenced a series of books and I was curious so I emailed Nicole Peeler and asked her if the books were real and if so what were they. She told me what they were and then in addition recommended the Guild Hunter series. I bought Angels' Blood and Archangel's Kiss on my Kindle (those were the only two out at the time) and then within 2 months had downloaded and read everything else she had written. Will never be able to decide if I like the Guild Hunter or Psy/Changling series better :)

Shravya Reddy said...

I think it was on goodreads!So I checked your books out and ever since then,I am really glad I did that.

Benedicte Denmark said...

I bought Slave to Sensation by accident when searching for something to read, and then I was hooked. I look forward to the next book.

R rated reviewer said...

I was looking in Amazons Listopia.

Gretty said...

There is a 'bookworm society' in Hungary. I'm a member of it and the others recommend for me the Guild Hunter Series about a year ago.
And when I read the Angel's Blood I became a huge fan of the whole series. :)

Anonymous said...

How I first heard about Nalini's books was through book blogs!

In this giveaway, my preference would be to win Angels' Flight and then it's either of the other ones :)

Texas Book Lover said...

I heard about them from my husbands cousin. We recommend books back and forth all the time and this was one of her recommendations. She recommended Archangel's Guild to me and then I immediately read Psy/Changling and told her she HAD to read them!

Thanks so much
mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

Anneela said...

I was browsing the forum for recommended books and someone posted a link to the excerpt for Branded by Fire and I've been hooked since.

tadyena said...

I remember it was this year at the Vampire Book Club alpha showdown - read about Dmitri and had to read his book, afterwards started reading the psy/changeling books.

Anonymous said...

I found out about Nalini on Jeaniene Frost web site. There is a list of her favorite authors .

Lynda welch

Bev said...

I found out about the series through one of my friends who love to read.

amy :D said...

I first heard about the guild hunter series when i was searching for books in my library about angels and stumbled across Angel's blood. i fell in love with the books and immediately went out and brought the rest of the series. Afterward i visited the blog where i found the psy-changeling series, which i also fell in love with! I cannot wait for more new releases!!

Katy said...

I saw them at a bookstore, I fell in love with the bookcover of Psy/Changeling and bought the 3 first novel at once, the French cover are beautiful :D

mell61 said...

I found the Psy-Changeling in a bookstore, read the blurb, and though 'how interesting'...
Bought books 1 and 2, without a week had bought the rest from my lovely friendly independent bookstore...
I now have a standing order for your next book (can you do anything about the books getting US release in advance of UK... I mean 1 week delay is just cruel to an avid fan ;-)

PamM said...

I was just looking around the library and picked up one of her books. Actually I think it was the a Christmas anthro. Been hooked every since

susanna said...

I heard about Nalini's books a few years ago through another author's (Ilona Andrews)blog. And I LOVE them. Eagerly await each new book.

Anonymous said...

Happy 10 year anniversary your books are wonderful and a great way to escape reality and all its problems.I first heard about Nalini singh books from a friend who had recently lost her husband, she said the books gives her the ability to experience a happy ending.

vanessa m

Katerina Bikogiannaki said...

Through Goodreads! The best recomendation ever made! I love both of Nalini's series

Anonymous said...

Bought the Magical Christmas Cat for another author and absolutely loved Nalini's story. Realised psi/changeling sounded familiar and realised I actually had one of her books I hadn't read on my shelf (I though it sounded a bit weird and had put off reading it for about a year (Clay's book)!!!!!!!!!). Naturally read it, loved it and bought the previous ones. Just wish Nalini could write faster :D

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to put my name...Elaine N.

azteclady said...

For me, it all started with Dear Author's review of Slave to Sensation--I have since read, loved and reviewed all but two of Nalini's Psy/Changeling novels. (I am in fact just now starting a full re-read, hoping to write those two missing reviews soon)

Divya S said...

This question brought back so much nostalgia. MINE TO POSSESS was actually the first paranormal romance I had ever read. I was a relatively new romance reader in 2009, and had only stuck timidly to historicals like Julia Quinn and Mary Balough. I saw my older sister reading MtP, and asked her what it was about. She rolled her eyes and just said it "wasn't my type and that I should just stop bothering her." :) Determined to annoy her, I stole MtP (I know...I apologized later) and started reading it...and loved! Since it was a little confusing, I went back to StS and gobbled everything else up. And even though I am the biggest Hawke/Sienna shipper, Clay and Tally have always remained close to my heart. So thank you, Nalini, for introducing me to paranormal romance (ie Meljean Brook), and eventually urban fantasy (ie Ilona Andrews and Patricia Briggs).

Divya S


Anonymous said...

I don't know!?!?!?!?!? I somehow bought and read Slave to Sensation and became hooked like a fish on a reel :p

Sam B

Susan said...

I was looking at books in Borders and came across the first Guild Hunter book. The cover caught my eye, and after reading the back I bought it. After reading it, I went back to buy book two.

Mo said...

I read Angel's Judgment in the anthology Must Love Hellhounds edited by Charlaine Harris. I was hooked and have been reading her work ever since.

Anonymous said...

I remember. It was a few years ago and I was browsing Amazon's romance books on sale and discovered "Slave to Sensation". (The first 4 books were already out.) The book description caught my attention, I read one page on the site and the rest as they say is history. Love your books!!!

Ode T.

Anonymous said...

Me again. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to state if I have a preference as to which book I'd want if I win. Just in case, my pick would be "Angels' Flight".

Ode T.

Jen Kyle said...

A friend came across her and recomended her now i share her with others too!!!

Angie Hiatt said...

I found her books at my town's library. What a lucky find!

Dino Rubio said...

From Gena Showalter she was raving about Nalini's book and I was like well I love Gena so I will probably like her and now I love Nalini!!!!

Unknown said...

I found Nalinis books on amazon first by searching for new things to read.

Natasha said...

I don't remember the first source where I heard about Nalini Singh. Her name came up in a lot of recommendation lists. I was hesitant at first. Wasn't sure if angels were my thing (don't know why!). But once I read one, I glomped all her books :)

Ang from Oz said...

Highly recommended by the owner of the Romance book store where I purchase all my books. She has a favorite great reads table. And that's where the Psy/Changelings books were! So glad I picked them up!

ayliss72 said...

A friend of mine suggested to read the Psy/Changeling series.
We were four email writing friends, and we read th series together and then commented by email our emotions and impressions

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure my sister had read some of the Changeling/Psy series, I was sick and desperately needed something to read so I snitched Branded by fire from her room. I of course had to go and buy all the books to catch up on all of the characters.

Rachel Dean said...

I love Nalini's books!! I actually first heard about them not from a friend or a blog or anything else, but by simply browsing my local book store. Visions of Heat popped out at me with its beautiful cover and I couldn't resist - and now we've been together ever since. :)

Sarah Appleyard said...

My friend from high school was kind enough to introduce me to these amazing books. She bought me the first Guild Hunter book for my birthday and after that I was hooked. I read the entire Psychangeling series up to Hawke's book in a week. Now that I have these books I don't think I could imagine not reading them, they are amazing!

Martina P said...

Happy 10 year anniversary! your books are awesome!
I found the Psy/Changeling Series in a bookstore couple of years ago, thought it sounded interesting and bought Slave to sensation. I was hooked! Bought the rest of the books next day.

karyn said...

Happy 10 year anniversary!! My daughter introduced me to the Guild Hunter series not too long ago I love them :) she is now getting me to read the Psy/Changling series I'm on Caressed by Ice and loving Judd! I did take my daughters copy of Slave to Sensation and I have misplaced it :) Hope I find it before she finds out! lol fingers crossed if I win one of these books I'll give it to her she is a huge fan :)


Jasmine said...

I found them in the back of a bookshop in the local town. I thought the covers were pretty (uk guild hunter books) so I bought them to try and got completely hooked!

Anonymous said...

I found out about Nalini Singh when I bough "Must Love Hellhounds". I read her short story and was hooked!


evening-green said...

A friend of mine mentioned the Psy-Changelings series and Nalini when we were talking in a bookstore, but I might have read about one of the books before that on a Blog.

Blodeuedd said...

I actually do not know. I got the first book from bookmooch, but someone must have recommended them. surely some of the blogs I visit

Unknown said...

Mine was recommended to me in a monthly pick-it-for me in a goodreads book club! Read all of the Guild Hunter series now (except the novellas unfortunately)

Eli Yanti said...

i knew Nalini's book from my friend and then when one publisher sold her translation book, then i gone to buy it and love it

erin said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a big, big fan :) Love the Guild Hunter Series and I'm just about to start on the Psy-changeling series!!!

Ummm... I first came across Nalini's books b/c I was browsing in a Borders store and they had the Angel's Blood in the new release bookcase. I read the back, liked it and bought it and the rest is history :)

karyn said...

just saw my name as winner!! Thank you! just sent an e-mail :)