Tuesday, May 22, 2012

8 Days to Go!

8 days to go till TANGLE OF NEED releases!

"Alerted by the psychic reminder, he paused, reworked his search algorithm to halt at the first sign of a trip wire or sensor. By the time Silver walked back into his office, he was facing his desk once more, even as his mind hummed with a task that would've taken the full attention of most normal cardinals.

Kaleb had never been normal. Not in any way."


teriannesis said...

I can't wait to see more about Kaleb and hope we find out what the silver star is and what it has to do with the house. Since Kaleb doesn't think of the house as his own but it being held in trust. FYI if Kaleb isn't the GHOST I think Nalini is trying to "PSY"ch us out and Nikita is the ghost.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited! Can't wait to finally get the book into my hands...and reading more about Kaleb!!

Sherri L. said...

Wow! Now It's going to drive my crazy until I get to read the book. Sounds like things are getting interesting in the Psy/changeling world. Can't wait to read more about it. Thanks Nalini!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Kaleb! Can't hardly wait for this book!

julieann37 said...

Yay a Kaleb tidbit - more please!I still would like to think that he's the Ghost.Hope Kaleb gets his own book.

azteclady said...

*quiet, contained, dignified SQUEEEEEEEE*

Kaleb snippet = win!

Vashoda said...

Yay! Another tidbit to help me get through the day =] Thanks Nalini

Sharon Pocock said...

May be 8 days for all of you, but England's release is about the 8th June, Sob.

Emily said...


KT Grant said...

((KALEBS)) Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I´m not really a Kaleb fan. - But now I definitely want to know more... Maybe in the end he`ll win my heart. Who knows:-).

Anonymous said...

I love Kaleb and I hope he gets his own book. *please*
Many greatings from Austria!

Anonymous said...

I love the series. I cannot even begin to guess who the Ghost really is but I love Kaleb. I love him as much as Hawke. I'm dying to hear Kaleb's story. What's next for the series after Tangle of Need?

Anonymous said...

OOOO! Kaleb is yummy! Does his occurring appearance mean he'll get a book of his own? Hope he's not a card holder for the dark side! Love getting a little snippet of this story- have it pre-ordered at my bookstore. :)

Anonymous said...

I just love these little snippets. Thank's Nalini.

Always V said...

<3 <3 <3 KALEB <3 <3 <3 FOREVER <3

LOL I can go on like this for a while LOL

For 8 days . . . maybe . . .

Thnx so much, Nalini.

You ROCK!!!

Sofia said...

I Love your teasers, it keeps me going until June when the UK version is published..Keep em coming Nalini! i love reading about Kaleb and the rest of the beloved gang!

Diane said...

Oh G.., Oh G.. I love this!!!

Anonymous said...

Kaleb is such an intriguing character. During my reread of KoS, I came across this part about Walker and it made me think of Kaleb.

"his telepathic reach was magnified a thousand times over for a gleaming second, and he had time to be grateful he had not been born that way, for a man was not meant to know the world's secrets"

Anonymous said...


Saiqa said...

Yes! My favourite character; Kaleb! Please can he have his own book? Please!

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