Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Countdown to Branded By Fire: 6 days to go!

Winners: The random winners are:

Erika - Hidden Currents by Christine Feehan
JOYE (Anon #1) - Kiss & Hell by Dakota Cassidy

Congratulations! Please email me your addresses (nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com)

I'm over at the Book Smugglers talking about Inspirations and Influences, so come say hi. The Smugglers are a
lso giving away a copy of Branded By Fire!

And talkin
g of Branded By Fire, here's a snippet from Kati's review of the book for RNTV:
I have to say that I’ve always been very partial to the alphas in this series, Lucas (especially) and Hawke. But Riley’s tortured past; his deep well of feeling, so well hidden got all of my emotions working. The treat of the book, for me, was getting to know him, learning about his past, and how it’s shaped him as a man, and how hard he falls for Mercy. He flounders quite a bit, which is unnerving for someone as ordered as Riley.
Today's cyber launch giveaways are a copy of Hidden Currents by Christine Feehan and a copy of Kiss and Hell by Dakota Cassidy!

Entry rules are the same as Monday! In short, leave your answer to the day's burning question to go into the random draw. If you bring a friend, I'll give you an extra entry :) (Don't forget to tell me if you've already got one of the books).

Today's burning question is:
We've talked about heroes, now it's time for the heroines. Which heroine would you like to be for a day or a week? Reasons why?

Oooh, so many choices...


Dakota Cassidy said...

Oh, darling--your poor readers. do you want to blind them before they have a chance to read more of your books? LOLLOL

Thanks, honey!

DC :)

Anonymous said...

As a heroine for a week, I would like to be Stephanie Plum in Janet Evanovich's books. Stephanie has 2 hunks to chose from-Morelli and Ranger wow plus she has some fun friends.
JWIsleyAT aol DOT com

Lou said...

I would like to be Kate Daniels for the week.

She gets to kick butt on a daily basis, has a smart mouth that is just as effective as an ass kicking, and she gets to be the main interest of the Smexy Beast Lord, Curran.

Now that would make anybody's week, a very happy time indeed. *g*

Thanks for the great give away. :)

jeanette8042 said...

I would love to be Soteria from Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon because she has a fabulous and hot husband. Plus a life filled with adventure!!

Justine said...

This is a hard many heroines to choose from...and which media format..if TV I first thought of Willow, from Buffy, as she goes through so many changes & learns the true measure & treasure of friendship & true love-the highs & lows of both. Plus, she'
s a kick ass witch with a hot girlfriend.
In writing...gods...classics, or contemporary...since I work with Yasmine Galenorn, I immediately think of her books & my fave characters, Menolly D'Artigo & Iris. I'd love to be either of them for a day or so. Menolly, for very similar reasons as I gave for, vampire! She's learning how to change into a bat-how cool is that?
And then there's comics...I immediatley think of Death, from Neil Gaiman's Sandman...she has such an innocence & she enjoys life so much because she's always on the edge of it..except for one day every 100 years she can be mortal-that's the day I'd want to be Death.
And now I have rambled way too much...LOL
I found this through my Tweetheart buddy, Dakota, so if mby some lucky chance I win, I'd hope to win Kiss & Hell, as I have not been able to lay hands on it, yet. (Figured i could throw that in...can't hurt, right?)

Thanks for the fun question! I enjoyed this trememndously!

Now I'll go tweet about it, too. ~grin~

Rose Pressey said...

I agree with the other comment, Stephanie Plum. Two hot guys. Plus, maybe being Sookie Stackhouse would be fun--for just a day.

Lisa J said...

Well, who wouldn't want to be one of your Psy with a Changeling mate? I would go with Faith, because she has Vaughn.

Kimberly B. said...

Hi there! I'd like to be Elena Michaels, from Kelley Armstrong's Women of the Otherworld series. It would be fun to see what it would be like to be tall and strong, and to run with the werewolves. Thanks!

alanajoli said...

I'd say I'd like to be Allie Beckstrom (from Devon Monk's MAGIC TO THE BONE series) for the day, but sadly, I'd probably forget the experience...

I think Katie Chandler (from Shanna Swendson's ENCHANTED INC and sequels) has a great head on her shoulders, and if I had to live in anyone's world for just a day, I think hers would be a good one.

Cecelia said...

I think I'd like to be Mirasol from Robin McKinley's novel Chalice. She's working out her magic, and she's so practical and driven and courageous! I'd be glad for the one-week time limit, though, as she faces difficult challenges.


SaturnMoonie said...

My answer has to be Aisling Grey from the Aisling Grey series by Katie MacAlister. She's just so awesome and has such cool guardian powers. Plus Drake is a hunk in a half! :P

delitealex said...

I've gotten hooked on the Riley Jenson series by Keri Arthur. Riley is so strong and kick ass. Of course Quinn and all the other hunks she has is incentive enough.


Sarah-Elizabeth said...

Hmm I think that I'd like to be Sascha because of Lucas :D


orannia said...

Hmmmm. I just can't see myself as a kick-a*s heroine :) I'm drawn to the heroines I can relate too, the ones who are strong on the inside - Sasha and Tally.

And Kati's comments have me really, really looking forward to BBF..six days to go! (OK, 10 until I can actually get my hands on the book :)

orannia said...

Oh, forgot to say - please don't include me in today's contest :)

Nicole H. said...

I DO NOT have either! :)
Who would I like to be for a day? Or week? Hmmm. Honestly? No kissing of the booty? Faythe. Why? Because she has a set place in life- even with where RV left her in the last book! She is able to shift, which I would LOVE! And she has someone who loves her so very much like Marc. What more can you ask for?

Sara M said...

If I could be any heroine for a day, I would like to be Georgina Kincaid because I'd love to spend the day shapeshifting.

I'd love to win Kiss & Hell!

Sara M
silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com

Danni T said...

I would love to be Eve Dallas cause she doesn't take any crap off anybody and she sticks up for what she believes in. Plus she's married to a rich, gorgeous, Irish husband.

dd03 said...

So many to choose from! I have a couple that I'd like to be. Destiny from Dark Destiny, or Renata of Veil of Midnight.

Then again, being Sienna would be cool just to have Hawke on his knees & driving him crazy! lol

dd03 said...

Oh, yes! I almost forgot. I do not have either book!

Wendy said...

I'd want to be Kate Daniels from Ilona Andrews' books. Because hello? She KICKS ASS for a living.

How sweet is that!?

Wendy said...

Or Elena because well...


Nuff said.

Iswari said...

If I had a choice to be any heroine, it would have to be Elena Deveraux from your Angel series. I love it how she has such a strong personality and such a strong will to do whatever is necessary to survive. Yet, she has that emotional soft center that can only be touched by the people that truly understand her. Plus, I think it would be nifty to have a super hunky Archangel by your side too!

Courtney said...

I'd be Elena so I could have a taste of archangel hotness AND flirt with Illium.

Or Eve Dallas. People would fear my wrath and I'd go home to Roarke after a day of kicking ass while carrying a cool weapon.

Estella said...

I would love to be Eve Dallas AFTER she solved her case, at home with Roarke.

Brooke Reviews said...

I'd like to be Faythe from Rachel Vincent's werecat series! Why? Two things, Marc & Jace! ha ok three, I'd get to turn into a cat!


Lisa N. said...

I think I'd like to be Sascha, Brenna, or Ashaya. I like the empathy of Sascha, the close family ties of Brenna, and the scientific mind of Ashaya. Really, who wouldn't want to have Lucas, Judd, or Dorian as a mate?

macbeaner said...

ANita Blake. While I'd hate to have to do what she does, she is one tough woman. And to have her harem? yum :)

Una said...

Firstly, please enter me for both books, I do not own either.

That's a tough decision! If I went with someone that I really related to and have much in common, it'd be Bride McTierney from the Dark Hunter series or Tamsyn from Psy-Changling.

However, if I wanted to step out of myself to really be someone else, it'd be Cat from the Night Huntress series or Indigo from Psy-Changling (she really fascinates/intrigues me, I hope she gets a story).

Jasmine said...

I'm not sure I'd want to be any heroine, they all have to go through hell before they get their HEA. I'd want my happy ending now. LOL

Anonymous said...

I would have to be Elena Deveraux from angel's blood because she kicks major ass and she has wings lol ;')

Cybercliper said...

There are so many to choose from!! I would really, really like to trade places wtih Serena (Passion Unleashed/Larissa Ione) for just one day...Wraith is just too hot!!!

Jo Anne said...

I would have to say Kitty Norville from Carrie Vaughn's books. I love Sasha from your books. and Mercy from Briggs books. I know you said one but hey I'm three dimensional.

lindalou said...

I'd like to be Zoey Redbird from the House of Night series... I love her knowledge of Cherokee & witchy wisdom and that she has all these male hunks after her...

Claire said...

I absolutely adore Christine Feehan's the Drake sisters, but none more than Joley in the 6th book. I would love to be a superstar..but maybe without all that crazy paparazzi!

chey said...

I'd be Eve Duncan. She's a strong woman and an amazing artist.

Anonymous said...

Eve Dallas because she has Roarke

Jacqueline C. said...

I think that Georgina Kincaid would be a great heroine to be for a day. Besides the obvious (that she's awesome), she also has that handy shapeshifting skill.

Anonymous said...

The heroine I'd like to be is Jessica Randall from your book BOUND BY MARRIAGE. She gets to live on a ranch. I'd love to live on a ranch again (well OK I lived on a farm.)

Caffey said...

Hi Nalini! I have Dakoti's book!! Would love to be in Feehan's book!

I think I'd love to be Kara from DESIRE UNTAMED by Pamela Palmer. She's the Radiant and gives all the energy to the 9 shape shifters. I loved how they were all so good to her and so appreciated of her powers! I love to give to others and its a great feeling and I would love that feel of giving so much of what they need!

Jamie said...

I would have to say Mercy Thompson or Brenna from your books. Them ladies have some fine men and can hold their own.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be Bath Randall in J.R. ward's Dark Lover because not only does she overcome A LOT but she beats the odds and goes phyco-protect-my-mate-at-all-cost beth and that was funny as hell.

Shelby Chancey

Alexia561 said...

I've have to say Eve Dallas. She's a strong, smart woman with good friends. And oh yeah, she's married to that sexy Irishman Roarke! Yummy!

Would love either book!


FD said...

I can't pick any urban fantasy heroines, because they rarely seem to have time to sleep. Not giving up my naps. But I always wanted to be Storm from X-men, cause she was the coolest when I read the comics and I'd like to have superpowers.

Pam P said...

I wouldn't mind being Cat and getting some alone time with Bones.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be Brenna for the day because she's got Judd, need I say more.

adh said...

I'd like to be Sienna, with her hefty Psy powers and sparking chemistry with Hawke. Mainly for the sparking chemistry with Hawke.

Pamk said...

Either Meri Or Brianna from Judy Mays Celestial Seasons. The First one cause she has gill and can breathe underwater and Brianna got a sexy alien and is able to travel the stars. And she kicks booty. And nice giveaway. I would love either of those books.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

Tonberry Queen said...

I would actually like to be Merrick in the book Merrick by Anne Rice. Not only a Mayfair which but an vampire as well. I have always had a desire to know what it would be like to be either or. Not to mention Merrick is strong and though her heart is mixed I think she makes the right choice in the end.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be Eve Dallas because she has the hot husband and she can kick ass.

I also would like to be Anita Blake without all the harem (I would only keep a few).

Terri W.

Pissenlit said...

Hmmm, perhaps Sira Morgan from Julie E. Czerneda's Trade Pact trilogy 'cause well, she's got Jason Morgan...and all that really fun hair...and funky Clan powers. Or if I want to go YA, Jacky Faber from L.A. Meyer's Bloody Jack series 'cause of all the whacky hijinks and crazy shenanigans and nutty adventures.

MaryK said...

I'd like to be Beth Ackerley so I could get all that concentrated attention.

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

Jaz Parks from Jennifer Rardin. Reason? Just one word: Vayl. Yum!

Darcy Jo said...

I think it's a toss-up between Elena and Mac from Karen Marie Moning's Fever series for my heroine, because they're both gorgeous, kick-butt, and spend an abundant amount of time with sexy men :-D

And, I would love either book :-)

Unknown said...

Ok I want in I'm going to try my hand at this one. I'd like to be gosh I can't remember her name... oh yes Eve Dallas. I think she's kick a$$ cool.. She knows what she wants and how to get it. Although she's suffered horribly she still reached for a love (with Roark). Plus she has kick ass cloths. Other than that I'd like to be Sasha because she is also so cool and at the same time loves sooo much. Does this make sense? I've been awake for or 24 hours.
ARRGHH bed I need a bed.

Megan said...

This one's easy seeing I've recently had a book published where the heroine is named after me. book is Inferno by Bianca D'Arc and I love the Megan in Inferno

Unknown said...

I would like to be Annie (from Christmas Cat) for a day. I was about to choose Mercy Thompson but decided against it when I realized I would rather read about her adventures than to live in it.

Erika said...

Though old school, I would be Nancy Drew. It'd be interesting to be a woman with her mind and the trouble she gets into and out of is hilarious. Plus, there's Ned to consider. ;)

Lynnette said...

I would love to be Meredith Gentry for a day. She's got a harem with some left over.

Lynnette said...

Forgot to tell you I already have Hidden Currents....Loved it

Candace said...

Ok, at first I was inclined to also say Stephanie Plum- she's got a very interesting life and the company she keeps is even more interesting! Plus all of these mishaps she manages to run into...however, I don't think I would like being shot at and stuff.

I have a list of people I'd like to be. Ready? Cat, from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series because she's got Bones, Rachel Morgan from Kim Harrison's series because I would love to see what it is like living in a church with a bunch of pixies and a vampire for your best friends. And Hermione Granger from Harry Potter; I just really would like to see what goes on inside such an intelligent mind, and what it's like to have all that potential!! But...

I think I would most like to spend a week in the life of Beka Cooper from Tamora Pierce's Beka Cooper trilogy. That is my favorite series by Tamora Pierce, possibly my favorite series of all time. It would just be so much fun, or at least very very interesting, to live as a teenager in such a different world from what I grew up in, with magic and ghosts that ride pigeons and solving crime with that. And being a novice cop...well, I'm sure there are a lot of stories one picks up living that kind of life!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be Elizabeth Bennett! Love the period, the clothes and the ultimate to live at Pemberley!

Canadian Fan

Chris J. said...

Wow, I am so lovig your blog today!! Two Terrific books and a great question. :)
So lets see, Herione for a week who would I be? Hmm... I think I would choose Aisling from Katie MacAlisters series. Aisling is kick butt, married to a studly dragon (hello, yummo) and has a cool as beans pooch! She is a mom, gets to do exciting things and a hubby who gives her dream fantasies when he is away, oh yeah baby!

Thanks for the Fabulous Giveaway!!

Chris J. said...

Congrats Malini on your upcoming release!
Have a Fangtabulous Week!

Eva S said...

I'd like to be Elena, would be fun to fly with an archangel!

Anonymous said...

Anybody who has a carpathian lifemate...

maered said...

Eve from In Death books - because she has Roarke madly in love with her. *sigh*

Rianne said...

If I could be a heroine..... There are a lot of them I would want to be, or actually have a part of them. I think the empath in Sacha, the foreseer in Faith, the strength of Brenna and Ashaya, the love of Talin and that's just the heroines in your books (at least the ones I read thus far).

Another heroine I like very much is Lucky Santangelo from the Jackie Collins books. And Billy from the Scruples books by Judith Krantz.

So in short, I could's or wouldn't choose one.

SiNn said...

if i could be any heroine id pic Liz Phoenix from lori handlands the phoenix chronicals and thats simple she kicks ass and takes names and still comes off girly

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

I would love to be Anita Blake! She has almost unlimited power and hot men fawning all over her all the time... and I would really like to try out the werepanther sleeping arrangment *blush*

I would enjoy either book.

Thanks, Miranda
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

emcnicho said...

Tally! no question about that. She is an inspiring character, strong independent and not so fierce that she is unable to accept help from others. A nice balance - it would be comfortable to be like her.

Jacinthe T. said...

Angélique from Angélique marquise of the Angel serie. She is no pushover and very much in charge

Jen K said...

Hmmm... This is a great question. My first thought is Buffy because I LOVE the show and comic. However, she has a tough life and so, I'm thinking NO to that. I really like Elena Deveraux from the Guild Hunter series - she's strong, has a hot mate and she's an angel! Sounds good to me!

Please enter me in the contest for either book. Thank you!

romantic@heart said...

For a week, I would like to be Claire of the Outlander saga. Just to be with Jamie Fraser.

Blodeuedd said...

So hard too choose, I have many in my head, but if I could be anyone I would sure like to dress nicely so I go with Lizzy Bennet, love the empire dresses, pemberly is beautiful and Darcy is hot ;)
What more does one want

Natasha said...

Very difficult question! If I has to choose just one, I would probably go with Annique Villiers from The Spymaster's Lady by Joanna Bourne. This lady is smart, courageous and everything else I aspire to be!

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

If I were a heroine, I would be Eve from Eve of Darkness cause she can kick demon ass like nobody's business.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Tammy said...

I'd like to be Mercy Thompson for a day, not only can she kick butt, and bounces back from whatever life throws at her, but she's also a shapeshifter.

I already have Dakota's book, so please put me in teh drawing for Hidden Currents.

Mina Wolf said...

I'll have to go with Cat, from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series as well. Love Bones and totally like her kick ass job.

Athena said...

I'd like to be Dorina Basarab from karen chance's series. She's kickbutt and is preternaturally strong, not to mention shes got Louis-Caesar and Caedmon to lust cough look at. Who wouldn't want to be a dhampir for a week?

tetewa said...

Victoria Gardella from Colleen Gleason's Gardella Chronicles would be my choice!

Doro said...

Oh, there are so many heroines... I love Eve Dallas - she is tough, has heart and a gorgeous, rich husband! :-)) But I could also imagine beeing Sascha for 1 day (I love Lucas)...

Christina said...

I would be Nix from Kresley Cole's Immortal after Dark series. Does it count since her book hasn't been released yet? I am drawn to the heroines who have so many burdens but are not only strong enough to carry them on their own but find a hero who is stable and strong, too. Plus, Nix is a scene stealer whenever she makes an appearance ^_^

Although, I think Elle Drake also fits the bill, too. I can't wait to read her book!

*fingers crossed for Hidden Currents*

AngelaG. said...

There r some too many to choose from but either eve dallas or mercy thompson

Dino Rubio said...

I think Sascha because she can feel emotions and she can just take that weight off of people's shoulders.

Lisa said...

I would love to be Eve Dallas. She's kickass and then gets to come home to Roarke.

Lisa Austin said...

I would like to be Holly from Kresely Cole's Dark Desires After Dusk. Or Eve Dallas because I'd get to kick butt and marry Roarke.

Natural Beauty Burra said...

Hmm, I think for a day or week I'd like to be Ella from Smooth Talking Stranger :)

KJsGrrl said...

I think I would want to be Mercy Thompson. Definitely.

I just finished Hidden Currents. So if I'm lucky enough to get picked, I would want Dakota Cassidy's book.

Hilcia said...

Argh! I'm torn!

Captain Chasidah Bergren from Linnea Sinclair's Gabriel's Ghost and Shades of Dark... she gets Sullivan... and SHE's the Captain, or

Kate Daniels -- Ilona Andrews' kick ass heroine. SHE gets Curran...

Only one? I always wanted to be the captain of a space ship... so I'll have to go with Chaz! ;P

Heather B. said...

I would have to say either Elena or Eve from Kelley Armstrong's Women of Otherworld Series. they are both strong females. I also like Mercy from Patricia Briggs series.

CrystalGB said...

I would like to be Keri Arthur's Riley Jenson. She is a kick butt heroine.

Anonymous said...

Super hard to decide really but I'd want to be Faith or Elena.

Faith because it'd be a test of will, strength and heart.

Elena because Raphael. :)