Monday, March 02, 2009

Angels' Blood Countdown: Shannon K Butcher - Burning Alive ARC

Winner: The random numbers chose LouiseD as the winner! LouiseD, please email me at nalinisinghwrites AT gmail DOT com.

The release of ANGELS' BLOOD is getting so close! I can't wait for March 3rd!

ANGELS' PAWN is already out! Check out the buy links here.

Today, I ha
ve an ARC of Shannon K. Butcher's paranormal debut to give away. I had the chance to read Burning Alive early and found it a great start to a new series - it's intense, passionate and the world building is unlike anything else out there.

Burning Alive releases May 5th this year and the ARC will be posted out when ready! Here's the blurb:
CAUTION : readers MAY feel the heat coming off the pages.

They are the Sentinels...

Three races descended from ancient guardians of mankind, each possessing unique abilities in their battle to protect humanity against their eternal foes - the Synestryn. Now, one warrior must fight his own desire if he is to discover the power that lies within his one true love.

Helen Day is haunted by visions of herself surrounded by flames, as a dark-haired man watches her burn. So when she sees the man of her nightmares staring at her from across a diner, she attempts to flee - but instead ends up in the man's arms. There, she awakens a force more powerful and enticing than she could ever imagine. For the man is actually Theronai warrior Drake, whose own pain is driven away by Helen's presence.

Together, they may become more than lovers - they may become a weapon of light that could tip the balance of the war and save Drake's people.
Today's entry question is: If you could have your way with one paranormal creature, which would you choose?

Oh, this one's hard. I do love my sexy, affectionate changelings, but the angels have something going for them too. Decisions, decisions!


Brooke Reviews said...

Hm ok, def vampire. I've read too much to not be interested in it haha

Anna said...

Oh thats easy, Vampire!


tetewa said...

Mine would also have to be definately a vampire most of them are sexy as hell!

Angela said...

Oh, that's so hard! There are things I love about so many of them. I can't pick. Vampire, Changeling, Angel. One of those three though ;)

Anonymous said...

Any paranormal creature that would be interested in me for me :P

Tracy said...

Hmm...either vampire or angel, for me.


I've read so many vampires over the years, I think I'm going to go with angels. Got to have some variety, yes?


Donna said...

Ummm, my first thought was vampire. But as I thought about it, still vampire but with a tan! *g*

Marnie said...

Vampire most certainly.

Louise Delamore said...

Dragon maybe, but Nalini's Big Cats are pretty darn appealing

jeanette8042 said...

oooh I would have to say a vampire! love them =)

CrystalGB said...

I would choose a cat shapeshifter.

Blodeuedd said...

I am such a sucker for vampires, lol, yes I would have to go for one of those...or a sexy elf wouldn't be wrong. It's the ears

Chris said...

Hmm. One of Nalini's Changelings (mmmm... sexy leopard men) or one of J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Anonymous said...

That's a tough one. I would have to say the wolf changelings :P

Anonymous said...

Oh my, tough question. I'll have to go with the vampire, because I've had a love affair with them longer than with the shifters, etc. Tall, dark, and fangy does it for me, what can I say! (Not that I would turn down a well built shifter, or maybe a gargoyle or hmmm.) Thanks for the contest!

Bridget Locke said...

I'd say a shifter of some sort. Yummy, warm, smells good...oh yeah. :D

Zhye said...

Djinn, I blame Rachel Caine's Weather Warden series. Her djinn can shift form any time they choose so I could have Johnny Depp, Miyavi, Cillian Murphy, or anyone else I wanted any day of the week. The added bonus is that they can merge energies which has all kinds of possibilities if you've read the series. Yummy!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I'm going to have to go with your angels. Not because it's your contest, but because I can kind of relate to Elena's fascination with flying. The idea of being high in the air and being able to look down....yeah, I wouldn't mind taking advantage of Rapheal's wings for a few moments. Granted, I would have a death grip on him the entire time, but it would still be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a shifter. A big cat shifter :)

Anonymous said...

Oh. Hot and hunky werewolves. Defintely.


Anonymous said...

Definitely Jericho Barrons (whatever he is)!!!!!

kevin_cindy @

Anonymous said...

Changlings or vamps. Can't pick one

Lisa F. said...

Vampire! Always had a thing for them!

Anonymous said...

Shifter, definitely shifter.

Spari said...

Probably a werewolf or some kind of shifter.

Unknown said...

Definitely a wolf changeling.

Anonymous said...

mmmm . . .give me a Leopard. I love cats and having a huge territorial, possessive, alpha kitty of my own would be Purrrrrfect!

Danni T said...

Shapeshifter/Changeling would definitely be my first choice. Next would be a vampire.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, a sexy vampire for me! ;-)

prajantr said...

Shapeshifter/changeling would be for me, I think. Definitely a dominant if not an alpha - love the presence and charisma.

I once thought vampire could be romantic, but somehow, the Twilight vamps undid that for me because they were cold and granite to the touch. I like warm.

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

Automatically drawn to pick the vampire. I'd love to "meet" a shape shifter be it werewolf or werecat.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ * Jess*

Anonymous said...

Definitely one of Nalini's cat changelings.

twalls said...

Oh my...this is hard. I guess I would say Carpathians (the "good" vampire-like beings in Christine Feehan's Dark series).

Unknown said...

Ohh vampire by a landslide!

Kat said...

I would like Hawke, please. I don't ask for much. *g*

Tannun said...


Unknown said...

i have this thing about werewolves.. i dunno why hehehe

Maigan Silverstein Rarick said...

Ooooh.... this is a hard question. I'm very fond of angels, myself. But werecreatures are nice, too... An incubus would be excellent, but I'd like to keep my soul, thanks.

Grrrr.... can I pick a paranormal creature I designed? Because if I could it'd hands down be my race of raptor human hybrids. Mmm, I'm such a sucker for them.

If I can't, then.... hmmm... it's a tie between angels and werebeasts. I just can't decide between them, they've both got their perks. *Coughintheskywithanangel.*

Christine M. said...

Shapeshifter of some sort (wolf, big cat...)... hmmmm!

Lisa said...

I would have to say vampires they have always been my favorite and probably always will be.

orannia said...

Changeling....leopard or wolf, but I think probably the former :) Although...they'd have to want me too :)

Anonymous said...

No contest... vampire!! They're too delicious for words! :)

Unknown said...

I'm going with a changeling ;)

Anonymous said...

Vamp. They are so sensual!

Wendy said...

Werewolf! Roarrrr. LOL.

dancechica said...

Gonna go with an angel 'cause the whole wings and flying thing would be really cool. But a changeling would be cool, too, 'cause they're so affectionate.

The_Book_Queen said...

I have to agree with so many of the previous commenters---Vampire, easy answer. However, the harder answer would be 'Which Vampire'? I mean, we have J.R. Ward's, Lynn Viehl, Christine Feehan's, etc... So many decisions! :D

The Brunette Librarian said...


The Brunette Librarian said...

Oh wow, I just realized that I met Shannon Butcher at a booksigning a few years ago. She was with her husband, Jim Butcher. Both from MISSOURI!! :) She was so incredibly nice as was he! VERY COOL!

donnas said...

Vampire, no question.

Missy said...

Wow that is a hard decision..but those changeling males...yummy!

Pamk said...

would have to be a dragon shifter definiltey. I could ride one in more ways than one lol.

Lori T said...

I would have to go with the vampire. There is just something oh so sexy about them.

Frances said...

I love me some werewolves...something about that wild, raw, animal energy makes me all kinds of happy. :)
And some of my fave characters are werewolves or have some connection to wolves...Lachlain and Bowen from IAD, Jacob from Twilight, Lupin from HP, and of course my fave HAWKE! :D

Anonymous said...

Give me a sexy Dragon anyday :)

LighthouseSandy said...

I love those Dark River cats, especially Dorian! Shifters do it for me every time.

Unknown said...

Werewolf. They keep can keep me warm!

Una said...

Oh goodness, do I have to choose? Can't I just have a bunch of them (vampires, shapeshifters, greek warriors, angels, dark-hunters) hunky paranormal hotties in a room for a party? And if any one of them happen to fancy me as I fancy them, well then...YAY for me!! =)

Anonymous said...

I'll take one of those sexy lykaes from kresley cole's series!!!


FD said...

A werecat or a werewolf, as long as their "parts" don't have any weird extras.

ShellBell said...

Definitely a shifter

Pearl said...

It's really, really hard to choose 'cause I like them all but if I really have to I say that vampires intrigue me the most.

Anonymous said...

A shifter, but only a big cat or wolf.

Dannyfiredragon said...

A shapeshifter, doesn't matter if it is a wolf, panther or tiger.

Kytaira said...

Some kind of feline Changeling / Shifter. Panther, Jaguar, or Leapord. Rippling suppressed power under a deceptively sleek exterior.

kim said...

One of Nalini's shape shifters - wolf or cat, doesn't matter. Those guys are all HOT!!!

May said...

Can I have psy? I love to think that under all those cool facade, there are the passionate man inside.

Katie said...

I would have to go with a werewolf. I have read a lot of stories with a lot of sexy wolves!

Lizzielvr said...

Toss up between a werewolf and a demon...don't make me choose!

Haylo said...

A shapeshifter of some kind, I love the animals :p

Heather B. said...

Vampire. They are just the sexiest things out there.

Anonymous said...

Very hard question. Probably a vampire. Maybe a shapeshifter. Uhh, both?

Unknown said...

I would've said werewolf until lately when I've read quite a few good cat shifter books. So probably any type of shifter/changeling for me.

Anonymous said...

A changeling, because they seem the most real to me. But I like most of the characters, so a vampire or an angel or whatever will do if a changeling isn't available.

Leontine said...

Can I do a Menage *wicked grin* If i had to choose it would be a shapeshifter. Although Archangels and Vampires are also very high on my list LOL

Anonymous said...

Vampire or changling ... man, the decisions!

MaryK said...

A were-cat of some kind. All that purring, what can I say. :)

Karin said...

This is definitely a hard question to answer because there are so many great paranormal creatures out there. I think I'd have to go with a Fae warrior - though I might like an Angel...

Peggy M. said...

hm... a shapeshifter or a vampire

DeeCee said...

Hands down werewolf.

Rebecca Chastain said...

An angel sounds great. It's all about the wings.

Darcy Jo said...

Definitely angels!! Because they have wings!!! Omg, the perfect man has wings. I know how crazy that makes me sound, but I don't care lol.

felinewyvern said...

Werewolf - but only if he shared all the good traits of a real wolf :D

Unknown said...

It's very hard to pick but I'd have to say one of the changelings, either leopard or wolf. They're not as scary as a vampire or werewolf to me.

Cathy M said...

One of the big cat shifters for me.

Amelie Markik said...

I'm on the changeling/shifter bandwagon. :) Thanks for the contest!

Shaymless Aymless said...

That's really hard to chose. I like them all but I think vamps are probably at the bottom of the list since the whole taking my blood would freak me out.

Leslie said...

I would have to go with a shapeshifter. The one I would want would be Curran from Ilona Andrews' Kate Daniels series cause he's my fav. *grin*

Wendy said...

Someone should count and see who's winning.

Vamps had the early lead but I see weres rapidly approaching the winning line!! (a la racing horses? who knows..)

Anonymous said...

It would have to be shapeshifters of any kind. I love how their personalities tend to be a reflection of their animals.

Anonymous said...

VAMPIRE. hands down. since i was nine years old i've wanted on one. :D

Anonymous said...

Shapeshifter for me as well- I think they are more sexier than vampires :D

Pam P said...

I really can't decide, can I have more than one? Vamp (Frost's Bones), purring cat shifter, dark angel. And yeah, whoever said Jericho whatever he is!