Monday, September 01, 2008

The Hostage to Pleasure Release Contest


To celebrate the upcoming (September 2nd!) release of Hostage to Pleasure the 5th full-length entry in the Psy/Changeling world, I'm running a fun contest all about being hostages to pleasure *grin*

What's up for grabs?

The winner, chosen at random, will receive a US$75 gift certificate from the online bookstore of your choice :)

What do you have to do to enter?

(a) Do a post on your blog, livejournal, myspace, facebook or website etc, where you answer at least one of the questions below. You can do all three questions if you like!
* Which fictional hero (from books, tv, movies...) would you most like to hold hostage?

* Which fictional hero would you most like to be held hostage by?

* Which fictional world would you most like to be held hostage in?
(b) link back to this post & mention the contest
(c) post the cover of Hostage to Pleasure if possible; and

(d) leave a comment here with a link to where you've posted your entry (if, for some reason, you can't comment, email me the details at nalinisinghwrites @ (without the spaces))

*NOTE: If you're leaving a Myspace link, please leave a link to your profile - the direct links to the blogs aren't working.
(e) do all this before midnight September 5th, 2008, PST.

And most of all - have fun!!


little alys said...

Woohoo! Hostage to Pleasure!!!
Must participate contest...too addicted to books. ;)
Hope you're doing well~~~

Margay Leah Justice said...

Hi, I just posted about your contest on my Myspace page here:


Love your cover, btw!

Nalini Singh said...

Alice - can't wait to see your entry!

Margay, yay, you're the first entry - but your link doesn't work. Can you email it to me? :)

CrystalGB said...

Hi Nalini. Great contest. I have posted about your contest to my blogger blog.

Amy C said...

Ohhh, I cannot wait for this book! I'll do a post tomorrow with my answers!

Thanks, you are so generous :)

Anonymous said...

here is my blog. .I hope I am lucky..

Mariana said...

Just to let you know, the book has been released in the Sony eBookStore today, just bought my copy.

Also, update on and myspace blog.

azteclady said...

Linked to the contest here, and will be also visible as a spotlight (scroll down a bit, right hand side) here later today or early tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I'm in...I've been waiting for this book since we were given a release date. Here's my post.

Jenny Schwartzberg said...

I found a copy of your book on Friday and gobbled it up. Wonderful!

felinewyvern said...

Posted here: and I know exactly what I would buy with the prize if I were to win ;)

VampFanGirl said...

I can't wait for Hostage to Pleasure! Here is my contest entry:

bel_78 said...

Hi, Mariana :) I tried to buy a copy at that store (my ARC got lost), but it only accepts credit cards from USA or Canada... But I just discovered that is already selling the book, so I cancelled my Amazon order, and ordered it in BN, choosing priority international mail :) I cannot wait a minute longer, auch...

Monica Kaye said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monica Kaye said...

I can't wait to read this story! I've been DYING since Clay's story. You can't crank them out fast enough for me to read.

So I entered the contest and here's my link:

And if I don't win, I know I only have a week to wait.

Amanda Ashby said...

The countdown is on!!!! I haven't entered your comp but I did blog about you!!! Roll on next week because this one is going straight to the top of my tbr pile!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nalini! I can't wait to read HTP!!! Here's my link to my MySpace profile.

Mariana said...

Hi Bel!! I read the book in 4 hours, it was sooo good. I was so sad to finish though :( And now the long wait til Mercy's book.

It must be said...I [heart] Nalini :)

Anonymous said...

Helen Gonzalez says....

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love contests!!!! But I love books more, so anything to promote a wonderfully genius novel woohoo!!!!

Here is the link to my myspace if there are any problems let me know, and you can also find me under Helenhikaru-in the friends list.

Have a great one!!!

LoL Helen G.

Anonymous said...

Nalini, I can't wait to get my copy *bg*
I've posted about this contest on my blog,

Anonymous said...

Helen says...

I guess I am really hungry 'cause I forgot to post my link:

My Bad :/

LoL, Helen G.

bel_78 said...

Yes, me too, Marian :)

I´m moving to another house, and due to the fact that I have tons of books (I studied Political Science, and love languages), I had to leave quite a few behind. All Nalini´s books are coming with me ;)

BTW, I read some of the blog postings in this contest, great writing, congrats !!

DrkCherry said...

I posted on LiveJournal. My post can be found here:

Shaymless Aymless said...

Woohoo! Contest!.... Must have book!
Here's my entry from my blog.

Courtney said...

This was fun! Getting to reflect on all those yummy males I read about was definitley enjoyable. :)

It's on my blog:

or just click my name on this comment. Thanks for the contest, Nalini! (((Nalini)))

Anonymous said...

Here ya go:
My contest entry!

Amy C said...

Hi Nalini,

Here is my link for the contest!

Caffey said...

I had so much fun doing this Nalini! And so can't wait for this to be out!! Just a few more days! Yes!!!

My blog is up with the book and all! at:

Anonymous said...

Mariana - you put it beautifully!

Nalini, my entry is at:

Good luck everyone!


Bridget Locke said...

Whoot! Here's the linkage!

Maybe one of these days I'll win something over here. :)

Bunny B said...

I've posted and answered!

bunnybx at gmail . com

Christina Phillips said...

Nalini you know how much I love these books! I've spread the word on my blog :-)

Crystal Adkins said...

HI Nilini :) ok my answers to a and b are Johnny Depp and the world would have to be, historic Ireland :)
I posted a bulletin on myspace, :)
Thank you so much for an awesome contest! Can't wait to meet you in Sept. at RAW :) I need to win your gift cert so I can buy more of your books to have you sign lol :)

Crystal Adkins

Anonymous said...

Hi!I just posted a blog on my livejournal!! heres the link:

Anonymous said...

YIPEE!!! Can't wait for the book! I just posted my answers to your questions. And I am sure I will get a lot of comments back about my answers! lol! Here's my page

Chris said...

Hey Nalini, can't wait for the new book, I am so excited it is finally coming out. I have been waiting for Dorian's story and will finally have a chance to see where is journey takes him next. He is by far one of my favorite men from the series. I posted a blog on my myspace page, please check it out,, and I hope I have represented you well, :). Take care

Heather said...

Hey, I just posted the answers to your contest questions on my myspace blog here:

I'm extremely addicted to books, and I can't wait to read Hostage to Pleasure!

Anonymous said...

I have also done the post thing. It can be viewed at Huzzah!

Tigerlady981 said...

I just posted mine at myspace. Here is the link.

I'll also give you the link to my main page.

I'm looking forward to reading Dorian's book.


Unknown said...

My Borders already has them out -- maybe I should gp pick it up...

Sena said...

Woo! Awesome contests! And I love the questions xDD!

Here's my answer!



LadyVampire2u said...

Congratulations on your upcoming release! And I just had to get in on the fun so I posted my answers and the contest up on my blog at

Anonymous said...

Can´t wait for the book(have already pre-ordered it!).

Here the link to my blog:

Anonymous said...

I posted about the contest.

Jessa Slade said...

I love this contest! A chance for book money AND content for my flippin' blog. Nalini, you are a genius. And a wonderful writer too!

I picked question 3. I decided Dune was too sweaty, Terre d'Ange was too pretty, and my own world was juuust right :)

Anonymous said...

Heather said...

I posted mine on my blog here is a link to it. I also put on my post a link to my review of Hostage..

Helen Hardt said...

Hi Nalini, I love your work. What a fun contest! Here's my link:


AnimeJune said...

Hey Nalini Singh! What a cool contest!

My blog entry is here:

Kristie (J) said...

Hey Nalini: I was on vacation so I'm a bit late, but here's my link:

Anonymous said...

Count me in the contest

Brie said...

I'm in! My entry is Here.

Wendy said...

Hi, Nalini! here's my entry, great contest! :)

Sarah said...

I had to enter this. Here is my blog post about it:

Leslie said...

My post is here. Reading Hostage to Pleasure and love Dorian and Shaya together.

Sally DeMille said...

Here is my contest entry!

Calilah said...

Coool!!! I love this contest! I can't wait for the book!!!!
Here's my
Link .

Barbara said...

Looking forward to this book.

Wishing you much success and lots of sales with this on.

Clicking on my name will get you to my blog..which I am just starting up very much a novice but I do have an entry for your contest.

BoxingKing said...

Hi, another contest post!

For some reason, the picture is x-ed out, but will work if you click on it... Sorry... no idea why... >.>

Christine said...

Hi Nalini!
I just posted my contest entry at the happily ever after . . . .

Thanks for running such a fun (and generous!) conest!

Anonymous said...

Link is here.

Better late than never huh?

little alys said...

I finally did it!!! Took me freakin long enough, but how can I not. :D

Thanks Ms. Nalini~~~~ I hope everyone's had fun, cuz I really did. Hehehehe.

alanajoli said...

I've also posted an entry--hope I'm not too late! (as well as my home page

Happy book birthday!

Andrea Laurence AKA Smarty Pants said...

Nalini - I'll use one of the questions as my blog topic Friday on the Playground. Be sure to stop in and see everyone's answers!

Ciara said...

Another great book! Thank you!

Ciara said...

Oh, html. Why can't blogger do links automatically?? Let's try this again:

Ciara's Hostage to Pleasure Post

dd said...

Wow, this is really fun! I found this on Amanda Ashby's page, and she was saying you're from NZ too! Yay, go kiwis! I get really, really excited when I see fellow NZers or even Aussies on the blogs- they're just so rare! I hail from Auckland but I'm at Otago Uni at the moment. (Hehe, I've always wanted to say that whole 'I hail from' thing!) I was looking at your website, and it is so awesome! You are so lucky that you get to travel to so many places around the world, and write awesome stories- it sounds like a dream life. =) I think I'm ranting now, so I'll just say that I blogged about this contest here:

Thanks so much for reading this really long comment- I sort of go off on a tangent sometimes, whoops!
Hope you have an awesome day!
~Lucy D =)

I ♥ Book Gossip said...

Ooh I would like to be entered.

Cindy W said...

I just posted on my blog. Check it out at:
